Other's Poetry

Not Alive
by: Bob
My mind is complete blank
It hurts too hard to think, to
feel, to cope
When your face appears
My Heart Stopps..,
But only for a moment.

I've cried myself to sleep
too many times..
I cry until i can't cry anymore
Then my lungs colapse
And so does my soul.

What do you suggest I do
I found a Temporary solution
Rock n Roll and Lot's of booze
But why does it hurt so
much when i wake up
Because your not there.

I loved until I couldn't anymore
You loved me til you hated me
I want to not hurt anymore
I want it to all go away
I want to not wake up
I want to be NOT ALIVE!!!!!!

By: Vita Bautor
He looks at her across the room
One shouldn't be so young,
and trapped in eternal doom
He drifts off to space...
thinking of her sad eyes
and her sweet, innocent face
She sits and wonders if he even cares
but he just stares off into space
she knows he's not even there.
She self-conciously looks down
at herself, only seeing ugliness,
if self-pity were measured in water, she would drown.
He glances at her with love in his eyes
looks at her tiny little toes
remembers his love for her mind.
She thinks of escaping.....
because she doesn't feel loved.

By: Richard Moore

Angels fall.
Saints are martyred.
Broken wings and whispers in the dark.
Pointed fingers and brain numbing sorrow.
Tears fall screaming blame at you.
Ignorance and bliss and extacy at the same exact moment.
Unimportant accusations.
All the same thing.
Can't concentrate anymore.
Stop thinking, just act.
Stop acting, just think.
Stop everything, just be.
All are blind.
Can't see what is truth, what is lies.
What is truth?
Perception is reality.
Don't choose.
Choose nothing.
Nothing matters anymore.
"These are the best years of our lives"
People are so full of shit.


By: K

Six, maybe seven
Sundress-coated innocence
Scurrying after a father
Seething rage from every pore.
She caught my eyes
Made a sheepish, secretive plea
Begged me to save her
From the freshly-minted bruise on her face.

Suddenly I knew courage--
This little girl with chestnut hair--
And cowardice, too--
Because I only looked away.

I Cry
by Mike Frankovich

I cry for those who can not cry
And weep for those who have given up
For these are the damned and are destined
to wander the caverns of Hell for all eternity.

by: Lauren Cooper

And now we find
Looking back at your state of mind,
Was it all just a cover up,
Woke your mother up,
You were on TV.

Did the devil say to you,
You can make it through,
I'll take you to the top
And now that you're heaven bent
And it pays the rent,
Is it hard to stop ?

Thought you knew the score
Always wanted more
Are you sure you're sure

And now we find
Looking back at your state of mind,
Was it all just a cover up,
Broke your mother up,
On my TV.

Did the devil say to you,
You can make it through
I'll take you up the shop
And in a dress too small
To be a dress at all
Is it hard to stop ?

S.O.F.T. Thought you knew the score
Always wanted more
Are you sure you're sure

Happy Birthday by: Steve Elliott

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