Tequila Sunset

Tijuana, Mexico, is a short train ride from San Diego. This American found Tijuana an interesting site. During the day, a shopper can find a bargain almost anywhere. Children show no fear attempting to help their family sell merchandise from the street. At night, Tijuana transforms itself into a bustling, metropolitan city. These pictures begin at the border and end at the border. Also pictured is the entrance to the Tijuana jai alai stadium.

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Home: Please sign my guest book
D.C. Landmarks: Photographs of Washington, DC
Kansas City Here I Come: Photographs of Kansas City, Missouri
Miami Nice: Photographs of Miami Beach, Florida
A Day at the Beach: Photographs of a southern California beach
Wacky Washington: More photographs of Washington, DC
Three Seasons in Des Moines: Photographs of Des Moines, Iowa
Houston, We Have Lift Off: Photographs of Houston, Texas
August in Southeast Iowa: Photographs of a hometown lake
Places to Go and Things to Do: Links to cities I've visited
Welcome to Miami: More photographs of Miami, Florida
Snow Day: Photographs of snowy Des Moines, Iowa
The Old Market: Photographs of Omaha, Nebraska
Remember the Alamo?: Photographs of San Antonio, Texas
European Adventure 2001: Photographs of Dublin, London, Paris and Madrid