Nota: Longer description of the races can be found on the Sharene background campaign.



Natural Maximum is 12 in every characteristic.

Size from 1.45m to 2.15m

Different Human Races: Ghenics, Audrans, Myrions, Grey, Hadati, Tuzla, Karnedain, Valinkars, Tarans, Pamalians, Lambrians, Kosani.

The various human races differ mainly by their size and skin color. Ghenics, Karnedain, Pamalians, Lambrians have a white-pinkish skin color. Audrans are tanned. Myrions have a golden hue to their skin, Grey have a grey skin, Hadati and Tuzla are yellowish, Valinkars have a bronze hue, Tarans are black and Kosani have a green hue.



Sub-specie of human, they are like hobbits.

Natural Maximum is 13 in Perception and Agility

Natural Maximum is 12 in Endurance and Dexterity

Natural Maximum is 11 in Intelligence

Natural Maximum is 10 in Willpower and Charisma

Natural Maximum is 9 in Strength

Size 0.9m



Natural Maximum is 14 in Endurance

Natural Maximum is 13 in Perception

Natural Maximum is 12 in Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence

Natural Maximum is 11 in Charisma Agility and Willpower

Size: 1.30m



Natural Maximum is 13 in Perception and Endurance

Natural Maximum is 12 in Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence

Natural Maximum is 11 in Charisma Strength and Willpower

Size: 1m



Natural Maximum is 14 in Charisma

Natural Maximum is 13 in Perception, Dexterity, Agility

Natural Maximum is 12 in Endurance and Intelligence

Natural Maximum is 11 in Willpower and Strength

Size: QUESTAR 1.9m, SILDAR 1.7m, KATALUVAR 1.7m, ALUDAR 1.8m

The Questar are the most noble race of elves, more remote and living in their own protected kingdoms. Sildars are wooden elves, living in forests, and the most common to mix with human. Aludar are sea elves, living on islands and roaming the seas. Kataluvars or dark elves live usually underground, have a dark skin and the bad reputation of committing evil deeds.




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