Qualifying Round
Pool M Round-Robin Game
Legion of Kraus (LoK)
WaywardSpleen | Gotmilk
Order Me Another Guinness (OMAG)
Lugnut | Da' Minion

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Legion of Kraus 51 8 win + 54% Win
Order Me Another Guinness 97 0   Loss

LoK take four wights for this game, and a small bunch of archers. OMAG takes two wights, and more ghols than their opponents. Their extra ghols manage to nail two LoK wights, and another one is taken out by a thrall. One of the OMAG wights is taken out underwater by a LoK thrall, and the other one is nailed by a ghol while standing next to their warriors... ouch.

At 0:30 remaining, both armies rush in. OMAG leads with their warriors straight into LoK's thrall, and their thrall are sandwiched nicely. These factors combine to give LoK a maximum-point win.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Legion of Kraus 68 9 win + 6 flags Win
Order Me Another Guinness 93 0   Loss

OMAG take five dwarves (!) and no wights. LoK (unfortunately for OMAG's dwarves) decide to take a heavy archer load and two wights. OMAG are slow to move at the start, but when they do their warriors flank south accompanied by two dwarves. Meanwhile, LoK have set up smaller warrior and archer flanks both north and south. The OMAG flank forces LoK's smaller flank back, but they then regroup and rake OMAG's warriors with arrows, killing both dwarves and damaging their warriors badly. Meanwhile, OMAG starts an archer battle in the center and get wighted. Their thrall armada and two-dwarf combination do some severe damage to the LoK center force, but meanwhile LoK's flank annihilates their warrior force, allowing LoK to tag 6 flags easily.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Legion of Kraus 13 8 win + 5 flags Win
Order Me Another Guinness 25 4 4 flags Loss

LoK have a medium central force and strong flank forces, both teams defending one center flag and one flank flag. OMAG makes it to three flags first, and they then abandon center for no apparent reason, giving LoK four flags and the lead. OMAG reinforecements then come from their home flag to center, forcing LoK to relinquish their center flag in return. LoK's single trow rushes OMAG's weak defense, and manages to eliminate it before their attack can sort itself out at the LoK home flag. This gives LoK a 5-4 win, wrapping up the match firmly in their favour.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Legion of Kraus 8 9 8 25 Win
Order Me Another Guinness 0 0 4 4 Loss

It seems that the OMAG stalwarts may want to lay off the Guinness immediately prior to matches; with opponents as ferocious as LoK, they are going to need their wits about them! LoK romp home in a decisive victory this match.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:49 1998