The Novels of "V"
"Below The Threshold"
Publishing Information
Author:  Allen Wold
Publisher:  Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.  49 West 24th St., New York, NY 10010
ISBN:  0-812-55732-8
Canadian ISBN:  0-812-55733-6
Copyright:  1988, Warner Bros., Inc.

Author Wold tries to put together a multi-layered novel with various subplots, but the central ones - about a Visitor controlled TV station and a meeting between a government official and a Visitor - are either transparently easy to figure out or boring anyway.  The main character, Dr. Jack Page, is well written but the Resistance members and Visitors are cartoon figures.  Wold even uses the time-worn "villain revealing everything to the good guys instead of just killing them" scenario.  The novel ends abruptly without a satisfying denouement.

Major Plot Points


Memorable Moments
pp. 105-106 (The leader of the Resistance eliminates Rudy Salanis)
"Now we've got trouble," Abbott said calmly.  "This is a neighbourhood crime-watch area, and they're careful
here.  That's why we chose this place.  The police will be here any minute."
"What do we do?" Jack asked, almost automatically.
"Just leave him here and drive away.  Who was he, do you know?"
"His name was Rudy Salanis.  He was one of the guys who tried to mug me the other day."
"One less mobster to worry about," Abbott said with a calm that sent chills up Jack's spine.

The Back of the Book ...

Slavery of the Mind ...

Psychologist Jack Page treats many who are struggling to deal with the reality of an alien invasion of Earth.
But suddenly the Vietnam veteran's patients are losing their fear of the reptilian Visitors.  Suddenly they are
accepting, even welcoming.  Suddenly resistance is fading.  If Jack Page can't find the cause and stop it, the
last hope of Earth is doomed.  But the insidious subversion is reaching out for everyone ... Below the Threshold.

Ordering Information
All of the "V" novels are currently out of print.  However, you can often find used copies at reasonable prices at the Advanced Book Exchange.

Previous Novel:  V: The Oregon Invasion
Next Novel:  V: Symphony of Terror

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