nokiahandanim.gif (35087 bytes) Nokia 51xx/61xx Data cables

There is a growing number of software programs for the family of Nokia GSM phones . These include programs that allow you to use your phone as a modem and connect to the internet, send faxes and SMS messages, upload new ringtones, operator and group logos.
To do all these, a special adaptor cable to connect the phone with the pc is required.



BreakingNews.gif (4096 bytes) Due to a major update to the site on-line ordering is disabled for the moment BreakingNews.gif (4096 bytes)

The cable is now availiable to buy online. Click on the picture below
smallcon.gif (8865 bytes)
Get the Nokia Cable

 If you feel you can handle a soldering iron here are instructions on  How to build the Nokia Data Suite Cable for the 61xx/51xx (complete instructions  with PCB schematics)
By Angelos Gonias

This page was last updated on 20-09-2000.

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