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Welcome to our links page, expect this page to grow alot

Historic Enerprises Lots of high quality gear, be sure to check out Black Swan; I Love these guys!.

New World Arbalest The coolest crossbows on the Web.CURRENTLY A DEAD LINK

Lundegaard Armoury Weapons and Armour., This is a must see site, Hand-crafted weapons and armour, and lots of fun stuff.

Albion Armorers Check out the Black Prince Bascinet.

Starfire Swords Quality weapons for costume, decoration, and staged combat, these weapons do not have edges or points.

Museum Replicas All kinds of quality gear, weapons, armour, costumes, ect.

Christian Fletcher Armour A fine selection of armour at reasonable prices.

Valentine Armoury Lots of armour, even horse and tilting armour.

Chivalry Sports Lots of good stuff, including patterns for making your own costume.

Buckingham Palace The official Web site of the British Monarchy.

Other Link Pages

The Mother of all Arms and Armour link pages.

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