Of course, in games that rely on Free Form rules and no real method of determining "domination" in certain skills, it's important to have a set of rules and regulations that all players must abide by. The Intrepid is no different; based on as simple a system as possible, the Intrepid boasts a set of rules that allow for freedom of character while still ensuring that hero characters and the sort don't make themselves staples of our game. Therefore, the following rules apply.


Subparagraph a: Every player has the right to join and participate in the Intrepid simulation.

Subparagraph b: No player shall find themselves the brunt of any jokes based on race, gender, religious beliefs, cultural beliefs, or the actions of ficticious characters within this game system. Any player who maliciously attacks any other player through verbal abuse will be removed from the simulation without further notice, and will be banned.

Subparagraph c: Only the Council of Governors has the right to remove any player from the game. They will only do so because a violation of one of the charter aspects has been committed.


Subparagraph a: No character may be used by any player other than the character's designer, without express permission. If a character is to be "given away" due to a temporary absence, the Senior or Junior Game Manager must be notified.

Subparagraph b: No character may change or modify any existing technology without permission from the Senior or Junior Game Manger. This means no new technology may be introduced.

Subparagraph c: All characters, upon submission, are only allowed to join the sim if the Recrution Director and either the Senior or Junior Game Managers approve the character. No extremes will be allowed...


Subparagraph a: Characters will be promoted based on rate of posting and other variables. The points will be totalled every two weeks, and the results will be sent to the list. If a character recieves the rank of Captain, he must either retire the character or opt to generate a simulation of their own based on that character and on the Intrepid universe.

  1. 1 Point - Single post, short length.
  2. 2 Points - Single post, long length.
  3. 3 Points - Maximum points allocated to a player in one week.

Subparagraph b: Characters may not skip sections in the following promotion table, unless they opt to "hide" a rank in game. This results in a longer time spent at a lower position, since the player must take the rank upon the next promotion. This is for ease in book-keeping. Characters are not required to accept their promotions, but if they choose not to take them they will not have the choice to accept it until another full "phase" at that rank has passed...

Ensign 0 Points
Lieutenant Junior Grade 15 Points
Lieutenant 45 Points
Lieutenant Commander 100 Points
Commander 180 Points
Captain 260 Points
Commodore 360 Points
Rear Admiral 460 Points
Vice Admiral 560 Points
Admiral 660 Points
Fleet Admiral 800 Points

* it is important to note that most players will not be allowed to carry their characters above the rank of Commander. Once they reach the point of Captain, they'll either be given their own simulation, or may under extreme circumstances be allowed to continue in their rankings. This depends on a joint decision between the Council of Governors.

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager with all related characters are copyrighted to Paramount pictures. No copyright infringement was intended with the creation of this page, as it is for personal entertainment uses only. Please direct all questions and comments to the respective Coucil Governor. The ranks and pips were provided by Steven Marriot and Tango Fleet. Thanks to all those who helped the Intrepid become what it is today...