Bretonian Herald

Noble defenders of the Sacred Grail Unite

Knight pictureThis page is dedicated to those noble knights who have pledged their very lives to the service of the lady of the lake - Fay the Enchantress, keeper of the sacred grail.
We and our allies seek the good and the fair and condemn the evil and the foul. Kneel and offer fealty to our banner or go in peace and perhaps carry our message of truth and faith abroad.
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The time is ripe

Too long now, have we suffered defeat and the slow eating away of our lands by the foul, coldhearted Lizard clans. They seek to take our noble towers and pinnacles and turn them into warrens of evil and cruelty. Our noble knights have fought to the death on the borderlands to defend purity, but have been vanquished by the cynical and inhuman.

Now marauders from the orclands seek to take advantage of our suffering to gain glory and riches for themselves. We must unite and call to arms more of the brave, beg the lady herself to support and bless our true aims and finally crush the defiling throngs.

Rumours of hope from the Forest of Loren

Runners from the borders of our fair country bring news of hope for our people. Word has come from the noble subjects of Orion and Ariel that the fair folk have heard of our plight. Too noble to beg are we but long have the Elven people seen the difference between evil and justice. Methinks perhaps we will have to tarry but little more before the Elven warriors take up arms and join us.
Even we hear rumour that an Elven mage is being brought forth from the depths of Loren to aid us. Take hope.
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