A Forgotten Spark

Burning sunset

whether you are a dream
Or just a figment of my imagination's scheme,
Whether you are real or not....
Matters little to me
For it would seem
From this friendship that has been brought
Like a warm gentle wind your sweet thoughts
Have fanned the embers of this sleeping heart,
Reawakening a forgotten spark.

A spark that almost died,
When I realized that the love of my life,
Had doubts and did deny,
What he felt inside.

Now together you and I,
Through this friendship gained,
Have travelled along our heart's shore,
To a higher spiritual plain.

Ebbing and flowing with strength transposing.
Our thoughts intertwined,
To a winding cobblestone path defined,
A path of endless possibilities,
Full of calmness and sensual tranquility.

Of where just one touch in thought,
Becomes a hightened feeling caught,
Of where in our dreams so bold,
With each other we now hold.

Of where we descend upon one another,
As if we are long lost lovers,
For with every thoughtful stroke
Memories sensually evoke,
As if forgotten lovers in another time,
Found halves to become one whole,
Two heartbeats now one soul,
And in our fantasies eye...
just you and I.

(C) Bette Cone 99

E-mail Bette at

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