Rei Ayanami & NGE Image Gallery

This is my personal shrine to Rei Ayanami, from the series neon Genesis evangelion! Look around a check back often, I usualy make changes once every two weeks and am always finding new pictures.

Last updated: Tuesday September 12th , 1900 (hehe)

Created: April 25th, 1999


WHAT THE HELL?!? HE UPDATED!!! yes, I am back from the dead and come with new images (well, new from my giant pile to add to the galleries). Expect more soon and we are talking a week or so soon, not the 6 month gap like last time ^_^. Oh, and to everyone who signed my guestbook, if I have not responded too you it is because I am on a 5 year old computer that decided that email is just one of the many MANY things it no longer likes to run.

I will be updating only once a month from now on cuz NO-ONE in, like, a month has done anything to help me out or even say anything nice about me :-( Only guestbook signing was for porn :-o Only real update is this rant and a few new links(and the spiffy new background) Bye for now and may the force be with you

OK, anyone who knows of any good anime link pages (like the anime web turnpike) TELL ME PLEASE!!! You will be greatly honored if trafic can be increased to my site

New EASY address For those forgetful folks out there(you know who you are) the NEW address is Http://

REWARD: Im looking for any MP3 or Animated Gif's from the series or princess mononoke that I dont have. E-mail me If you have any, and I can talk to you more. I am prepared to trade or barter for any you have! Name your price and it can probably be met!!!

Who is your favorite character?

Who is your favorite pilot from neon genisis evangelion?


Current Results


Rei Ayanami Shrine 1

Rei Ayanami Shrine 2

Rei Ayanami Shrine 3

Rei Ayanami Shrine 4

Rei Ayanami Shrine 5

Rei Ayanami Shrine 6

Rei Ayanami Shrine 7

Rei Ayanami Shrine 8

Rei Ayanami Shrine 9

Asuka Shrine 1

Asuka Shrine 2

Asuka Shrine 3 *NEW*

links to other pages and web rings

If you have any sugestions, comments, or pictures I dont have, please e-mail them to me or sign my guestbook !

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Click on Unit 00 or mail to

Important notice:dont send anything over 1000kb(1mb) to this e-mail. It will break it fragile little mind and start deleating stuff! if you have large files to send, please break them up into smaller ones and send over a few days, or tell me so I can get it before yahoo deletes it!
Evangelion is a copyright of Gainix or something...They own EVA, NGE and the whole sha-bang. The images were done by people who I dont know...And I found them places. If your images are here, against your wishes, I will take them down or give you credit and link to you, if you can show me proof of your ownership or something like that...If I did take your stuff, Im REALY sorry!

you can stop scrolling down now...this is the end!