The commands it accepts and the output are in  the following table

Camera sends Photo GPS interface reply Comments
ASCII code=65
DD_MM_SS_R_DDD_MM_SS_R Position only  Length=22 bytes
Latitude first
Sample output
37 55 22 N 023 42 24 E
ASCII code=66
DD_MM_SS_R_DDD_MM_SS_R_HH:MM Position and time Length=28 bytes
Latitude first
Sample output
37 55 22 N 023 42 24 E 08:27
ASCII code=67
DD_MM_SS_R_DDD_MM_SS_R_YY/MM/DD Position and date Length=31 bytes
Latitude first
Sample output
37 55 22 N 023 42 24 E 99/06/22
ASCII code=68
RDD_MM_SS__RDDD_MM_SS Position only  Length=21 bytes
Latitude reference first
Sample output
N37 55 22 E023 42 24
ASCII code=69
RDD_MM_SS__RDDD_MM_SS_HH:MM Position and time Length=27 bytes
Latitude reference first
Sample output
N37 55 22  E023 42 24 08:27
ASCII code=70
RDD_MM_SS_RDDD_MM_SS_YY/MM/DD Position and date Length=30 bytes
Latitude reference first
Sample output
N37 55 22 E023 42 24 99/06/22

DD            Degrees
MM            Minutes or Month for date field
SS            Seconds
R               Quadroon reference (N/S for latitude E/W for longitude)
HH             Hour
DD            Date
YY             Year