

Ahh...3 weeks away from school. Now I'll have some more
time for updating the page.


Had some trouble yesterday, so here's yesterdays news.


Roger released version 2.0 of his dmod yesterday. (link)


Roger Maynard, formerly know as Thom Vedder, released
a demo to his dmod, Phantasmagoria. (link)


Dink is free ! Seth A. Robinsson, the man, released it as freeware today.
You can read about some new stuff at his site.
Or, if you're to eager, here's the download adress:
Dan Walma, also known as Redink1, also uploaded it.
Here's his url:
I might also upload it.


I didn't even notice it, but Dukie got a new adress for his site.
Find it at my Links-section.


KillerBee send me the demo to the sequel to his dmod. It's name is:
The Goblin Trouble Part II; A village in trouble Beta Demo. (link)
He also send me a example to a spell-thing.
The spell is called The ROTTEN FISH MAGIC. (link)


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been sick.
So here's the download address for the full version
to KillerBees dmod, Goblin Trouble:


Dukie mailed Ethan about some bugs in his dmod and Ethan fixed them.
So here's version 1.1 of Island of Giants.
And, KillerBee sent me, hope I got this right, the title screen to his
dmod, the Goblin Trouble, which was formerly known as Dinks second BIG adventure. (link)
He also got a new email. Cause his old email, which was new about a week ago don't work.
So here's his new email adress: KillerBee@Angelfire.com
Also, Anders, another swedish dinkers besides me, says "hello".


A couple of late news...
Mike Snyder, one of the great "old Dinkers", started to update his site, The Dink Smallweb, again.
And on Mike's forum on his page, Zdink, ?, said that he's making a dmod called Ice Realm.


Dukie's page, The Dink Smallwood Solutions, is down. This happend
because the server on which the homepage was on has been sold.


There is no stoping Seth's niceness. Read all about it. (link)


KillerBee, which old email was gentpvcf@gironet.nl, has a new email, BastiaanGent@hetnet.nl.


Wow, I've become really popular, and many people are sending me demo's and stuff.
KillerBee, new guy, send me the demo to his new dmod "Dinks second BIG adventure".
Also, Ethan, you know who he is, send me a addon.
Ethan: "In the little 'example' just talk to the man, then
go left and have some fun." (link)


Ethan, the guy behind Island of giants, is making a new dmod.
It'll feature: new spells, midis, graphics and more...
More info later.


Dan Walma made a couple of dink mouse pointers. (link)


You can expect a new picture in my gallery soon.
Also, Dan released the demo version of his Clone War dmod.
I uploaded it, so here's the link.


Nothing really to report. People are talking about Dink in a multiplayer edition.


The Dink Network is back, after a short time away, better than ever.


Some non-dink-related news,
I began works on a new homepage yesterday. It's a thing I have to do
in computer class. It's about some caracters I made up about 2 years ago.
It's going to be called "Mr Hippo's Hompage". It's about Mr Hippo, half human,
half horse, but with a really cool beard. And Funky Monkey, one happening
monkey. And of course their enemy's.


I got a copy of the full version of Ethans dmod today, and here's the url:
I hope I uploaded all of it. Had a bit of trouble...
But I'm the first one to have it, so enjoy.


I got permission from Ethan, so here's the link to the official (I guess) walkthrough
to Ethens demo of the dmod "Island of the Giants".


My birthday today...
I made a walkthrough to Ethans new dmod. But I'll probably need
permission before releasing it.


I added Ethans dmod to the dmod-section.


Paco said that he will make a dmod based on the old classic "Pac man".
It will be called "Pac Person: The Poltically Correct Version of Pac Man...".
That will be the second arcade-dmod. The first was "Dinkanoid".


Ethan, maker of the dmod slimes, sent a demo to Redink1
of his new dmod, Island of the Giants. (Link)


Dezoliz made a homepage about some of the weapons/magic in the new Star Wars dmod.
It's called "Star Wars Dmod Force Power" I think.


I added the new dmods to the dmod-section.
Also, Paco made a homepage about the guys involved with the new Star Wars dmod. (link)


Paco finnished:
"The preview of the demo of the beta of the shareware version of Zoltron-Protector of the galaxy-The Game"
LONG NAME !! Anyway, here's the download link.
And here's the url for the official homepage to "the preview or the...":
Another release was made by Dan Walma. He released "The Lantern".
I have NO idea what that is, but here's the link.


I added a old-news section.


I have today updated every day since the 2nd of August.
"Why the heck did you do that?" you say. Well my school starts tomorrow.
And I won't have much time to do stuff other than homework.
But I will try to do stuff when I get time. And on weekends of course.
Also, Dukie made a interview with Seth Robinson, Dinks "dad". (Link)


I uploaded james dmod. So if james link for some reason didn't work... (Link)


James Perley released the full version of "The Castle of Lore" (Link).
He also released a patch that makes it possible to turn the demo into the full game (Link).


Paco opened a new board. I think it's called the zoltron board...anyway, here's the link.


You can now come to my site by my new url, http://fly.to/DinkHotel.


I have about 10 files uploaded now.


Seth added my site to the official Dink Smallwood site (rtsoft.com).


Bunniemaster said that he will turn Tim's old site into a help-center for new dinkers.


It is now clear that Dan is leaving. He will follow great dinkers as Gary Hertel and
Mike Snyder. But he said that he will probably continue to update his site once a month
or something. One of the reasons he's leaving is that he has no time for Dink, now
with school and all. He said that he will finnish all the projects that he's involved with now.
He has plans on becoming an 3D-game maker. Hope things turns out for ya', Dan.
Dukie also said that he will be leaving. Lack of time was the thing that tipped him over too.
 He to will finnish his remaining projects.


Well, I can upload stuff again. I couldn't for two days, and I went crazy.
I was supposed to open the files-section yesterday. But I couldn't, so...
It needs some work... I really need something other than the composer.
Also, Dan Walma said that he might leave the dink verse next month. He would be missed.
Hey, this is the longest news ever...for me.


The day is here. My site has been on the internet for 4 month. YAY !!
To celebrate, I will open my brand new files-section.
AND, I will from now on write the news in red. The blue is a bit anoing.


Bunniemaster said that he will make a dmod called "dinkablo".
Also, I will soon start to make this site more friendly.


Added a link in my link-section.
Also, it is now about a week until my site has been on the internet for 4 month.


Dink City, James Perleys site, moved to http://jamesperley.home.dhs.org.
Also, HeX is making a dmod called Spellbound.

All dates are in the year 1999.

News from 12th of April to July 23rd.