Universe Registers

Universe Register(s)
150,151,152 Platform RGB color light set (1024)
153,154,155 Platform RGB color light set (2048)
156,157,158 Platform RGB color light set (3072)
159,160,161 Platform RGB color light set (4096)
162,163,164  Platform RGB color light set (5120)
165,166,167 Platform RGB color light set (6144)
168,169,170 Platform RGB color light set (7168)
171,172,173 Point-light RGB color set
175(a) Set in animations to create Point-light
176,177,178 Fog RGB color
179 Fog range divisor (1-16, 255 = disable fog)
180 Set to non-zero to enable flying
181(r) Switch/Activate (1 = Enter key pressed)
182 Player speed modify (127 = normal; - slower, + faster, 0=disable)
183(a) Set animation translucency level for frame
184(r) Timer counter (0-60 seconds)
185 Floor height modifier (greater than 127 = raise, less than 127 = lower)
186 Ceiling height modifier (greater  than 127 = raise, less than 127= lower)
187 Earthquake register (10 x value = strength/duration)
188 Oxygen level for underwater
190(a) Fire rocket at player from animated object (value=Z offset)
191(a) Throw grenade at player from animated object (value=Z offset)
192(a) Fire user-defined projectile (1902) at player from animated object (value=Z offset)
193(a) Fire user-defined projectile (1903) at player from animated object (value=Z offset)
194(a) Fire user-defined projectile (1904) at player from animated object (value=Z offset)
200(a) Move animated object towards player (value=speed)
225 Player height modify (127 = normal; - shorter, + taller, 0=disable)
226 Player weight modify (127 = normal; - lighter, + heavier, 0=disable)
227 Horizon background enable/disable (0=disable, 1=enable)
228 Set Particle (value = particle #)

(a) = Set by animated objects only, function not implemented by platforms.
(r) = Read only; cannot be altered by user.
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