International Neurological Science Fellowship Program opportunities for
junior or mid-career health professionals and scientists in the neurological
sciences to enhance their basic or clinical sciences research skills in a
research setting in the United States. Preference will be given to
applicants from developing courtries who are currently working or planning
careers in health organizations or health professional schools. Applicants
must demonstrate that upon completion of the fellowship they will have the
opportunity to use their home newly acquired skills to teach or direct
others, or to pursue research, upon return to their home country. The
objective of this Fellowship Program is to prepare candidates for leadership
position in research, academic and public health institutions. Three
fellowships are available each year. They are awarded only to applicants of
the highest quality.

Provisions of Fellowships

International Neurological Science Fellowships are normally awarded for a
period of 12 continous months, although in certain situation they may be as
few as 9 months.
Extension are possible under certain circumstances. The level of stipend
(ranging from$21,000 to$32,300 per annum) depends on the number of years of
post doctoral or other relevant professional experience of the awardee. The
U.S host institution receives a modest allowance to cover such costs as
health insurance and supplies. The home institution of the awardee provides
the round-trip transportation to the U.S. host institution.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for an International Neurological Science Fellowships, an
applicant must: hold an earned doctoral degree (M.D., Ph.D., D.V.M., D.D.S.) or the
equivalent in a health science field at the time of submission of a
preapplication to WHO;
submit an application that contains a research plan,
indicate in the application how the experience sought will be used in the
candidate's future career and by the home institution;
have a sponsor in the United States affiliated a public or nonprofit
institution who has agreed to accept the applicant;
be proficient in spoken English. Applicants are required to take the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEL) Examination to demonstrate
proficiency when the native language is not English. (For more information,
please contact TOEFL, P.O.Box 6151 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USA)

Application and Review Procedures

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility requirements may obtain a
three-page preapplication from WHO. Write to: Unit of Neuroscience, Division
of Mental Health and Prevention of Substance Abuse, World Health
Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. The preapplication should
include: (1) title of application, (2) proposed research plan; and (3)a
statement about how the knowlege gained will be used upon return to the home
institution. The home institution must submit a statement that the
application will be employed upon completion of the fellowship.

The Preapplication should be submitted to WHO at the above address. It will
be evaluated by a committee composed of a representative of WHO, the Heads
of WHO Collaborationg Centers for Research and Training in the
Neurosciences, and experts from the World Federation of Neurology.

Potential candidates whose preapplications are approved will be sent a
formal U.S. Public Health Service application form by WHO. Application will
be responsible for ensuring that their applications are complete and are
submitted for evaluation in a timely manner to WHO, Geneva. The WHO
Committee will review and rate all applicants.

The following schedule is in effect:

February 28 - Deadline for receipt of preapplications by WHO

May 31 - Deadline for receipt of complete application by WHO

August 31- WHO transmission to NINDS of applications successfully rated
during primary merit review

November 30 - NINDS final review selection of awardees
Criteria that enter into the decision to recommend approval or dispproval
of the application and that influence the rating of approved application
include the following:
.merit of the research to be undertaken by the fellow under the guidance of
the sponsor, relevance of the proposed research to research problems in the
neurological sciences; adequacy of the educational background and experience of the applicant to
undertake the proposed program; the compatibility of the objectives stated by the applicant and those
envisaged by the sponsor;

Whether the proposed felllowship will provide a significant expansion in
knowledge of the applicant.

WHO forward the apllications and its priority ratings to the NINDS, which
makes the final selection decisions and provides funding. Candidates may
address questions to WHO about the status of their apllications.

Award of Approved Fellowship

A Notice of Research Fellowship Award will be sent to each awardee by the
Fellowships may be activated any time within 1 year of the date that the
official award is made.

The NINDS will inform applicants who have been offered an award how to
proceed and provide information about National Institutes of Health policies
governing fellowship awards.

The sponsoring institution will provide the awardee, who must obtain a
passport from  his or her country, with a Certificate of Eligibility for
Exchange Visitor Status (From IAP-66). The passport and certificate of
eligibility must be presented to the U.S. consulate to obtain a J-1 visa
which is required to enter the United States to activate the fellowship.

General inquiries about fellowships in the neurological sciences mays be
directed to either of the below organizations

Unit of Neuroscience
Division of Mental Health and Prevention of Substance Abuse
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Tel: (+41 22) 791 3621
Fax: (+41 22) 791 4160

Regional Office for Africa
World Health Organisation
Parienytwa Hospital
P.O. Box BE 773

II) IBRO offers its members the following fellowships for 2000 :


IBRO Research Fellowships for neuroscientists from developing under the age
of 45 to work one year abroad.

One INSERM/IBRO Research Fellowships for neuroscientist under the age of 45
to work one year in Hungary or for six months in the Czech Republic.

Applications for the above fellowships should be submitted to the IBRO
Secretariat (51 Bd de Montmorency. 75016 Paris France) no later than April
1.1999 ans should include the following documents (no application form is
required) a shot curriculum vitae, a short  research synopsis, a list of the
applicant's five most important publications, a letter of acceptance from
the receiving institute


The Society for Neuroscience offers Travel Grants for experienced
neuroscientist from developping countries for participation at international
neuroscience meeting in 2000.

IBRO offers Travel Grants for neuroscientists under the age of 45 from
developping courtries for participation at international neuroscience
meetings in 2000.

IBRO offers Travel Grants for neuroscientists under the age of 45 from
developping courtries for participation at inernational neuroscience meeting
in 2000.

Application or Travel Grants should be submitted to the IBRO Secretariat
(51 Bd de Montmorency. 75016 Paris, France)no later than April 1.1999 and
should include the following documents (no application form is required): a
shot curriculum vitae; meeting to be attended (date and place), a short
statement on the importance of the applicant's atendance at this meeting for
his/her research.

Decisions will be taken by the Fellowship Committee no later than May 15.1999

Pr. Amadou Gallo DIOP
Departement de Neurologie
Hopital Universitaire de Fann
Tel +221 825 36 78
Fax +221 825 80 05
E-mail : gallo@telecomplus.sn