Brahmavarchas Shodh Sannsthan
Brahmavarchas Shodh Sannsthan located at Shantikunj, Haridwar (U.P.)

Brahmavarchas Shodh Sannsthan, an institute established for the inter-communion of science with spirituality started functioning in June 1980. The main task it has undertaken is to present scriptural writings and suppositions in relations to the scientific discipline of today and to project out an alternative system of medicine utilizing totally harmless herbal plants after comprehensive scientific studies on healthy and ill human subjects.

This is an established truth that spiritual principles, if adopted in day to day life can bring about a change in not only the body physiology, but also the thinking and therefore, in the personality as a whole. Yagna, the process of fumigation with medicinal herbs with recitation of specific Mantras influences widely the persons participating in it as well as the surrounding environment. The ingredients used there in are those medicinal plants which have been used since time immemorial and are known to have beneficial effects on human beings.

There is a Phyto-Chemistry and Gas Analysis wing in the research lab to assess the efficacy of the various plant ingredients used. The purpose is to know as to what is their raw material content in the beginning and what is left after they have been fumigated and the subject asked to inhale the medicated fumes, the ash left over after the process is also of medicinal value.

At present, these effects are being monitored only on healthy persons living for a prescribed period in Ashram Campus. The various results obtained are in the process of analysis. They include hematological changes (like Hb, TRBC, TWBC, Platelets, RBC fragility, etc.), biochemical changes (like Blood urea, sugar, cholesterol, creatinine and Enzymes like SGOT, and SGPT etc.) and immunological changes (like the antibody levels and innate immunity towards various pathogenic offending organisms). This is a well-known fact that these medicinal plants enhance the body vitality so as to help in coping with adverse micro biological change as well as helping in fighting with the invasion of otherwise lethal viruses and becteria. These drugs also retard the ageing process. This fact is being ascertained by noticing their effects on variety of tissue cultures from healthy subjects.

Not only the herbs used orally or given by inhalation but also the penance and the various Yogic exercises, like pranayam and the Sadhana etc. Associated with this process are said to bring about a remarkable changes in the lung functions. e.g., its reserve capacity, and breathing rate as well as the cardiac functions. This is being confirmed with Spirometer Vitalograph and a Monitor Cardioscope-recorder. One may also detect any deficit in cardiac or respiratory reserve and attempt treating it with the herbal-cum-sadhana prescription.A multi-channel Physiograph has been procured so as to analyse the various follow-up details like EEG, EMG, Skin resistance and Plethysmographic variations. This measurement also helps in a thorough follow-up of the Sadhak from the point of view of his bio-physiology.

There is also a Psychometry lab in the Shodh Sansthan to analyse the various Psychological parameters. These tell about the aptitude, learning potentials and the personality make up of the subject. The case is then followed up at monthly intervals. During this process, the subject undergoes thorough treatment with herbal preparations, self imposed diet restrictions and the Sadhna process of ‘Anushthan’. The various parameters tell the progress of changes.

A Sound Therapy lab uses the Oscilloscope to display the various sound patterns of Ved Mantras. Sophisticated tests of coherent and incoherent Mantra Racitals are done here and the changes in blood chemistry (especially the hormones) and other body parametre are noted correspondingly.An Octave Analyser and a SonoTherapy equipment helps in comparing the efficacy of Mantra Chikitsa and Modern sound therapy. Multichannel Physiography also helps in measuring the various changes in Electro physiology.

In near future the Sansthan proposes to set up an exclusive Endocrinology lab to measure by Radio-immuno assay, changes in the various hormones like Cortisol, Thyroxine. ACTH, androgens etc. by administration of various medicinal plants. The Phyto-Chemistry wing has been further expanded by the addition of a gas liquid chromatograph which measures the content of gaseous and liquid mixtures of herbal preparation.

A modern Astronomical observatory has been erected at Gayatri Nagar near Brahmavarchas and more than 200 rare herbs have been planted here. The purpose is to provide herbs for research work at Brahmavarchas and also to propagate selected 35 plants in the mass by a ‘Bare footed doctor’ scheme. About 3000 sub-centres are already active in the field through which the scheme is being propagated.

In short, the main aim of Brahmavarchas is to propagate in new scientific light those eternal values, which are mentioned in Indian scripture and can, even today, help in curing the ailing humanity. For this emmense task the sansthan has a huge Building complex with 35 rooms solely for the laboratory set up and 10 big rooms for a vast well equipped library specifically on scientific spirituality. A team of technicians and high calibre scientists is working here as on full time volunteer basis and not on employed basis.

The Sasthan has been working under the subtler guidance of Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya, the founder, of ‘Yug Nirman Mission’. This Sansthan has been established under Vedmata Gayatri Trust Shantikunj, Hardwar and no Government Grant has either been accepted or is being solicited. Devoted workers of this Mission spread all over India and the world contribute 20 paise or one rupee perday Besides one hour’s time per day to propagate its working and inspired thinking.

The results obtained so far encourage the workers to enhance their efforts. The results with authentic data are being published in separate Bulletins and Mission’s monthly periodicals. All are invited to support and Participate in August Activities of this unique institution built on nucleus of inter communion of science and spirituality.
