So you want to make a video game huh? But you have absolutely no programming experience or very little. What do you do? Well, you come here of course! This site is a comprehensive resource for those using the Game Creation System from Pie in the Sky Software. The GCS lets you make your own 3D first person perspective video games with a point and click interface. Whether you wish to create a shoot-em-up, adventure, or anything you can imagine, the GCS is the most powerful application to use without any programing. So, to order your copy of the GCS go to the PSKY web site click here. If you are skeptical about purchasing the GCS and want to see what it can do, continue into this website and click on "Games" to download games created with the GCS. After you receive your GCS copy in the mail head over here for step by step tutorials on using the GCS. 
Oops! I almost forgot to mention; You can sell your games for money too! You don't have to pay any royalties to PSKY or even contact them! When you finish your game you can sell it and make a profit! Does it get any better? Of course! The GCS is upgradable with new upgrades and plugins. Soon you will be able to make multi-player online games to share with your friends or even your own racing game! So come on in to the fastest growing GCS resource site available on the 'net! Click on the G2 logo to enter or if you just can't wait click on the quick link below it!
This site heavily utilizes Flash 3+. Without Flash some images won't load and the images that do load may take longer depending on whether or not it's a vector image (flash image). 
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This site and all of it's images are copyrighted of their respective owners. Whether the image/animation/file is a donation, or a G2 creation, you may not use them without our consent. The files hosted here belong to G2 and you may not link (leech) to them without our consent as well. When you use a file from our site in your game you our encouraged to give us credit by putting us (name and web URL) in the credits and/or using our G2 logo FMV at the opening of your game- if not obtainable from this site you can get this video by emailing us at the G2 Mailbox.



I got it for free at

Designated Ring of Game Developers
This Designated Ring of Game Developers site
is owned by James S. aka VR5_

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