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If somebody outdraws you, smile and walk
away.  There's plenty of time to look tough
when you're out of sight.

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Talk low, talk slow and don't say too much.

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Few cowboys ever owned much.  The primary
reward of being a cowboy was the
pleasure of living a cowboy's life.

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Sometimes we have winter all summer
and summer all winter.  It's mighty regular
about not raining, though.

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Don't try on another man's hat.
It's almost as bad as getting on his horse.

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There were only two things the old-time
cowpunchers were afraid of:
a decent woman
and being set afoot.

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The mustang craved to wear no man's saddle.

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Something happens to a man when he gets
on a horse, in a country where
he can ride forever.

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Out there, one is truly alone with God.


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