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Each country on Dorimghen has its own language and dialects, but for practical and commercial purposes, it is the language of the Ardun Empire that is the most widely spread on the continent. It is called the Dûnic and can be considered the closest to a common language. Most people understand it at least partially. This language uses a written form in a runic alphabet composed of 44 consonants, representing 20 sounds that can be pronounced with or without a breath to lengthen them,   28 vowels (single and composed), with short or long sounds and 6 signs to alter the tone of the syllabs. It is a tonal language, with 5 tones (high, low, rising, descending and flat) that give different meanings to the syllabs. (Ex:  Tay with a descending tone means "don't", and Tay with a rising tone is a word used to introduce a question.)

There is no separation between the words. When writing in Dûnic, breaks appear only to mark the end of a sentence.

The names mentioned in the various descriptions of the continent are all in Dûnic.  Sometimes, because of its widespread use, this language is also known as Ghenic.

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Dorimghen uses the Ghenic calendar, originally created by the Ardun Empire.

One year is made of 384 days, that form 12 months of 32 days. Every 12 years, one day is added at the end of the year to compensate for the slight difference between this system and the actual orbital period of Sharene. This extra day is called the TUNAR. A year with 385 days is called a Tunar year.

The year is divided in 6 seasons of 2 months:

-DRASIL (Winter)  Months: ARAD and GUDUR

-KARMAL (Renewal) Months: ELMA and SUIRA

-KARSIL (Spring) Months: ISUIL and FINIL

-TULVAS (Summer) Months: ETAS and THAEL

-GELOS (Autumn) Months: KYROS and GENAR

-DRAMAL (Fall) Months: DRATH and MORAD

Each months is divided in 4 weeks of 8 days:

The weeks are : PREA, EREA, MOREA and TAREA


Each day is divided in 24 hours.

These hours are split in two parts, from midnight to noon, and noon to midnight.

They are split in 6 watches of two hours, with the low watch in the morning and the high watch in the afternoon. Thus, the first low watch goes from midnight to 2 in the morning, and the 6th high watch from ten in the evening to midnight.

The watches are numbered from one to six. The first hour of a watch is called AST, the second hour is ORT.

Thus, the time of the day can be expressed like, for instance, "Ast 3rd high watch" (for 4pm).


The current Campaign year according to the Dûnic calendar is 5301.



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Many gods are worshipped all over the continent, by human and other species. The main Ghenic pantheon though, present all over the land is the Dûnic pantheon. Here are below the major gods of Dorimghen.

Nota: these gods can be directly adapted to the Dungeons and Dragons pantheon. For this purpose, the name of the equivalent god in D&D rules is given after the name of the Ghenic God.

ARMATHON (Heironeous) God of Valor.

THORYM THE CARVER (Moradin) Chief God of Dwarves.

ELERIA (Yondalla) Goddess of Telerions (Halflings).

FRESIA (Ehlonna) Goddess of the Woodlands.

GRAMAK (Garl Glittergold) God of Gnomes.

ELLION (Pelor) the Two headed God of the Suns.

ALVELINTHEL (Corellon Larethian) Chief God of the Elves.

DORMAG (Kord) God of Strength.

JAELLA (Wee Jas) Goddess of Death and Magic.

BRADANGON (St. Cuthbert) God of Retribution.

ASCOR (Boccob) God of Magic.

DARNUC (Fharlanghn) God of Roads and Canals.

ALKEAS (Obad-Hai) God of Nature.

IRSOTH (Obad-Hai) God of the Sea.

ESPERETH (Olidammara) God of Thieves.

VISHIL (Olidammara) God of the Winds.

ARTHYL (Hextor) God of Tyranny.

RACHMA (Nerull) God of Death.

VRATH (Vecna) God of Secrets.

SHADRAKH (Erythnul) God of Slaughter.

ORGHASH ( Gruumsh) God of Orcs.


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