TITLE: God of Thunder AUTHOR: gillyx> gillyx_x@yahoo.com DATE:1/14/00 CLASSIFICATION: MSR-ish, POV (Mulder),*slight* Humor RATING: PG-13 (bad words) SUMMARY: Mulder wants to take Scully shoppping... SPOILERS: None. DISCLAIMER: Mulder, Scully, and the X-Files aren't mine. The are owned by FOX, 1013, and CC. No infringement intended. Also, the title 'God of Thunder' is property of KISS. It's their song...Both used without permission. Well, at least the typos are mine... FEEDBACK: Yeah, my inbox is hungry. gillyx_x@yahoo.com AUTHORS NOTES: I'm trying to think of an original 'first' for M&S...I don't know how it will come out in the end though... -=- God of Thunder 1/1 by gillyx> gillyx_x@yahoo.com My fish must think I'm nuts. I've been standing here staring at them for 20 minutes now. Maybe it would be a good idea to feed them. Nah, maybe not. I tend to kill them whenever I feed them. Scully though, she's the one who's good at feeding them. She never over or under does it. I think they like her better, too. I come over, and they hide behind their plastic weeds. She's here, and they swim around all over the place. Maybe I'll leave my fishtank on her doorstep one day. She might like that... Thats it! I've wanted to call Scully all day, but seeing as to how we were *both* lucky enough to have the day off, I had no reason to call her. Until now. Of course, she's probably taking a bath or something...Painting her toenails, listening to some weird music, lighting candles. It's raining out, so I'm sure she has her lights off. She's said that she dosn't like the rain, but I think she does. It's like she comes alive when it's raining, like a sixth sense kicks in or something. I can just imagine her right now, basking in the fragrent glow of candlelight, sitting in a bubble bath, her toes playing with the faucet, showing off the blood red nailpolish she has on them... Whew, kinda makes me need to take a cold shower. My mind tends to wander like that when I think of Scully... I walk away from the fishtank, contemplating if I should call her or not. I pick up the phone, and I stare at it dumbly. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes... I start to dial her number, listen to the ring...One, two, thr-- "Hello?" I almost hang up because she usually answers with 'Scully'. "Hey Scully". I sound so cheerfully fake. "Mulder...what do you want?". Alright, so 'what do you want' wasn't the thing I wanted to hear...Though I don't know what else I expected to hear. 'I was hoping you'd call' or, 'God, I miss you...are you busy? Because I could really use a good--' "Mulder?". Always interrupted when it gets to the good part. "Hey Scully...", dammit, I said that already. Why do I feel so nervous? "What are you doing?". "Reading, Mulder. Why?". Is that a faint hint of annoyance I hear in her voice? She said it like I was supposed to *know* that she was reading. "Well, I was just wondering...I have a few things to do, and if you're not too busy...*reading*, I thought maybe you wouldn't mind going with me...You know, for the company". I heard Scully put down her book. Alright, so it sounded more like she threw it... "Mulder, it's raining out". I glanced towards the window. Right, like I didn't already know it was raining. "Don't you like the rain?". "No." Fine, so the sixth sense stuff was bullshit. But, hey, it sounds really sexy when you think about it. "Will you go with me anyway?". I'm really not going to beg. For some reason though, it seems like my tone of voice is heading in that direction... "Where?". "Can I just not tell you? Are you dressed? I'll just come and get you and I'll tell you on the way". I heard her sigh. Loudly. "Mulder, it's my day off. If you're dragging me out to look at some footprints in mud somewhere, I swear to god, the paperwork is all yours for the next three months". "No footprints Scully. I swear". "I'll see you in a bit, Mulder". It would of been nice had she of at least said bye before hanging up. Searching for my keys, which are here somewhere in the midst of all the newspaper and shit on my table, I wonder if I should change. Maybe throw on a t-shirt that dosn't have a hole in the shoulder. Screw it. I just want my damn keys. Yeah, siting on top of the microwave. I never would of thought... I'm not all that fond of rain myself. Especially the freezing cold kind. And with the way it feels in this hallway, I think it's probably damn cold out. I wonder for a second if I should call Scully back and tell her to forget it. I mean, she sounded pretty reluctant to go anyway. I'd probably make her happier if I said forget it. Before I have a chance to second think it, I'm pushing open the door, making a running beeline for the car. Hoo-boy, it's damn cold. -=- Is someone having a party up there or something? There is no place to park in front of Scully's place. I've driven around twice hoping someone would leave. I pull to a top three houses up and prepare myself to get out and make a mad dash for Scully's place when I see her running towards me. I guess she saw me drive by. She gets in, breathing heavy, flinging water off her hands. Damn it, does she look nice when she's wet. "Forget which building was mine Mulder?", she smiles, water falling off her hair. *Right* like that would ever happen. "I'm guessing you didn't notice the entourage of cars in front there", I pointed out, passing by her building slowly. "Yeah, I guess some old couple on the first floor is celebrating their 50th anniversary", she told me, turning the blasting heat down. "If you want to steam up the windows, Scully, I could park his bad boy and we could do it another way". "Where are we going, Mulder?". I love her selective hearing. "Shopping", I tell her. "Shopping, Mulder? You dragged me out in the pouring rain to go *shopping*?", her voice has risen a notch. Alright, so I could of easily waited for a dry day...I don't need her all aggrivated at me. "Ah, not just any kind of shopping Scully". I look at her, raising my eyebrows a little. I know I'll never get that eyebrow trick right...At least not the way she does it. I feel her staring at me as I try to maneuver the car around a huge puddle that's taken home to the middle of my lane. From my vantage point, I see my destination. "We're shopping for fish". -=- So I had to argue with her for a few minutes before she'd get out of the car, but I got her in. She immediately smiled as she spotted a cage with two puppies in it. I figured then that she wasn't gonna be in a bad mood for the rest of our shopping spree. "Mulder, look", she said all mushy like. She knelt down and stuck her fingers between the metal. She smiled as the puppies climbed all over each other to get at her hand. I didn't really want to interrupt her moment, but I had come here for something else... "Fish, Scully...". She got up slowly, and started following me towards the back of the store. It was so tempting when I saw her look at those dogs for the tenth time as we walked away, to forget about the whole fish thing and get a dog. Then immediately, a million and six things came to mind, reminding me of why I don't want a dog. I guess Scully knows alot more about fish then I do. As we passed tank after tank, not only would she point out the fish by name, and yes, she didn't read what it said on the tank, I made sure I watched for that, she even knew the boys from the girls. As she explained to me why I shouldn't let my fish mate, I was deciding on the two fish I was going to bring home. Now, don't get me wrong, hearing Scully talk about mating was quite entertaining. Not to mention arousing, in a weird sort of way. Scully wandered to a tank filled with bright red fish, and I strayed behind a little. I just couldn't help but think of Scully coming over every day to feed my fish. I would love that. As I neared her, she looked at me, and for a second, I thought she was giving me the same look my fish gave to me earlier today. "I like these", she said, touching her finger to the glass of the tank. I look over my shoulder, pointing to a tank filled with fat black fish. "I was kinda thinking-". "Mulder, those are so depressing. These are great", she smiled, her finger still touching the tank. Right then, the smile on her face, made me forget all about the black fish. And not only did she personally pick out these fish, but they were red. All the more reason to make me think of her more often. As the fish man caught two of the red little beasts for me, Scully again went to the puppies cage. I'm hoping she dosn't turn around as I'm watching her. God, she'd think I was so weird smiling at her back the way I am. No, I don't mind if she plays with them dogs, I mean, I'm only ready to leave the store. Oh, she does notice that I'm still here. She smiles at me, and meets me at the door, peering through the glass at the rain that seems to be coming down harder. "On the count of three?", she smiles, a stray piece of hair falling over her eye. "One". "Two". "Three". And we're off. Bolting to the car, and getting in even faster. What? Is this my Scully laughing? Wow... "Damn it", she laughs, rubbing her hands over her forehead. We settle ourselves, and get the heat on. Driving back towards Scully's house, I'm really wishing that we could just keep riding. Or go back to the store and get some more fish. "Hey Scully?", I say, "Wanna come over and feed my fish?". "You are strange Mulder". I may be strange, but she comes with me anyway... -=- END. ***************** [MAIN] Find It at Yahoo! Shopping More... Find It at Yahoo! Shopping Millions of products. Top retail brands. Express checkout. Everything You Shop for...All in One Place. Visit Yahoo! Shopping [Close]