
This website was created as a fan interest site.  The creator is not affiliated with Dreamworks and makes no profits off of the information and material herein. 

Don't sue me--I'm poor.

The pictures included on this website were borrowed from others.  I have attempted to pay tribute to the original party wherever possible.

I do not run Darryl's fan club, "The Friends of Darryl Worley".  I make no profits from it, although I am a card-carrying member!  :)


Page Information:

This website was created with the help of NetStudio and FrontPage.

Many thanks to my sweet husband--my inspiration and soulmate, Terry, for helping me with my computer woes.  Also, tremendous thanks go to Tommy Worley for his support and updates, and simply for being a wonderful person!  Without you, Tommy, there would BE no Darryl!!!! 

For examples of other websites by the author, see below.

Tumbleweed Crossing Tumbleweed Station Outhouse Moon

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