Cuban Roast Pork

Fresh leg of pork(boned), any size
Fresh garlic (as much as you like)
8-15 oranges or fresh squeezed orange juice
1-2 tbsp oregano, dried
1-2 tbsp dried cumin
Salt and pepper to taste

Slice garlic cloves in slivers and insert into slits in pork made with thin
sharp knife.  (If pork is in net, place garlic under net.)  Place pork in plastic
container (close fitting).  Squeeze juice from oranges.  (Microwaving for a short time
helps to release juice.)  Mix oregano and cumin and salt and pepper with orange juice.
Pour orange juice marinade over pork.  If it does not cover pork, place some of the
orange peel into the mixture to raise the level.  Cover and marinate in fridge
overnight.  Next day place pork, orange marinade and 1 or 2 orange peels into a
baking pan.  Cover tightly with foil.  Bake at 325* for 3-4 hours or until very
tender.  Do not slice pork but pull apart with fork or tongs.  Serve with black
beans, yellow rice, and fried plantain.