Pardalis Bloodthorne

Huntress of Hunters




Cloaked in black, and hidden in shadows.
A huntress of the night.. Yet, she is not evil.
A young one for her kind.. Fresh to the powers of the kindred.
And yet, her knowledge.. her charisma.. and strength...
Tis as if she were here forever.

With intentions no less than devout, she is often stuck with harsh decisions. As there are times when even the most honourable are forced against their will to do what they deem a horrid thing.. And when in dire need, Pardalis will, against her will, go after the innocent. However, under their charm, they do none but beg for her vampiric kiss. Of course, it has always been evil that suits her taste.

And you ponder about this girl. Must you be taught that not all vampires are evil? ..Pardalis has the full appearance of a human. The race she came from before she were vampire was indeed human. She was once an aging mortal, and by mortal we mean one which dies over a small period of time.. And now she does not die of age, yet nor do I imply that she is immortal.. Few are. She has weaknesses just as she has strengths. She is weakened by the mid-day summer sun and yet strengthened by the shadows of the deep night. For Pardalis, it was not always this way. For during the years before she became what she now is now, she lived an equally strange life. Pardalis never knew her parents. For all she knew or cared, she was without them and that was it. And still some say she had them.. and lost them, whilst others say that those who raised her were her parents. The problem in this theory comes to this one point, however.. Those who raised her were not human. They were two panthers, one male one female. Two immortal panthers, living their lives in shadows. And they were the pets of a god. They say that these panthers created Pardalis.. That she was born as a panther, and was changed human in hopes of bringing about a warrior to ward of the evil of the realms. However, it was not a warrior that she became in the end. An Egyptian Vampiress.. one by the name of Chrishankhah found her, struggling the tactics of battle.. And she knew that Pardalis was not meant to be a warrior. So from that moment, through the methods used by any vampire of devout spirit in this world.. Pardalis became one of these strange kindreds.

She became a vampire.

Those panthers who raised her still guard her to this day from within their own world; the one of which she was born. After her birth into the world of darkness, Pardalis entered the realms with the aid of Chrishankhah.. And began her quest against evil. She continues these quests along side Aslan Bloodthorne - her equal other.. The one whom she one day wishes to marry. Taking his last name as she never had one, She continues to explore these realms to this day. That is how Pardalis Bloodthorne,

The Huntress of Hunters..

Was born.