____a little about me_______________________________________

Okay, if you came here, I am REALLY, REALLY surprised and flattered (that is unless you accidentally selected the link -_-;). Usually, I would only go to a 'about' page, if I think his/her website is really good, so good, that I want to learn more about the creator. So, many thanks. You are kind. Very kind.

Anyways, about me:

age: undertermined as of yet (^_^)
gender: female

likes: SM, anime, pro-wrestling("What does everyone want?! What does everyone need?!), baking, kittens, drawing, RPG's, either a)helping others, or b)making others get embarrased or suffer (I'm rather sadistic when I'm mad)

dislikes: people who lie, people who think I'm lying, moths (I really, really hate moths), and needles and pins on the floor (you have no idea how many times I've been stuck with one, it's like my foot's a magnet, and I pick them up so that evryone else doesn't get stuck -_-;)

my favorite T.V shows (in order):
1. Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
2. The X-Files
3. ER
4. WWF
5. The Outer Limits

most disliked T.V shows:
1. Cops
2. To Serve and Protect
3. Matlock

my favorite bands (in no particular order):
the Matthew Good Band, Big Wreck, Pearl Jam, U2, the Dave Matthews Band, Econoline Crush, Big Sugar, and the Tea Party

my favorite songs (in no particular order):
"Voices", from Macross Plus, the movie; "With or Without You", by U2; "Heaven's Coming Down", by the Tea Party

my least favorite type of music: techno, or dance

How I would describe myself: I know my responsibilities in life. I appear mature. I have many secrets, and different sides to me. People are often surprised when I do something outrageous. I care a lot about others, but don't generally show that. My standards are high, and I'm tough on myself. I rarely lie. I don't think I'm smart.

How others would describe me: She a perfectionist. She has high ethics and morality, sometimes it seems like she takes thinks too seriously, or makes a big deal of things. She's nice. She never lies. She's quiet. She's smart.

Some rules I live by in life:
1. Everyone:
    -has problems (if you have problems, suck it in, live with it)
    -will feel lonely at one time or another
    -has dreams and wants
2. You will ALWAYS want what you don't have
3. Never complain about something you can change yourself
4. When you want to do something, do it, you don't want to
regret missing an opportunity
5. It's easier to be nice than mean.