A short fanfic, Pheb’s version

<Ami-chan> chat with *her* and total nutcase? Never!
<Li-chan> Someone's gonna get it soon... :)
<Cechan> AHH!!!!! ami-chan! come here, now!!!! *falls in tears* he hates me, hates me... sob sob
<Ami-chan> Don't cry Cechan, don't cry, it was Suboshi's joke
<turning to Suboshi> Suboshi, how *dare* you disguise as me and make Cechan cry!
<Suboshi> *gulps* It was a joke! I swear!
<Cechan looking up> Gotcha. *grin*
<Suboshi> hehe, I knew I didn't make you cry!
<Ce-chan> *falling in tears* mummy, I want my mummy!!!
<Amiboshi> brother!!!!!!!!
<Suboshi> enough already!
<Amiboshi, taking Ce-chan in his arms> now now, it's all right Pheb! come on....
<Lichan> Aw man, not a mushy scene again! Suboshi, did you *have* to make her cry?
<Suboshi> But.. but.. but...
<L> Geez ami-chan, how naive can you get? You fall in Cechan's same plot every time? Don't you know she just wants you to hug her again?
<Cechan coldly giving the evil eye> you were *saying* Lichan?
<L> *GULP*
<Amiboshi> hehe, I like to fall in her trap you know, I wouldn't fall if I wasn't enjoying this myself duh!
<Lichan> WHAT?????
<Suboshi *astonished*> I don't understand a thing
<Amiboshi> you're too young bro!
<Cechan *smiles* >
<Suboshi scratching his head> I missed something again?
<Lichan> You're too young Suboshi-san, you're too young...
<S> Huh?
<L> Just think of you and Yui and you'll get the picture
<S> *blushes* Oohhh...
<L> *grins* *now* he understands...
<Suboshi and Cechan hugging each other> *BIG GRIN*
<Cechan> but... why are you hugging me suboshi? it was supposed to be amiboshi not you
<Amiboshi> he'll replace me, I have to get my flute, there's a song coming to my mind
<Celes>don't go!!!!!
*exit Amiboshi*
<Celes>starts crying
<Amiboshi enters plays Pagasus fantasy>
<Celes> huh? where did you get that from!!!
<enters Seiya> Cechan! I missed you so much!! <goes and hug her> NOw wait a minute... who are these guys? and why are you glomping MY Cechan!!
<Cechan> *glup*
<Celes, standing, dragging Seiya out of the room> don't you see I'm busy with friends, now I'll see you later, ok? *Closed the door, leening on it* Phew! I thought I was gone for!
<Ami> who's he?
<Lichan> Pheb exboyfriend.
<Celes> But I Like you best *falling in Ami's arms*
<Seiya banging on the door> Cechan! Cechan! Why are your treating me like this?!!!
<Ami> The guy sounds desperate
<Cechan> Don't bother about him
<loud wailing noise coming from Seiya> But Cechan didn't even break up with me!!!!
<C openeing the door> Everything is over between us?
<Seiya VERY puzzled> Huh? What?!! WAAAHHH!
<Saori, Miho, Shaina coming in> COME TO US SEIYA!!
<Seiya with a BIG happy smile on his face> *grins* at least *some* people ... are still faithful to me. Guess my charm and good looks still work!
<Lichan holding head between hands> What an ignorant pompous fool... :)))
*they leave*
<Celes> at last! phew!
<Amiboshi> wow, he sure has many grils over him
<Celes> yeah...
<Suboshi> bro aren't you jealous he had Celes as a girlfriend
<Amiboshi *astonished *>
<Ami> What do you mean?
<Suboshi> Oh, nothing.
<Amiboshi> explain
<Suboshi> the weather is nice you know
<Celes> Lia, why don't we go get some food for the tea break?
<Lichan> good idea,like this, we'll leave the bros together!
<Ami looking at bro> *glares* *deep glares*
<Suboshi looking elsewhere> la la la la.....
<Seiya enters *looks like he's been crying*>
<Seiya> you two still here? where's Celes?
<Suboshi> she went to the kitchen to eat.
<Seiya, taking suchan by his shirt> so you're her new boyfriend! I will...
<Suboshi> no I'm not, it's my bro!
<Amiboshi> indeed
<Seiya> I'm gonna!!!!
<Ami> *playing flute*
<Seiya> ZZZzzzzzzzz
<Ami dusting off his shirt> See, no pro at all!
<Celes and Lia enters with cakes and stuff>
<Cechan> what you killed Seiya???? Why you!!!
<Amiboshi> he's just dreaming that you're back with him
<Cechan> not a chance!
<Amiboshi *smiling*> that's a good news!


<suddenly from the bed in the room where Seiya was sleeping, some crying is heard>
<Lichan> what? Seiya is crying??? LOL
<Suboshi> huh? why is it so funny?
<Lichan *ROTFL* > nothing, LOL
<Celes> Ami, it's getting noisy here, why don't we go some place else?
<Ami> just you and me?
<Celes *smilling* > yup.
<Lia> but who's going to help me and suboshi eat what we brought?
<Cechan> ok, let's go!
<Lia> hey, PHEB! didn't you hear what I just said!!!! The cakes is on the table!!!
<Celes*turning round suddenly*> cake? what cake? where????
<Lia *grinning*> you know, Julie's mum one, the chocolate pure chocolate one... she just brought it for chinese new year!
<Celes *taking a fork and a knife*> let's eat!!!! we'll leave after.
<Amiboshi *sigh* > girls, all they think about is eating
<Suboshi *taking a huge piece of cake*> miam, it's excellent, you should try bro!
<Amiboshi *sigh^2*> even my bro...
<Lia giving a piece of cake to Amiboshi> now taste...
<Amiboshi> I have got to take care of my weight you know
<Celes *going near Amichan*> ah, come on Ami! if you haven't tasted this, you didn't taste anything. try it!
<Amiboshi *stubborn*> no.
<Celes *smilling*> for me, please…
<Amiboshi *uneasily*> but…
<Lia *puting the piece of cake in Ami's hand*> now eat!
<Amiboshi> ...
<Cechan> please...
<Amiboshi *eats a bit* *look at the cake* *eat it all in less than 5 seconds*>
<Amiboshi> may I have an other one???
<Celes> of course *handing the cake ot amiboshi*
<Seiya *waking up*> it smells....cooking...cake...chocolate!
<Seiya *totally awake*> Yes, yes, give me a bite, I wanna taste.
<Amiboshi *handing the empty plate to Seiya*> here, that's all what's left!
<Seiya> huh??? what??? empty???
<*falls in tears*> I wanna eat the chocolate cake, booohoohoo, I haven't eaten since yesterday!!!
<Lia *rushing out of the room*> Wait!
5 seconds later...
<Lia entering with a piece of cake>
<Seiya> is it for me????
<Amiboshi> no, it's mine.
<*the two are holding one piece of the plate and trying to keep the plate for themselves*>
<Suboshi, coming near the plate, taking the cake, and eats it in front of Amiboshi and Seiya astonished>
<Celes+Lia> LOL
<Seiya and Amiboshi> boohooohoo
<Cechan, moving towards Amiboshi> ah, come on, don't cry, it's al right.
<Seiya> boohoohooo*2
<Lia *opens the door*> Saori, Shaina, Miho, we need you here!
<Shaina and June entering>
<Shaina> June, could you make Seiya come to my place, he escaped just a few moments ago
<June> no prob!
<*Seiya rushes in the arms of Shaina, and they 3 exit*>
<Cechan *still hugging Amiboshi, who fell asleep in her arms*> now, it's gonna be a bit less noisy here, Amiboshi won't get awoken
<Lia> yep, yep...
<Suboshi> it's no fair! Seiya gets this green hair girl, My bro has Cechan, and me, who do I get?
<Lia> *sigh* sorry, I'm with Tasuki
<Suboshi*falls in tears*>
<Lichan *goes to the window*>
<Cechan> oh, come here Suvoshi, come and sleep with your brother
<Suboshi, comes, falls asleep too>
<Lichan> What???? you take both of them! aren't you ashamed of yourself!!!
<Cechan *looking with large-opened innocent eyes*> why .... no!


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