Public Statement
Civil Society groups condemn the E. U. Decision


The European Union (E.U.) decided to pull out of south Sudan and
suspended its humanitarian assistance to the war-affected victims in
the area. The decision came in the wake of the Memo of Understanding
(MOU) which was introduced by the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation and
Relief Association (SRRA) in order to regulate humanitarian assistance
and services to the people of south Sudan. Since 1989 tens of
international NGOs and the United Nations have been bringing in
humanitarian assistance worth of tens of million of dollars. To date
no one knows the impact of such massive operations. Donors and tax
payers the world over are getting fatigue due to pumping in money year
after year to south Sudan. The people of south Sudan are also losing
hope. Something needed be done to systemize this overwhelming work.
Basic services such as health, sleeping sickness and river blindness
are still high in many locations in south Sudan, shelter and quality
education have not improved. The quality of life remains almost the
same, if not worse. There is a serious problem of relief dependence
syndrome. Lack of participatory development remains prevalent in the
war-areas. Where do all the money that is solicited in the name of
south Sudanese people go? This is the golden question which no one
can give an answer to. Something must be done, now or never. 10
years is long overdue enough time for checks and balances.

However, the E.U., the biggest donor in the south, and without
any humanitarian considerations decides to pull out of south Sudan
because of the MOU introduced by the SRRA. One needs to examine this
unfair decision. Yet on the other hand, the E.U. decides to assist the
Sudan Government (GOS) with $11..3 for humanitarian-assistance.
It is the GOS, which the E.U. needs to stop aiding. The GOS
continues to blatantly kill its civilians in the south and Nuba
Mountains on daily basis by using indiscriminate aerial bombardment,
helicopter gun ships, militia groups, abduction and slavery among other
gross human rights abuses. The money allocated by the E.U. for the GOS
will almost certainly be used to kill more civilians in the
war-affected areas. Can the E.U. convince anyone why it has stopped
aiding south Sudan through international NGOs working in the area? The
MOU is not at all a bad document. It is about regulating and ensuring
that humanitarian assistance reaches the people, that local population
will be able to receive capacity building, to own projects and
programmes that will prepare the people for self-reliance - is there
anything wrong with participatory development? Isn't the E.U.
interested to see that the people of south Sudan become self-reliant?
Surely, at least the taxpayers would like to see this happening. For
how long can relief sustain people?

According to Amnesty International report released on May 3rd
this year, the Sudan government is committing all sorts of human rights
ranging from child soldiers, depopulation of oil areas from people
using aerial cluster bombardment, male villagers were killed in mass
executions, women and children were nailed to trees with iron spikes,
children's throats were slit among other gross atrocities. Why would
the E.U. aid such a government? Is it because of oil interest? The
same report by Amnesty International gives the names of European oil
companies that are involved in this mess. Among them are Lundin Oil AB
(Sweden), OMV-Sudan Gmbh (Austria), Agip (Italy), Elf-Aquitainei
(France), TotalFina (France), Royal Dutch Shell (The Netherlands), and
Canadian companies Talisman, Denim Pipeline Construction Ltd. and
Roll'n Oil Field Industries. These companies, sadly are assisting the
GOS in fueling the war and as such committing violations on the people.
It is this people who are being forcibly depopulated from their own
home areas by the GOS. Don't these companies feel the guilt of such
tragic investment? Indeed, the price of this investment are the
innocent people.
Can the world come to the rescue of our people? Can the world
condemn the E.U. decision? Will the World ever hear the cries of
innocent children and the people of New Sudan (south Sudan, Nuba
Mountains and south Blue Nile)?

We, six indigenous organizations forming an integral part of the
emerging civil society feel the obligation to speak about such issues.
It is not possible to turn a blind eye to our people whom we serve
and work for in the New Sudan. We are obliged to protect the dignity
of our people. We are not asking for pity, but we are asking for
genuine considerations towards poverty alleviation. The people of New
Sudan deserve a chance in life, they deserve quality humanitarian
assistance. And most of all, they ought to be given a chance to work
towards self-reliance.

Signed by:

1.Sudanese Women Voice for Peace,
2.Mundri Relief and Rehabilitation Association (MRRDA), e-mail:
3.New Sudan Women's Federation (NSWF),
4.Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation & Development Organization (NRRDO),
5.Sudan Medical Care (SMC), e-mail:
6.Widows, Orphans and the Disabled Rehabilitation Association of New
Sudan (WODRANS), e-mail:
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