Cathy discovers that she has the power to revenge those childhood years locked in an attic with her brothers' and sister


I give this sequal to FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC 5 stars!!!!! It was the sequal to the true story FITA and I also think that there is a great deal of truth in this book as well. V.C. Andrews is one of the best and this is one of her best. I found it so spellbinding! I couldn't put this book down. After you read one of her books you have to go buy the next one! Click here to buy Petals on The Wind!

For Carrie, Chris and Cathy the attic was a dark horror that would not leave their minds. !

Of course mother had to pretend they didn't exist and grandmother was convinced they had the devil in them.

But that wasn't their fault. Was it?

Cathy knew what to do. She knew it was time to show her mother and grandmother that the pain and terror of the attic could not be forgotten...Show them. Show them -- once and for all.

Click here to buy Petals on The Wind!

Playing... "The Sleeping Beauty Waltz"