WB walks up the steps from the ground floor basement which has been closed of to the pups for the past 3 days for Renovations, Good Evening Pups WB says as he staggers over to the bar any bar tenders around NO okay WB helps him self to a double Brandy and has a drink mmmmm I needed this after today. After supervising the Renovations to the ground floor basement for the last few days Im glad they are finished, Okay Pups I am pleased to announce the Grand opening of the Bowling Ally and the dance/disco room down stairs the Bowling Ally can be used for any kind of Bowling you may wish to do okay. There is also a mini bar down there as well for the pups who want a drink as well as they dance whatever, Also having taken into consideration pleas for an Arcade area from various pups I am all so very pleased to open the new arcade down stairs between the Bowling Ally and the dance/Disco room it holds a great range of machines and lots of various games including lots of shoot them ups just for you Wulfwin :) And some pups wanted a mud hole to play in so I have converted half of the playroom in the BS into a mud hole so the pups can get as muddy as they like One IMPORTANT NOTE PLEASE TAKE A SHOWER AFTER USING THE MUD HOLE PLEASE PUPS as its really hard to clean the filters in the pool and the Jacuzzi when there is mud in it. And lastly but by no means less Important Wulfwin you and Ripley will be pleased to note I have replaced the padded walls on your rooms with better padding and added exercise bikes as well so you can keep fit in your rooms while under lock and key until your days out so you should be okay in there SO NO INJURES PLEASE IN THERE YOU TWO!!!. I think that wraps every thing up so Im off to bed now WB staggers over to the Waterbed sees a few pups buried under the covers move over you lot don't hog the bed climbs in and falls a sleep as soon as his head hits the covers. okay pups that's the fourth one done just the last one to go so hang in there okay the fifth and final repost is winging its way to you right now so by the time you have read this one it will have arrived so enjoy the last one okay pups. WarriorBard The Planing Pup The Building site boss pup The Building Maintenance Pup and the temp Bartender as well as being the general handy pup