Global Warming



Airsite - information and technology exchange on international research in atmospheric chemistry.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality Glossary

Atmospheric Chemistry Data & Resources - information about UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite), TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer), SSBUV (Shuttle Solar Background Ultraviolet), and other atmospheric chemistry related data.

Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) - UK atmospheric research project providing data on tropospheric chemistry relevant to global climate change.
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Global Change - from the USDA's Current Research Information System (CRIS).



California Global Warming Coalition - features news, action alerts, and an examination of the possible effects of global warming on California.

Campaign ExxonMobil - religious shareholder initiative to compel Exxon to take responsibility for its role in the problem of global warming and to make a serious commitment to the development of sustainable solutions.

Carbon Modeling Consortium - founded to develop a carbon system model capable of providing assessments of past, present, and future CO2 sources and sinks that affect atmosphere.

Center for Environmental Information - promoting understanding, communication and action on local issues and the global climate change crisis.

Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change - non-profit organization interprets and disseminates current peer-reviewed science dealing with the effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels on the biosphere.

Climage Change - an Environmental News Network global warming special report.

Climate Action Network

Climate Change - Natural Resources Canada - provides a gateway to all climate change-related information in the department, including energy efficiency, earth sciences, satellite observations, and forestry.

Climate Protection Initiative Home - a partnership between World Resources Institute and private firms to identify acceptable policies and business strategies for achieving strong climate protection goals.

Climate Protection Solutions (CPS) - resource centre of success stories, opportunity areas, tools, and resources on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



Ernst Meijer's Page - includes research on the effects of aircraft emissions on the composition of the atmosphere.
Environment Site, The - make automatic donations to help CO2 reductions and global warming. Donations paid for by their sponsors.



Global Warming Central - comprehensive site covering the debate, with news and updates; key experts, documents, and treaties; discussion and other resources.
Global Change - a review of climate change and ozone depletion.

Global Warming - information and resources on what is known, potential impacts and what can be done.

Global Warming Information Page - project of the Cooler Heads Coalition, formed to dispel the myths of global warming by exposing flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis.

Global Warming International Center - disseminates information on global warming science and policy, serving governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industries in more than 120 countries.

Global Warming Skeptic's Page - essays and links to information critical of global warming claims.

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? - is global warming a reality? This research paper explores different points of view.

Global Warming: Focus on the Future - interactive explanations of the phenomenon, with pictures.

Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast - award-winning exhibition on the greenhouse effect developed by EDF and the American Museum of Natural History.

Green House Network - dedicated to public education about the dangers of climate change, and the need for urgent action to halt global warming.

Greenfleet - provides a way to reduce the impact of your car on the environment.

Greenhouse and Climate Change in Australia - climate change newsletter, cost effective methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and land cover change.

Greenhouse Effect, The - an overview of the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Greening Earth Society - believes that humankind's industrial evolution is good, and using fossil fuels to enable our economic activity is as natural as breathing.

Greenpeace: Climate Crisis - campaign against human-induced climatic change, caused by steadily escalating emissions of the so-called greenhouse gases.


Heat Is Online, The - based on a book by Ross Gelbspan.

HotEarth.net - information and activism resource for global warming concerns.


International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project - purposes are to understand how the chemistry of the global atmosphere is regulated and what the role of biological processes is in producing and consuming trace gases.

Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry - describes photochemical smog/tropospheric ozone, global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, acidic deposition, and toxic air pollutants.





Make Your Voice Heard - opposing the United Nations Rio Treaty on climate control. Offers a space for you to contact your local congressperson with your opinion.


NASA Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer - information, data, and images for all TOMS instruments, which provide global measurements of total column ozone on a daily basis.
NOVA & Frontline: What's Up With the Weather? - investigation of the complex scientific, ethical, and political issues surrounding possible human-induced global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
NASA Climate News - the latest research on global warming, urban heat islands, lightning, and more.

National Geographic: Riddles of a Changing Climate

New Scientist: Global Warming Report


Ozone Action - non-profit public interest organization focused exclusively on two atmospheric threats: global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion.


Paleo Perspective on Global Warming, A - shows how paleoclimate research relates to global warming and other important issues regarding climate variability and change.

Permafrost and Climate in Europe (PACE) - monitoring the impact of global climate change on permafrost geothermal regimes in the mountains of Europe.

Public Perceptions of Global Warming




Skies Above Foundation - focuses on environmental issues and environmental education related to the atmosphere, especially climate change and ozone depletion.

Spotlight on: Climate Change - provides information on climate change and policy. From the U.S. Department of State.


ThinkQuest: Heat Watch - interactive learning center designed to enhance student's understanding of global warming.


Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite - providing data that will yield a better understanding of the upper atmosphere and the effects of natural events and human activities on that region.
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office - provides access to data and information on global environmental change research.



Warnings from the Ice - explore how Antarctica's ice has preserved the past going back hundreds of thousands of years, and then see how the world's coastlines would recede if some or all of this ice were to melt.

Weathervane - a digital forum on global climate policy.

World Book Encyclopedia: Is Earth Overheating? - examine the natural and human causes of climate change, review the greenhouse effect, and study possible effects of global warming.