Not only with The Lord of Darkness we call The Undertaker on RAW IS WAR/WARZONE.... but also with his entire Ministry of Darkness -- The Brood! Mideon! Viscera! The Acolytes! The Undertaker's the true leader! *eg* And Paul Bearer!

You'd wonder why I'm doing this as I don't regularly put up latest pictures of 'em off recent WWF programmings on TV (Raw, Shotgun, Heat, etc.) weekly..... but for ONCE, it's because of one simple thing: THE NIGHT WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE UNDERTAKER'S UNFORGETTABLE, SINISTER GRIN!!!!!

The Ministry of Darkness -- ALL of the members were walking somewhere at backstage, heading to the locker room, or.. dressing room? *hehe* Who's? Wait, why there..? Hmmm, something's up, isn't it?! I hope we'd see 'em undressing as to change outfits or something! Hmmmm!......

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Ah... I... see. The jobber's locker room. Who the hell are they?! I guess local wrestlers from Philly, eh? The Undertaker speired 'em if they'd seen The Bossman. A-ha, they're looking for The Bossman!......

Listen [HERE].

And He's been told they'd not seen Bossman, the M.O.D. suddenly began attacking 'em.. yeah! =)

Ah... doesn't it seem like The Undertaker's looking at himself in the mirror instead of attacking the jobbers along..? "Mirror, who's deadly gorgeous Lord of Darkness? Me? Thank you." EH? *hehe*

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Hmmmm, interesting view! The Undertaker's bossing 'em around, weeeeee! He can boss moi around or control moi anytime!!!!! >=)

Listen [HERE].

Ah, look at Christian... isn't he sooooo adorable? *hehe* What's with Edge's constant smile? Did he have comestic surgery to turn upside down his frown..? Never mind!

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The New Age Outlaws defeated Al Snow and Bob Holly with a Spike Piledriver.

After the bell rang, The Ministry of Darkness attacked all four men in the ring. The Undertaker said that The Big Boss Man better of came face-to-face with him.

Listen [HERE].

Yeah, Dumbass Billy deserved it! Viscera splashed on him, wooohoooooo! I've always wanted to see that, spang! (Pic #048)

Didn't Undertaker grin as He was speaking..? Judge for yourself! =oþ´

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Backstage, Vince McMahon sent Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson to look for The Ministry of Darkness. NO IMAGES, SORRY. *hehe*

Listen [HERE].

The Godfather was scheduled to face Steve Blackman, but The Godfather offered Blackman both ho's. (*GAGS!*) Blackman accepted the ho's, only to be attacked by Droz.

The Ministry of Darkness once again came down and attacked all the men. (*Wooohooooo!!!!!*)

Undertaker: "Bossman, how many innocent people are going to have to be hurt here tonight before you come out of hiding?..... Because one way or another, Bossman.. tonight there will be a sacrifice."

Listen [HERE]. added!

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In the parking lot, The Big Bossman got out of his rental car. The Undertaker spotted him... right timing, eh? *hehe* The Brood came out of nowhere and mugged Boss Man! Wooohooooo!

RAW Commentator, Terry Taylor: "Bossman's here!"
RAW Commentator, Jerry 'The King' Lawler: "Bossman?"

Undertaker: "I have been looking for you, Bossman."
Bossman: "I'm not to hard to find."

Terry: "Oh, no! Oh, no!"

Paul Bearer: "Ha, Ha, Ha.. surprise, surprise!"

Terry: "They set the trap, King!"

Undertaker: "Bossman, you are mine!"
(There you hear them fighting...)

Jerry: "Look at this!!!!!"

Listen [HERE]. Added!

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The Undertaker and the rest of The Ministry of Darkness dragged The Big Bossman out to the ramp. Bossman was placed the UT symbol and driven up.

Undertaker: "You understand, McMahon.. that one by one, your corporation will fall, until there is only one, and then SHE, too, will be mine!"
Listen [HERE]. Added!

Undertaker: "Bossman, you can never rest in peace.. now you have been sacrificed before the Lord of Darkness.."
Listen [HERE]. Added!

Bossman successfully got off from the cross we call Undertaker's Symbol. The Ministry then hurriedly beat on him until The Corporation came out to help.

Pic #123 -- Poor Christian! Paul Wight headbutted him, ack! Am I alone because I think Paul's a.. HOTTIE, besides?

Pic #124 -- Paul Wight kicked Edge's ass, yikes!

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The local policemen came out to stop The Undertaker. Before he let the police handucuff him, he ignited his symbol. Cool, eh?! HEY, who called 911 on Him?! Damn! 911, eh? Whatever.

And... Undertaker whipsered at Bearer, demanded him to call the "She"!

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Damn... some ladies on the net are right... HE'S LOOK SOOOOOOOO DEADLY SEXY.... WITH HANDCUFFS!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!

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You'd see his evil laugh in the last few pictures! *hehe*