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      This is my first stab at a complete website so just bear with me...My name is Rob and this is just a hobby of mine.  I just wanted to quickly inroduce myself and and let you know what you'll be able to find here in the belly of my site.  I have a couple of links on the index page with some pages on things that interest me like the Star Wars page and my Music page.  Most of the pages have a mass of additional links to many other sites that I use on a frequent basis dealing with the given topic to help you out as well.

      Well, the main purpose of this page is to establish a place for my visitors to come, catch up with me by posting in my guestbook, do some surfing, and see some great pictures I have scanned in and to recieve some constructive criticism from them all on what they'd like to see up here.  My second purpose to put up a great amount of information for anyone who wants to use it, like links to great web site building help, as well as give my visitors things they can take and use for themselves like great images and animations, some great web building tips, and just a place you can come to to begin a search on a given topic.

      Now, as for me, I'm from New Jersey and I was born March 7th, 1978.  Right now I am in my senior year at Loyola College in Maryland where I have a major in Biology and a minor in Computer Science. I recently finished my Fall semester and am preparing for my last semester at college.  Thank God I have completed all of my graduate school applications and fellowship programs.  I am applying for either a Masters or Ph.D. program at five schools in Bioinformatics, which you can read all about and check out some interesting links at my Biology Page.  I have a girlfriend, Quinn, of almost five years in November.  She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and you can check out some pictures of her and us together here.  Now, my friends...those group of crazy kids you can check out on my My Buds page.   They are the finest bunch of friends a guy could ask for...most of the time.   Just kidding guys...uh, I swear.  I had an internship over the summer and just finished a mini-internship over this past Winter Break at a great drug discovery company in Princeton, NJ called Pharmacopeia.  It was the best summer and break ever because of this place, not only because of the experience I have gained but the people I have met and befriended and the discussions I have had to helped to direct me a bit and to help me understand a little bit more about what to expect in the real world.  And of course there is my family.  If it weren't for Quinn and them I wouldn't be where I am today and you can check out the 'rents and wonderful <sarcasm> sibling over here.   Okay...enough about me.  Now it's your turn, sign my guestbook, tell me about yourself and any comments or questions about the site or what you'd like to see here.   Thanks for visiting and be sure to come back real soon.

Well, I hope my site proves helpful...so, just sit back, relax, and click away...