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This will search all of my pages. There is help for a lot of problems with Windows 98 here. The Win98 Articles and Windows 98 Help pages contains multiple "Fix-its". I update them about every two to three weeks.


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Welcome to my Windows Site. I hope you find the help that you need. I've already updated to Windows Me and have had a very good install. I've only had to use the new System Restore once after updating the Windows Media Player, it worked as it should and now I'm working as I  should. I chose the upgrade route instead of a clean install because I have some older drivers/hardware that were working as I wanted.

I'm working on a Me page and will post it soon. As with any update or upgrade, you mileage will vary depending on the compatibility of your hardware and software. Good Luck,,,,, 

This site uses a lot of scripting, so some of the older browsers will not work properly on some pages. 


Comments and Suggestions

Please send me mail if you can't find the answers you need.

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Copyright © 1996-98 Richard Mask
This page was last updated on 11/26/00.

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