Welcome to Shane Hill's Home Page

Latest News

9 Oct 2003 Just added V-2.1b3 from 4 Apr 2002 to this site.
4 Jun 2002 Updated all my e-mail adresses to "sdhengsoft @ tpg . com". au. My old ISP Free2aiR bit the dust.
5 May 2002 Brad has released an update of Notes2Notes to V-2.1b3. This fixed a few comms problems. You can get the EXE from Brad Smith.

Old News

Table of Contents



Newton Software

I have been dabbling in writing applications for the Apple Newton Message Pad since April 1997. This home page is in a basic format so that it is Newton friendly. My first application was a dice rolling application written using the Apple Newton Development Toolkit (NTK) under Microsoft Windows™. However, all my current applications have been written and compiled directly on the Newton using Steve Weyer's Newt application , (Thanks Steve). My software releases include:


Coming Very Soon

X-Windows Software

Messages to: Shane D. Hill (sdhengsoft @ tpg . com . au)

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