The study of Quran is noble and rewarding. But the SCQS from India, like many people, appears to study the Quran to justify what they are already practicing. This is why their report on Salat is incorrect.

You cannot read and analyse the Quran looking for something to suit what you are already doing. You must read and understand the Quran and then follow what you have learned.

You cannot make the Quran to suit you. It is you who must amend your belief to comply with the Quran.

The purpose of researching for and writing this report was presumably to find out what the Quran says about how many times a person should perform the Salat prayer.

In their report, the SCQS demand "Why should it be five alone?" But when you demand "Why should it be five alone? You have already made up your mind that it is five and you merely want God's Holy Quran to endorse and to justify what you are practicing!

This is a very negative approach towards the Quran. You must thoroughly, completely cleanse your mind of any preconceived ideas and start afresh.

Then and only then must you read the Quran. Start from scratch - from a piece of pure white cloth, as the proverb says. Only then can we see what the Quran tells us. Otherwise it is we who will be telling the Quran what to say. There are people who say three prayers and some say five.

The times to pray is mentioned in the Quran (11:114, 4:103 etc.), but to me God does not insist anywhere how many times one must pray each day.

To end this letter I will borrow a statement from the SCQS report: "There are words in Arabic for three and five. God uses these words in the Quran, but He does not use these words in relation to the salat prayers or to specify the number of times of the obligatory prayers".

This I accept as absolutely correct.
A. K. Saeed, Delhi, India.

In response to Mr. Deedat's most recent comments in your magazine (Signs issue 5) where he disowns the 'Nineteen theory' and the work of Dr. Rashad Khalifa.

I bring to your attention his book (the one referred to in his letter)'AlQuran -the Ultimate Miracle' to expose his hypocrisy.

In his own testimony in the section called Acknowledgement, he calls Dr. Khalifa 'a great servant of Islam'.

Apparently Mr. Deedat has crossed the Red Sea with Moses only to build himself a golden calf.
Sam Khalifa.
IPII, Arizona, USA.

Your book review of The X-Rated Bible (Signs issue 6) gave me a real insight into a different aspect of the 'holy' book. It's amazing that the church can still use this book for preaching.
Ali Mohammad, Stirling, Scotland.

I never seen such a cheapskate magazine as Signs since my school days.

You argue about things that don't matter and have no respect for the prophet, you forget that he put to shame, with no learning, the 'wisdom' of the learned.

You are what true men would like to call perverts who had perverted the language of Islam into jargons of empty elegance of uncaring futility.

By the way, who is the author of your Quran?
Abd Rahaman Kaga, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

I am writing to inform you of my view. I think the Signs magazine is a pioneering publication and it should be continued for a long time to come. I hope that people will take heed of God's Message and open their hearts to His guidance. I hope you continue to inform people.
A. Smith, Perth, Scotland.

I have been receiving Signs for 'some time. I had some interest in it for the first two issues. This month the copy went in the bin un-opened and it shall continue henceforth.
Ijaz Chaudry, Birmingham, England.


Signs magazine presenting a Quranic perspective for discussion and debate. We would like to hear from you. If you have any news, views or questions please write to us. Signs Magazine Strathyre House P.O. Box 164 Glasgow G3 6LR. (U.K.) Fax No: +44 (0) 141-331 2861 or Can e-mail us at