Welcome to my humble abode on the web!

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web, it's nice to have the company!

You have obviously dropped in to find out a little about the individual who has way too much time on their hands and created this site....

Well, I am the mother of that darling boy over there on the right (go ahead scroll down and see the other photo, I will wait). He looks like many boys his age but he has a developmental disability, Autism. Parenting this wonderful little boy has been the catalyst for putting this site together. I want to share with other parents and professionals alike what took, for me, such a huge effort to learn.

It seems, as "Special Needs Parents", we are always having to re-invent the wheel to learn about the rights to appropriate services our children have. At least it often seems that way, in our own family story and those shared by other parents with me. So, I have put together some of my favorite internet resources for you to check out... Including links to the California Early Start Agency  and the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council (FICC) that I am privileged to be part of. I hope you find them helpful. I also hope, they will serve as encouragement along your road to becoming a strong advocate for that special person in your life.

There is no greater motivator than love. With that thought in mind, there is no greater advocate for your child than "you" , that loving parent ( or grandparent, too).

All The Best!

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P.S. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or suggestions, I would love to here from you!

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Last Updated October 3, 1999