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Vicky & Greg met in 1991 & married Dec. 28, 1996.

We now live in New Jersey along with our two adorable dogs: Duna & Saba Needless to say, they're our babies.


GREG is Hungarian & had Duna, the Transylvanian Hound imported to the USA having admired this breed since childhood. He has 1 (elegible) brother , Sandor (22), who is terrific & did such an awesome job with this web page. Thanx Sandor.

Besides spending time with his family, Greg works out a lot (he's real buff); likes history, football (go Eagles), and sports schooting; writes articles (some published), & is a terrific husband (cooks, cleans & does laundry, too. but he did get fired from doing dishes)


VICKY is Polish & got Saba from Poland (no connection here, she was a gift, but an irreplacable one). Saba is a Cocker spaniel / Dachshund mix

Vicky is a social worker in process of getting her MSW (if school doesn't kill her first) & specializes in area of addictions (got any?) Between work & school, there is no time for anything else. Thank you, sweetie, for being so supportive & patient (especially around exam times).

She is the oldest of five. Chris (26) is in the NAVY touring the world while his beautiful fiance & daughter await his return in Sept. 1998. Mark (19) is enjoying his college years before entering the "real world" & her 2 gorgous sisters Agnes & Agatha (17) (yes, they're twins) are finishing up high school & perfecting the art of being mischevious. Love you guys.


If anyone has any questions, comments or thoughts, please write us. We don't bite. ....well, Greg's questionable, but he usually wears a muzzle ... LOL