Ibrahim Ahsan


Its Origin & Meaning  

Fundamentalism is a word we often hear in the Western media being used
against Islam and Muslims. But few people know the origin, true meaning and
implications of this word.

According to the New Webster's dictionary Fundamentalism means: "A belief that the Bible is to be accepted literally as an inerrant and infallible spiritual and historical document; an early 20th century protestant movement stressing this belief; any similar belief and movement".

In another dictionary (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English), Fundamentalism has been defined as: "Maintenance of the literal interpretation of the traditional belief of the Christian, religion, such as accuracy of everything of the  Bible'.

Thus according to these definitions Fundamentalism is only applicable to Christians. The expansion of so called modernism and the consequential depreciation of moral values in the West called into question many of the teachings of the Bible.

To have strong religious conviction is considered by many to be narrow-minded, dogmatic, and even fanatic.

In addition, other forces in Christendom like science, philosophy, secularism, and materialism played their roles in raising doubts and fostering scepticism about religion and God.

While coming across many schools of thought in Christendom, one can find that there exists controversy as to the exact text of the Bible.

With this historical perspective, it becomes evident that the expression
Fundamentalism was evolved by Christians for Christians having strong religious convictions and belief in the literal mean of the Bible. In contrast, there is no such doubt about the Qur'an -in spite of the fact that fringe movements have often tried to distort it to promote their own diverse beliefs.

The Qur'an was revealed to last Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) by the angel Gabriel. Upon receiving each revelation, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) used to memorise it, and recite it to his companions.

All the Surahs of the Qur'an had been recorded in writing before the Prophet's death, and many Muslims had committed the Qur'an to memory.

With this retrospective, it is obvious that Fundamentalism is purely a Christian
Phenomena having no relationship with Muslims, no matter to what sect , religion, or school of thought they belong.

Western media started to use this word against Muslims, particularly, after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, because in recent history it was a major movement illustrating the influence of Islam.

Western media continues to defame Muslims and Islam, make false accusations against Muslims, and by distorting the history continues to give the impression about Muslims which is untenable and have no basis in truth.

The Muslims on their part should treat this word as a calumny against Muslims and a deplorable attempt of distorting our and others view about our religion and Qur'an

It should be understood that this word has a very serious and far-reaching
implications; it may mean that there are Muslims who doubt the infallibility of Qur'an, when truly speaking there is none.

For the Muslims who believe in one God and identify ourselves with the true
messages sent by Him to mankind through His Prophets. The continuity of faith in Him and the mode of current living with its challenges and influences is a repeated confirmation of His instructions and their universality for all times.

To those of us who use the expression of Fundamentalism for any category of Muslims, as a result of the influence of shallow norms of modern living and also of the Western media, is a clear manifestation of insufficient belief in God and His messages, and lack of knowledge and understanding of the teachings of Islam.