Rules of the Brotherhood

1.No member shall ever kill an innocent player

2.The only time a member shall kill another player is when they are killing a PK or acting in self defence

3.No member shall use Townkill cheats, superweapons or other instant kill cheats unless directed by the Deathmaster in order to kill a PK

4.Members of The Brotherhood must kill known PK's and disgraced members on sight

5.Members of the Brotherhood must render assisstance to fellow members in need

6.Members of The Brotherhood must obey their superior officers unless the order is clearly a violation of the Brotherhood rules or puts the player's life in danger

7.All kills must be reported to the Deathmaster of one of the Highlords to be counted

8.Any member entering into a contract must fulfill the contract or pay any money back in full

9.Members must act in a way as to uphold the honor of the Brotherhood

10. Alliances must be respected. New alliances can only be made by the Deathmaster. Any reccomendations for alliances must be fowarded to the Deathmaster for consideration

11.No member of The Brotherhood shall interfere in any way in a duel. This includes enlisting outside help if involved in a duel.

12. No member of The Brotherhood shall dupe ears to gain advances in promotion. Only one ear from each PK will be accepted at one time.

The breaking of any of these laws is punishable in anyway the High Council sees fit. Any allegations of Law breaking by Guild Members must be submitted by E-Mail to the Deathmaster. At least one witness must confirm the allegation. If that witness is a guild member, the allegation will be considered to be much more substantial. If an allegation is made, the accuser, the accused and the witness may be called to trial.

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