C. Heff


Yes friends, its Heff here with more recipe tips straight from the Authorised Islamic Cookbook, as used by the Prophet himself.

And this issue's recipe tip is - How to make a chicken Halal.

First, find a chicken, fresh or frozen, doesn't matter. If you can't find a chicken, don't worry, any kind of meat will do, except pig meat of course. Yes, that's right, you can make any kind of meat Halal except pig meat.

In fact, the only foods you can't make Halal are running blood (yeugh!), carrion (double yeugh!) and meat, which have been dedicated to other than God. Everything else in the wide world is O.K. to mange! (6:145).

So, if you can't find meat, you can always eat fish (so no problems finding some Halal fish and chips, yum, yum - with plenty of salt and vinegar too!), or even insects (like tasty honeyed locust), not to mention ocean crustaceans (that's prawns and suchlike to you and me), or even seaweed (yuk). Yes, friends there's nothing here that can't be made Halal. (5.3).

And if you can't be bothered to cook, there's always fast food.

No, I'm not talking about a Mac Donalds (way too much mustard on that stuff for me, but that doesn't make it haram). I'm talking about fruit.

Yes friends, good old fruit -pick it, peel it, and eat it up - yum! Not to mention nuts (for instance almonds - so good for the skin and the stomach), and as mother always told me, eat up your vegetables. `Cause remember lots of vegetables are good for the digestion and help keep the blood pressure healthy, not to mention the heart - a regular treat.

Indeed, you can make all these foods and more Halal. And even if you can't find any regular foods like these and absolutely have to eat what would normally be uneatable, just as long as you mean no offence to God, you can eat it. (2:173).

Great! So now you've got your eating stuff, you've cooked it up, added herbs and spices, served the vegetables, prepared the dessert, laid the table and sat yourself down to eat. Just one last thing before you munch your nourishing and delicious Halal food - don't forget to garnish it by mentioning the name of God over the prepared meal just be-fore eating - Perfect! (16:115).

So, friends, there you have it, only four foods prohibited, and four easy to remember ayats to tell us all about them. No other rules required.

And remember friends that God gets extremely displeased with people who mess with his feeding advice. (16:112-116).

Well, that's it for this issue -straight from the world's best recipe book, as revealed to the prophet Mohammed himself, direct from God - How to make a chicken Halal!

There is a weak hadith reported by Abu Huraira, who narrated it to Al-Bukhari, who in turn told one of his chief scribes to instruct one of the junior scribes to write it on a palm leaf, and send it to Iran, where Tarmizi would include it in his collection. Unfortunately, it took 300 years for this hadith to reach Tarmizi, it came into Al-Hakim's possession instead. He tried to take the credit for it, but Abu Huraira's supporters lynched him at night, when he was lying on his side, with his legs crossed, and with a date in his mouth. The junior scribe's descendants decided that he was the rightful claimant to the hadith.

There was a great row over it. Many thousands of people were imprisoned over this issue. Now here is the hadith: "Never eat meat which has been cooked outdoors on an open fire ". Source disputed.