This is an alternative Ranmaverse, where Akane goes with Ranma and Genma when they start their training trip. I know it's probably been done a thousand times, I want to do it my way... disclaimers: No animals were harmed in the making of this fanfic. Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... Prologue: "We are going for a trip kids" The two friends sat in the Tendou familyroom, playing shogi. After staring at the board for ten minutes, Soun moved one of his pieces and cleared his throat. "So. You are really going to leave?" Soun's voice was quiet. Ê "Yes," Genma answered. "I think it's best for the boy not to have his mother fussing over him, desturbing his training." "The boy is only six Genma-san. I think at that age they still need their mothers." "Nonsense! This doesn't mean I am backing out on our deal, Soun-san. When the time is right, our children will marry." Genma's eyes stayed on the board, contemplating every possible move. "Your Akane is the same age as Ranma. And you've said she shows a lot of strength for a girl her age." "She is a bit of a tomboy that girl," Soun said fondly. "Just don't tell her I said that. She'd knock my block off!" Soun and Genma laughed. Then Genma suddenly pointed out the open garden door. "What's that?" "Hmm?" Soun turned around. Genma quickly turned the board around, and put on his 'innocent little Bambi'-face as Soun turned back. "Oops," Saotome said. "I thought I saw the master-" "Saotome! Don't say that name out loud!" Soun panicked and looked about nervously. "Relax Tendou. He can't have possibly been able to escape." Genma moved a peice, and won the game. Soun glared at the board suspiciously. "Back to your girl Akane. What do you think?" "I don't want any of my girls to marry without love, promise or not. Why don't we wait and see?" "We can't wait and see, Tendou. I'm going on this trip remember? We need to decide now, or let the boy decide when he comes back. This way you have a say in the matter." "That's not fair Genma-san. I''ll do anything for my girls, you know that. Since their mother died..." The tell-tale weepy expression on Soun's face, made Genma panic. "How about I take Akane with me!" he blurted out. "That way they are sure to fall in love." "Take my little girl away from me, from her family?! From the people who love her?!! All for the sake of training and marriage?!!! Okay." "Now Tendou-" Genam stared at his friend. "'Okay'?" "That's a great idea! Of course it means you'll have to train my daughter as well as your son." "Train a girl?!" Genma regretted he ever said anything. "Are you implying my daughter doesn't have what it takes?!" Enter giant demon-Soun with samurai armour. "Ehehehe... Of course not Tendou... What a wonderful idea!" ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "You don't know anything about taking care of a little girl!" "Silence woman! Besides... Tendou wanted me to take her." Genma was sitting with his wife Nodoka in their cramped livingquarters, the dinner on the table long neglected because of their 'disagreement', as Nodoka called it. Ranma called it fighting. He didn't want to go on a training trip. He wanted to stay with Mom. He knew Pop had almost taken him three years ago, but Mom had talked him into waiting. Now he was going. For real. It was scary. "How are you going to teach Akane all the things a woman needs to know? I hardly trust you to go with Ranma as it is... Please husband!" "I'm not a total incompitent you know! I think I can handle two kids." Akane? Ranma made a face. A girl was coming with them?! Yuck! A girl can't fight. "Enough Nodoka! I am taking Ranma and Akane with me and that is final! But if you feel you must have proof that you can trust me... Here's a contract that says if Ranma isn't the manliest of men and if Akane isn't the most female woman by the time we return, I and Ranma will commit Seppuku." Ranma wondered what 'Seppuku' meant. It can't be dangurus if Pop says it ok. "Ranma! Come here son." Ranma went to his father who held out a paper towards him and some ink. "Put your hand in the ink and make a mark right there, son." "Why Pop?" "We are making a promise. Just do it." Ranma dipped his hand in the ink and made a mark on the paper. This is fun! he thought. "Are you satisfied now Nodoka? I will honour that promise." Nodoka looked at her husband, wondering at this chain of events. Her husband, contrary to popular belief, did have honour. It was just a different kind of honour. There was philosopher-groups that were dedicated to untangeling Saotome Genma's sense of honour. "I guess I will have to trust you dear. But I will hold you to this promise." Ê "Of course." He paused." Ranma?" "Yes Pop?" "Will you STOP redecorating the house!?" Ranma looked around at all the pretty inky handmarks he'd made on the walls and the table and the foutons and the lamp... and Mom and Pop. "Isn't it kawaii Pop?" ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ Akane was in her room. And she wasn't ever coming out. Not for a million, billion, trillion years! She'd sit in here and they could just try begging her to come out! "Akane sweetheart, come out now please?" "No! I'm not gonna oneechan! Never ever EVER!" "Please Akane..." Kasumi's voice sounded sad. "Please come out? I'll give you your favorite dessert...?" Akane wavered slightly, but then her face got even more stubborn. "I'm not gonna come! I don't wanna go on some stoopid trainin' trip!" "Akane?" The little girl's resolve wavered yet again. Dad... "Yes Dad?" "Do you want to cause your family dishonour? I have promised Saotome-san to let you go with him and his son. You want to become a martial artist good enough to carry on the Tendou Anything-Goes Martial Arts don't you?" Akane's heart sunk. She didn't want to cause dishonour to her family. She did want to become a good martial artist. But... "I don't wanna... I don't wanna leave you Dad!" She started to cry. "My little girl... I will miss you too. But it is for your own good. Now open the door." Soun smiled as his youngest daughter opened the door to her room, wiping her nose with her sleave, earning an admonishment from Kasumi. Her short hair was starting to grow out, but she had refused a haircut. "Now sweetie, it won't be that bad. You won't be gone forever, and you'll have a... friend in Ranma." Friend... FiancŽ... what's the difference? "His name is Ranma? Stoopid name..." "Akane..." "Gomen, Dad." "Good. Now they'll be arriving any minute now, so let's go downstairs, ok?" He took her hand. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ Ranma was riding on Genma's shoulders, and he was enjoying it emensely because Genma almost never let him ride on his shoulders. Ranma had never been in this part of town. It seemed like a nice place to live. "Are we there yet Pop?" "Not yet, boy! Have a little patience." "Gomen," the boy said. After a while they arrived at a big house. His father set Ranma down, adjusted his backpack with a shrug, and together they entered the gate. A girl a few years older than Ranma opened the door. "You must be Mr. Saotome. Please, come in. I am Tendou Kasumi." "Good-day to you Kasumi. This is my son Ranma." Ranma bowed clumsyly. "Konnichi wa Tendou-san." "Konnichi wa Ranma-san." Kasumi bowed back. "This way please." They followed her to a large room that was as big as Ranma's whole house. A man was there, and two girls. The older one of the girls was munching on some chips, while the one Ranma's age sat with her eyes turned to the ground. She was glaring at the floor as if it had offended her. She looked very sad too. Ranma left his father's side and put his hand on the girl's shoulder. "Hello. I'm Ranma. Why're you sad?" Akane started to glare at the boy who stood in front of her, he was the one was taking her away from home. But when she looked into his blue eyes, she saw that he was only trying to be friendly. "I'm Akane. I don't wanna go away from home on a stoopid trip. Why you taking me?" The boy just shrugged. "Pop's takin' me to train me, but I don't know why he's taking a girl with us. Girls can't fight," he added with conviction. "We can so!" Akane rushed to her feet. "I could beat you any day!" "Oh yeah? I don't fight girls." "Baka!" Akane hit Ranma on the head. "Hahahahahahaha! Look at them! Friends already, eh Saotome?" "A beautiful thing, friendship. And we all knows what grows from that, hmm Tendou?" They watched Akane chase Ranma around the garden with a mallet. "I don't want you to tell them about the engagement, Genma." Ê "Why not? It's better if they know isn't it? So they get used to it?" "I don't think so. Akane is stubborn. Just like her mother..." A sniff escaped from Soun, then it developed into a wail (Soun wail nr. 351). "My poor wife! My poor daughters! Poor ME! WAAAAAAA!" "There there, Daddy. Calm down." Kasumi tried to comfort him with tears in her own eyes. Genma saw the second-youngest Tendou girl watch this display from her father. Her eyes where cold, hard as diamonds. She noticed Genma and gave a small, toothless smile. "He always acts this way," she said. "I know where he hides the sake." Her way of talking was that of a grownup, not a seven year-old. Genma was caught offguard. "You do?" "You want to know, you'll have to give me 500 yen." "You must be Nabiki. Your father told me about you." The little girl shook her head in disgust, older than her years. "How does he expect me to make any money if he keeps warning people!" "Aren't you a little young to earn money? Shouldn't you be playing with dolls... and stuff..." He was way out of his depth here. She gave him a cold stare. "Soft and cuddly never got anyone anywhere. Besides," added Nabiki, indicating Kasumi with her head,"we already have one in the family. And the violent option is out," nodded to Akane who had stopped chasing Ranma and was talking quietly to the boy, only occasionally hitting him over the head. "The only option left is being the cold-hearted moneygrubbing blackmailing bitch. And I'm good at it." She made a curt nod with her head and left the room. Genma shook his head. Thank heavens he never had any daughters! Then he glanced at Akane. But in a way he had one now. He'd have to treat Akane like his own child*. *(And we all know what that means don't we? ^_~) Akane and Ranma had settled on a uneasy truce, and they sat beside eachother by the koipond. Ê "I don't wanna go either y'know." Akane glanced at her friend/enemy. "You don't? Why you goin' then?" "Pop said I hadta become the manliest of men and Mom said I had to go too, so I'm goin'. I'm sorry Pop is makin' you go too." He snuck a look. "But we'll have eachother right? We're friends... right?" They sat beside eachother in silence for a few minutes. "Right." Akane turned to Ranma and stuck out her hand like she'd seen some gaijin do once. "Shake on it? Friends whatever happens?" Ranma took her hand awkwardly and they shook once. "Deal. Friends whatever happens." Akane smiled, and for the first time, but not the last, Ranma thought, Kawaii smile... and smiled back. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ The farewell was teary-eyed to say the least, especially Soun who went through wail nr. 26 to 42 in the space of ten minutes. Nodoka turned up as well, since she hadn't seen the Tendou family since her friend Mariko had died a year ago. She looked the remaining Tendou girls up and down and then decided to move in, of only to try and soften Nabiki and let Kasumi get on with her studies. Then she warned her son and future daughter-in-law to be good and not to fight. But she had tears in her eyes. And so they left. Genma, Ranma and Akane left Nerima to travel. The years that followed made Ranma and Akane closer than brother and sister, knowing more about eachother than anyone else. They comforted eachother during bouts of homesickness, cried together when Genma put them both through the Neko-ken, the cat-fist. Ranma was the one who offered sympathy and comfort to Akane when she entered the terrifying world of womanhood without another woman to tell her what was happening or what to do. Genma was unsympthetic and treated what was happening as some kind of curse, so Ranma was the one that convinced Akane to go to a doctor in one of the towns they passed through to explain everything to her. And Akane returned the kindness when his problems and hormones started up. There was no shyness between them; they had seen eachother naked many times and thought nothing of it, they talked about everything between the earth and sky and then some. Their training took away some of Ranma's bias against girls fighting and Akane's pride got brought down a notch. They were best of friends and nothing came between them. Then Genma took them to China and things changed... ------------------------ There we go! I didn't really like the end there but you're stuck with since I'm way too damn tired to change it. Any objection to Nabiki's behaviour will be acknowledged and ignored. She's one of my favorite characters, but she is a bitch. C&C's more than welcome, flames will be sent back tenfold (Forget about Egypt. Prepare to meet the ten plauges of the Internet) disclaimers: Elvis was not abducted by little green men to play at a concert in the Alpha Centauri system (that, incidently, made lots and lots of cash and he's now living the high life, surrounded by pretty alien chicks of the kind that would make William Shatner jealous). Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... CHAPTER ONE: Arrival in Nerima, Tokyo Soun sat staring at the postcard with a the picture of a panda of it, tears streaming openly on his face. It said: Hi. Coming home with Ranma and Uncle Saotome. //Akane "A-Akane is coming back? My little girl! How I've waited for this!" He ran into the kitchen. "Kasumi? Nodoka-san?" "Yes Dad?" Kasumi turned to her father. "Auntie Nodoka isn't here. She decided to go visit a friend for a few days." "Come to the livingroom. I've got something important to say. Where is Nabiki?" "She's in her room. What is it Dad?" "You'll see." He was bursting at the seams. He ran up the stairs and knocked on Nabiki's door. "Nabiki?" "Yeah?" "Come down immediately, I've got wonderful news!" Soon they were all sitting in the livingroom. "Akane is coming home? Dad that is wonderful news!" said Kasumi clapping her hands. Nabiki said nothing, calculating on a notepad how much it would cost to support three more people. "Dad," she said finally. "I'm as happy as both of you two, but it will deplete our budget considerably if they stay here." "Nonsense Nabiki!" scoffed Soun. "We'll figure it out somehow." "Of course Daddy," the middle Tendou girl said. "We'll just have to make some changes." She smiled a big smile, a big smile for Nabiki anyway. "My little sister is coming home!" "To think she got engaged before either of us." Kasumi poured some ice-tea into their glasses. "That's right! I don't remember much about Ranma though." She caught her father's slight blush and evasive look. "Daddy... is there something you should tell us?" "What? Oh no, nothing at all, nothing!" "Daddy... Do Akane and Ranma know they're engaged?" Nabiki seemed to remember snatches from a conversation from that day that her sister left. Silence. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ Through the rainy streets of Nerima walked two teenagers with backpacks, both drenched. The blonde-haired boy with the ponytail was wearing a blue short-sleeved chinese shirt, the high collar properly buttoned, and black trousers. The red-head pigtailed girl was wearing a red shirt with no sleeves and black trousers. The collar of the top was open. "It's good to be-" The girl got cut of by a huge panda rushing up behind them, hitting them over the head with a sign. [PLEASE! WE'VE GOT TO GO BACK TO CHINA!] "Cut it out Pop!" shouted the girl. "We're tired of this sneakin' about. We wanna see our families!" "Yeah! Uncle, I haven't seen my father and my sisters for 10 years," said the boy. "Why are you so reluctant to this?" [YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S AT STAKE HERE!] "That's because... you won't TELL us!" The girl hit the panda over the head. "We can find the cure later... as soon as I see Mom." "And I see my family." The boy grinned at the red-head. "I'll race ya!" They both laughed and rushed off. [COME BACK HERE!] The panda's sign said uselessly. It noticed that people were staring at it and growled. As the pedestrians scrambled over eachother to make way, the panda ran after the two teenagers. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "Do they know they're engaged?" Nabiki's question hung in the air. "Ehh... No." "DADDY!" shouted the two girls. "How could you?!" "I'm sure they'll be overjoyed when they hear about it! After all... After spending so much time together, some kind of bond must have formed. Right?" "It doesn't necessarily mean 'love' Dad." Nabiki couldn't believe how stupid her father could be sometimes. Ê "That's right Daddy," Kasumi agreed. "Nonsense! Trust you father on this point girls." Soun missed the look the two sisters exchanged because of a crash and a shout coming from outside. "We seem to have visitors!" Kasumi got up from her seat. I'd better go prepare dinner. "It must be Akane!" shouted Nabiki and ran off with her father towards the source of the noise. Two seconds later they were running back, chased by two strangers and... a panda? "Oh my..." The two teenagers skidded to a halt and confronted the panda. "Come on Pop!" said the girl, tossing her pigtail over her shoulder. Nabiki marveled at the red colour of her hair. "We're here now, and you can't stop us." "That's right," said the boy. Even more spectacular: Blonde hair! Nabiki felt that she just had to intervene. "Excuse me... but is that your panda?" "In a way..." The red-head's reply was evasive. "Call him a pet," said the blonde boy with a grin. Nabiki got a small surprise when the panda held up a sign: [HEY!] Soun was staring at them with a strange expression on his face. Then he burst out, "My little girl!" and glomped on the red-head. "But when did you dye your hair? Ohhhh, my little girl is HOME again!" "Umm, actually-" "You are Akane?!" said Kasumi, clapping her hands. "My sister is home!" Only Nabiki saw the strange look that passed between the newcomers (the human ones, that is), and the boy's sad eyes. Then her attention was diverted as her father fainted from over-exitement. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ They were all sitting around Soun, who was lying on a fouton in the livingroom. Kasumi was bathing her father's forehead with a damp cloth. "My... little... girl... Home... Red..." "Oh Daddy. You really have to learn to control yourself." Nabiki glanced at the two newcomers (Akane? Ranma?), and felt pity for them, especially since the panda was holding up signs saying: [WOE IS ME!] [WE'RE GOING TO DIE!] [DOOMED, I TELL YOU! DOOMED!] "Why don't I show you the dojo," she said, giving the panda one of her ice-looks. "I am Tendou Nabiki." "Ranma and Akane," said the girl. Nabiki smiled, a small tug at a corner of her mouth. "Then you are my sister. Welcome home Akane." "Thanks," said both of them. Another exchange of glances. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ Nabiki lead the two into the dojo. "Here it is!"she said. "Our pride and joy." Akane looked around with only a slight interest, but Ranma had wonder in his eyes as he took in everything. "I think..." He spun around in the middle of the dojo. "I think I remember this..." Nabiki frowned slightly. "You do? I don't think you ever got to see the dojo the last time you were here, Ranma." Ê The boy went pale and then red, and turned away quickly. "Yeah... Maybe it's just my imagination." He turned to the red-head. "Come on, let's sparr!" The two faced off in the middle. To Nabiki, it seemed as if they were just standing there, when suddenly Ranma rushed Akane. What proceeded looked more like a dance than a fight. Akane was appearently on the defense and tried to jump, duck and block anything Ranma threw at her. The boy got in a few hits, but after five minutes they jumped, somersaulted in the air and landed once again in the middle of the dojo. Again they stood relaxed, looking into eachother's eyes. Akane rushed Ranma and again the dance commenced. Punch, kick, round-house kick, leg sweep. Block, evade, duck, jump. And it was so fast! Like lightning. Again they eneded up in the middle of the training hall, but this time they bowed. They then grinned. "Good fight!" they said in unsion. "I'll say..." murmured Nabiki, yen signs in her eyes. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "Akane? The furou is ready for you." She looked up at the eldest Tendou daughter. "What? Oh that's alright... I really-" "Now Akane, I know you'd like a bath after that workout with Ranma." Kasumi handed her a towel. "Okay..." "I'm so glad you're back!" ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "Ranma!" Nabiki popped her head in the door. Ê He turned towards her. "Umm... Yes?" "Furou's ready if you want it." "Thanks." ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ Ranma sank into the water. He felt the heat from the water sink into his muscles, relaxing him. Ê "Ahhh... What to do?" "I don't know." Ranma jumped at the sound of the voice, but relaxed when he saw who it was. "Don't scare me like that Akane. I thought it was your father or somethin'." "Someone, Ranma." Akane-kun smiled. He poured the bucket of cold water over his head before gettin in the furou. Ranma watched as her forms became feminine once more and her hair turned bluish-black. He found that he was actually staring and looked at his hands instead. I've seen her naked plenty of times before! Why am I suddenly turning hentai? "Back to the original problem," said Akane, relaxing with a happy sigh. "How are we going to explain to them about the curse?" "Do you actually want to? I mean we'll probably be leaving again soon." "Ranchan, do you know how much it hurt to see my sisters treat you like their long-lost little sister?" "I'm sorry. Didn't think I guess." He scratched at his damp hair. She slapped at his shoulder playfully. "You mean you actually do use that head of yours?" Ê "Hey! Take that back!" "Nu-uh," She splashed him. He splashed her. Ever heard of Martial Arts Water Fighting? Well, consider yourself informed. ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "Hey Kasumi, where's Akane?" Nabiki popped a piece of carrot in her mouth. Kasumi slapped her hand lightly. "Wait until dinner. She's taking a bath." "I thought you poured that bath for Ranma. I told him that it was his." Ê Kasumi stopped chopping onions. "Oh-Oh my...!" They made their way to the bathroom, and as they approached they heard... giggling?! Nabiki opened the door, followed closely by her big sister. Through the screendoor leading into the furou they heard laughter and a lot of splashes. "You cheat Ranma!" *splash* "You're just a sore loser!" *splash* "Missed me!" For some reason the thought, How can she miss him in that small furou? ran through her head before Nabiki realised what was going on. Her little sister was having a water fight with a boy in their furou. Naked. "Damn." Sometimes even Tendou Nabiki of the Razor Tongue is at a loss for words. "I guess dad was right after all." Her curiousity got the better of her and she opened the screendoor before Kasumi could stop her. Ranma and Akane froze like animals caught in the headlights of a car. Nabiki's face could at best be called surprised. And this is Nabiki we're talking about. The two friends voiced their thoughts. "Oh shit." Nabiki was remotely aware that Kasumi had fainted. Impossible sulutions was running through her head. Wigs? Hair rinse? Some kind of instant sex change*? "Wha-? What are you doing? Who are you?" The girl with long black hair sank into the water to her chin. "I'm Tendou Akane." The boy with black hair and pigtail also sank into the water. "And I'm Saotome Ranma. Sorry about this." *(If she only knew... O_o;;) ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ "Maybe we should explain," said Akane later, when they had gathered. "I am your daughter and sister, Tendou Akane..." "... and I'm Saotome Ranma," continued Ranma. Then he glared at the panda, who was trying to make itself inconspicious. "And this," he went on, pouring hot water from a kettle on the animal, "Is my father, the one and only Saotome Genma." "Saotome! What is the meaning of this?" Soun was dangerously close to another breakdown. "Ehhh... Calm down "At a friend's house- This is no time to be talking about your marital needs! What have you done to my daughter?!" "What are you talking about?! Pull your head out of the gutter man! Kami!" "Why don't both of you settle down, and let us explain?" Akane gave them both a pointed look. "Yeah! Take it away Acchan!" Nabiki raised an eyebrow. Acchan? How... sweet... Out loud she said, "Go ahead." "Well it all started when..." ***********flashback*********** (In the Qinghai province in China, Mt. Quanjing of the Bayankala range...) The guide made a gesture that took in the whole area. "Here, sir. Is legendary 'Training Ground of Jusenkyou'." "For the last time, I'm not a 'sir'!" "Cool it Acchan!" Ranma gave her a slap on the back. "It's not your fault you're such a macho, sexless tomboy." "Gee Ranchan. You always know just what to say." "Stop it you two." Genma removed his backpack. "Are you ready?" "Hey this place isn't so impressive," Ranma said, shrugging off his own backpack. "You very strange one, no, sir?" said the guide to Ranma. "This place very dangerous. Nobody use now. Is more than one hundred spring here, and every one have own tragic legend!" "Follow me Ranma!" Genma leaped onto one of the bamboo-poles, Ranma right behind him. ÊÊÊÊÊÊ you-" He was talking to thin air. Akane had leaped up right after them, and stood balancing a few poles away, watching. The guide slapped his forehead at the stupidity of these guests. "Please sir! Very bad if you fall in spring!" he shouted with no affect. Akane balanced on her pole, switching leg now and again, bored out of her mind. What was so great about this training place? That guide kept on shouting about how dangerous this place was; but she couldn't see any monsters, evil magicians, or even any lawyers. "Dangerous my fo-" Her eyes grew wide as Genma fell down... *splash!* Ê...Êand a panda came up out of the spring! "What the-!" Ranma was thinking around the same lines. Pointing at the panda, who was strangely wearing his father's gi and wire-glasses, he started stuttering. "Wha-? Wha-?" Wha-?" "That is 'Spring of Drowned Panda'!" shouted the guide. "There is tragic legend, very tragic, of panda that drown there 2 000 year ago! Now whoever fall in that spring... take body of panda!" "Oh no," Ranma gulped. As the panda attacked him again he shouted, "Wait a second!" "Yeah! You never told us-" Akane was trying to jump down next to the guide, but it put her right in the middle of Genma-panda and Ranma, and the panda had just gotten ready to attack... "Akane! Watch out!" Ranma pushed her out of the way just as his father(?) flew towards them. Akane flew to one direction, he couldn't see where, and Ranma got thrown down into one of the springs. *splash!* "Ohhh! Not 'Spring of Drowned Girl'!" The guide shook all over. "There is tragic legend, very tragic, of young girl who drown there 1 500 year ago. Now whoever fall in spring... take body of young girl!" Ranma surfaced up, shook his head slightly, glanced down... He ripped up his gi. "AAAHHHH!" "See what I mean?" ***********end flashback*********** "...So that's what happened." Akane slapped her thighs with the palms of her hands. "Oh my! But what about yourself, Akane? You have a curse too, right?" "Yes, what about you Akane? Trying to avoid the subject?" "I'll tell you that," said Ranma, putting his finger lightly and momentarily on Akane's shoulder for comfort. "After I got dunked in..." ***********flashback*********** "I can't believe this! Are you tellin' me that I'm a girl?!" "Hot water change you back to man, cold water activate curse again." "I can't believe this..." Onna-Ranma sat down on a stone. She glared at his father. "You pushed us down even after you knew what those springs did to you. I have half a mind to- Where's Akane?!" "Sir, if you want-" Onna-Ranma rushed off, ignoring the guide*, shouting Akane's name. "Acchan! Acchan! Akane where are you?" *(You think Ranma would have learnt his lesson about that by know, wouldn't you?) As she turned towards the springs once again, she saw a young man, a boy his own age, walking towards her. He had long blonde hair (The same style like Akane has!) and wearing a gi that seemed a bit... too... small... Ê "A-Akane?" Onna-Ranma approached the stranger. "Ranma? Is that you?" The boy touched onna-Ranma's now-red hair gingerly, and sighed. "I should have known you'd make a much prettier girl than me." "Don't be redic- Hey!" Onna-Ranma crossed her arms. "Look who's talking!" "Oh, Ranma! What are we going to do?" "We're going back to Japan, that's where! Write to your father. We're going home. But first let's kill Pop..." ***********end flashback********** "... but as you see, he talked us out of it," Ranma concluded, glaring at his father. "And for some reason, he's scared to death of coming here! I don't know what's wrong with him." "Why don't you just ask him?" Soun turned to his friend. "Saotome why ar-" [I'M JUST A CUDDLY PANDA!] Soun stared blankly at the panda-hugging-a-tire scene. "That's why. Do you know how hard it is to make a overweight giant panda to talk, Dad?" [I'M NOT FAT!] Nabiki circled the panda, fixing her ice-glare on him. Genma seemed to remember their last encounter, because he seemed decidedly nervous. "Now, I wonder... Could this have anything to do with your need to know Auntie Nodoka's whereabouts, hmm? I wonder what she would say about your little trip to Jusenkyou." "What ever made you do something so dangerous, Mr. Saotome?" Kasumi asked crossly. Ê The panda wipped out a pamphlet and gave it to Kasumi. "It's Chinese... A map and a guide book?" Kasumi and Nabiki huddled over it. "Something about 'training grounds'..." "No wonder..." said Kasumi. "You can't read Chinese, can you?" [CORRECT!] "You idiot!" Ranma bopped the panda over the head. Genma returned the kindness by hitting him with a sign that said: [SHOW YOUR FATHER SOME RESPECT BOY!] Ranma flew into the koi pond. "Whatcha do that for?" spluttered a now-female Ranma sitting in the pond. "How cool..." murmured Nabiki as her mind calculated how much money she could make from this sexchanging gorgeous hunk/babe. And what about my little sister? "Uncle Saotome!" Akane poured a kettle of hot water on him. "Stop being so childish! And don't you dare try and throw me into that pond...!" She ran and helped onna-Ranma out of the pond. "You okay?" Her brown eyes looked conscerned into onna-Ranma's blue. "Y-Yeah..." Ranma's heart went ba-bump. Calm yourself! Nabiki raised an eyebrow at the scene. "How cute," she said. "The smitten fiancŽe making sure her beloved is all right." "WHAT?!" The two 'girls' froze, staring at Nabiki. "Didn't you know?" "Now Nabiki..." Soun laughed. "Please don't say a word!!" he whispered frantically. "Really Dad, you're pathetic. What's wrong with them knowing that you and Mr. Saotome hooked them up together? Especially since they seem so... close..." "WHAT?!?!" "Come on! You two didn't seem so shy in that furou to make me believe you're not more than friends." "Umm..." Kasumi cut in. "I agree. You did act awfully familiar, beyond the border of decency even." "You're such a prude Kasumi." Soun had disappeared into the kitchen and returned with another kettle of hot water, which he poured over onna-Ranma. "Hot!!" "Nabiki," Akane said, her temper flairing, "Me and Ranma grew up together on the road. There is no room for prudity on the road and Uncle Saotome never said anything against us bathing together. We understood that it wasn't normal procedure but..." She paused, trying to find the right words. "We ate, trained, learned... slept, laughed, cried, lived together 24 hours a day for ten years." "Privacy wasn't an option." Ranma's voice was quiet as he put his hand on Akane's shoulder. She smiled at him. "We are the best of friends... But that's all! Really! As far as I'm concerned this engagement never happened!" Her words cut him more than a knife ever could, and he suddenly realised the truth that he'd evaded for years. His heart felt like it was burning, falling to ashes and scattering to the wind, and he withdrew his hand from her. I'm a fool... A god-damn FOOL! ~~~~~~¤¤¤¤~~~~~~ She entered the room with a strange feeling. My room. It didn't feel right. She'd always slept in the same room as Ranma and Uncle Genma. She trailed her fingers over the stuffed animals that lined her bed. She really had give the room a makeover. She was much too old for the clown wallpaper. Her thoughts returned to Ranma, like they tended to do sometimes. He'd acted strange ever since they found out about that stupid engagement. Almost as he was avoiding her...? "Nah. Can't be that." Her voice sounded strange to her own ears. He stood outside her room, wanting to knock but couldn't. I must have the worst luck in the world. I'm in l-l-love (there, said it) with my best friend who wouldn't even consider me as a boyfriend, much less a husband. He trudged off to his own room. As soon as I see Mom I'm out of here... Akane tossed in her bed, unable to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about Ranma and that engagement thing. What a stupid idea! I mean me? And Ranma? No way! Impossible! No way... He lay on the fouton thinking of Akane. Now that he was clear about how he felt he couldn't stop thinking about it. Her smile, her grace and skill in fighting, her kindness, her touch... He pounded his pillow. HENTAI! She's your friend! "Ranma...?" --------------------- Cliffhanger!!! Don't you just hate it when people do that? You're probably wondering why Ranma is a bit more sensitive, and why I've pretty much centered on him this chapter. Well, living with a girl sort of made him aware that emotions aren't necessarly bad, and he's gotten to be pretty open with his feelings. As for giving Ranma the spotlight in the lovey-dovey department, I don't know. It just happened. And the fightscene... well I'm not too good in that department so I'll work on that ok? First I have to get used to the fact that Ranma might not be hitting Lower Earth Orbit anymore curtesy Akane Air... Cursed love - Chapter 2: Blue Thunder......... Category: Anime » Ranma Censor: G Reviews: 5 Download/Print: 36KB Author: Fio-chan I seem to recall someone saying they wanted mallets... *grin* disclaimers: Furbies are not real! They are toys, I tell you! Toys! Make 'em go AWAY! AHHHH!!! *runs away screaming* Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... CHAPTER TWO: Blue Thunder of Furinkan High "Ranma...?" Ranma froze. He could almost feel her. "Yeah? Is something wrong Acchan?" He forced himself to stay relatively calm and turned to face her. She stood in the door way, dressed like him in a tank top and boxer shorts, not having any pyjamas. "I..." She hesitated. "I... I couldn't sleep. Ranchan, can I sleep with you guys tonight?" His heart went ba-bump once again, but he knew what she meant. She had always slept with Ranma and Genma in the same room, and he guessed it might feel strange not to. But it didn't stop his heart from racing. I wish I could stop feeling this way... "S-sure..." was all he said, and scooted over to make room for her on the futon. He glanced at his father, but he was out cold, the snoring sounding spectacular in his panda form. She felt relief flood her senses. She practically jumped into the futon. "Thanks Ranma. You know who I hate to be alone." She wormed her way in under the blanket. She caught Ranma grinning at her. "What? Can't a girl be lonely?" "Who says you're a girl, tomboy?" he replied with a smile, moving in closer beside her to get more of the blanket. "Quiet baka." She sighed contently, making his grin even wider. She tried not to notice his bodywarmth. To think an engagement can change so many things... she thought. Since the announcement she had felt a strange feeling shoulder its way into her mind and soul and deciding to stay. Now, lying so close beside Ranma, she realized what that feeling was. Hope. Hope that she and Ranma could be more than friends. But since the announcement she had also felt something else. It was as if a wall had been put up between them and she had no idea how it had got there. He hadn't wanted to admit it, but he felt much better now that Akane was there. He wasn't used to being without her. Even in school they had always been together. "Akane?" "Hmm?" Her voice was drowsy. "Never mind. Go to sleep." "Mmm..." He lay down beside her, finally relaxing. He fell asleep dreaming of Akane. The next morning when he woke up she was gone. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "School?" Yes school." "Soun, do really think that's a good idea? I mean we are going to be leaving soon--" "Leaving? Goodness no! You will stay here. Right?" Soun's voice had become dangerously low. "Eehh... I'd love to help on that score but--" "WAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Soun broke into a wail*. "Pop, stop being weird." Ranma grabbed Akane's arm. "Let's go Akane or we'll be late." "Follow me my newfound siblings," said Nabiki and charged out the door. *(wail no. 1568: My best friend wants to take my little girl away from me and won't tell me why! WAAAAH!) The two friends followed Nabiki. "Siblings?" asked Ranma. "Well Akane is my sister and you're her iinazuke aka my future brother-in-law." "That's not certain yet Nabiki," said Akane. Nabiki let that one slide as she eyed the two up and down. Akane was wearing a Chinese-style longsleaved silkshirt, a red one, with black pants and a sash around her waist. Ranma had also a Chinese-style shirt, but his was yellow with very short sleeves, tucked into a pair of black pants. They were both walking on the fence, balancing as if it was nothing. "You do realise that you are not wearing standard issue uniforms?" "I am not wearing a dress! What if I get we--" *splash* "Pop! Whatcha do that for?!" Ranma turned to face his father. He glanced down at a spluttering Akane-kun emerging from the water below. "You alright?" Genma was carrying a girl's uniform. "I will not have my daughter-in-law going to school looking like a boy!" "You should of thought about that before pushing her in!" Ranma threw Genma into the water, then got Akane-kun out just in time to meet a flying panda head on. Leaping onto the fence he missed being hit by a few centimeters. Evading another blow from the panda he jumped backwards, somersaulting in the air and landing lightly on his feet. "Ha! Ya gotta do b--" *splash* "You were saying Ranchan?" said Akane-kun. "Oh great...! Now we gotta go home and take a bath!" Nabiki sighed and rolled her eyes as if to say "Why me?". "Come with me," she said, and headed towards Dr. Tofou's. When they stood outside she turned to the two of them and said, "Wait here while I get some hot water okay?" And without further ado left them standing there. Onna-Ranma leanded against the sign and scratched her head. "I hope Nabiki-san doesn't take to long with that water, I don't want to be late." "Mmm..." was all Akane said. He was staring at his feet. "Um... Akane? Where'd you go? I mean after you- that is- well..." "I think if Uncle Saotome had woken up with us sleeping on the same fouton we'd probably be married by now." "We've done it before!" "But we're 'engaged' now." Akane-kun said it as if he resented it. Ranma felt herself being lowered down into a darker pit than before. They stood beside eachother trying to ignore this uncomfortable feeling they both felt, when suddenly a bony hand each touch their shoulders. "AAHH!" They both jumped and tried to scramble up the sign. It ended up with Akane-kun sitting up there and onna-Ranma half-way up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." A man stood holding a skeleton in his arms. I know him... thought Akane. "This is Betty," he continued. I didn't even hear him! onna-Ranma thought. At that moment Nabiki came around the corner with a kettle. "Here you are- Oh! Ohayou gozaimasu Tofou-sensei! I don't know if you've met my sister" [point at Akane-kun]"and her fiancé Ranma" [point at onna-Ranma] "Quite a pair don't you think?" "Akane? He looks like a young man to me." He watched as Akane-kun leaped down from the sign. "Watch this doc." Nabiki winked at Tofou and poured the hot water over the two love-birds. His eyes widened as they changed before his eyes. "My my! So the curse of Jusenkyou is true!" Ranma stared. "You know of it?" "I've read about it yes! If you don't mind, I'd like to study this." "Umm..." The two glanced at eachother. "Sure..." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ As they approached the school gates Nabiki seemed to struggle with herself until she finally but her arm out across and stop them. "I guess I should warn you..." Her buisness-like demenor only help to make Ranma and Akane nervous. "There's a guy called Kunou, Kunou Tatewaki. He goes to my class. He has a thing for pretty girls, especially if they're Tendou. He's been challenging me since Kasumi left the high school, but every morning I always manage to... 'talk' my way out of it." She paused and gave them a steady look. "So I don't want any 'help' from you guys, alright?" They nodded, which seemed to satisfy the Icequeen fine. When they reached the gate Akane noticed that the whole yard was packed with students, appearently waiting for something. It turned out to be Nabiki. "Hey Tendou-san, do you think you'll worm your way out today?" shouted a guy with glasses. "Don't I always?" responded Nabiki calmly as she walked down the student-formed path that was cut for her, Akane and Ranma following her curiously. "Nabiki!" The cry rang through the yard, silencing the murmuring crowd. A single rose flew to the air, and Nabiki caught it with practised expertise. "Kunou," she said curtly. Infront of her stood a young man in samurai garb holding a bamboo sword. He looked upon the verge of spouting poetry, so it didn't take Akane by surprise when he did. "Thou fair loveliness can not be compared Tendou Nabiki, yet I try with this simple rose to show my adoration. Thy eyes clearly speak of thine love for me and I see thy lips quiver now in anticipation of out first kiss." Ranma was having a hard time keeping a straight face. And he thought he had it bad! Nabiki's facial expression was, if not total revoulsion, at least below sub-zero temperture. "This guy is just too much!" he whispered to Akane. "Do girls actually like that?" "A little doesn't hurt..." Akane was smiling mischeviously. "A little?! I think he's on his third breath now and he's repeated himself at least twice!" "Shows he's got tenacity." But a giggle escaped Akane's mouth and drew Kunou's attention away from Nabiki. "Who is this wonderous maiden who titters so shyly while admiring my eloquence? Her beauty is equaled only in lovely Nabiki Tendou's visage. What is thy name fair maiden?" Ranma saw red. Akane glanced between Ranma's glowering features and Nabiki's amused look. "Umm... Er... I am Akane. Tendou Akane." "What?" Kunou seemed taken back. "She's my sister Kunou," Nabiki said. She seemed to be enjoying the turn of events. "Oh what wonderous torture! Two such beautious maidens born into the same family, oh I must love them both!" "Don't you think we can hear you Kunou?" Nabiki's voice dripped with loathing. "What are you thinking now Acchan?" whispered Ranma into her ear again, his voice slightly tense. "Oh, only if he's taking pills for these dillusions of his," she replied. He seemed to be put at ease by her reply. Kunou, oblivious to the drop in tempature, grabbed Akane's hands in his. "Such loveliness is truly rare. I must date thee!" Akane stared in shock at Kunou, then glanced at her sister who only shrugged as if saying, "Don't look at me." "I'm... um... very flattered Kunou-sempai, but..." No violence on the first day of school! she thought. "I'm..." She glanced at Ranma. "I'm engaged! To Ranma!" To Ranma she whispered, "Help me out here!" Ranma tensed up at Akane's words. Using their engagement as a way out! And she was the one who'd said it never happened! Before he could think it through though he was interupted. He barely got out of the way of Kunou's bokken, jumping away lightly. "How art thou, who so presses his attentions on the fair Akane!?" "I'm pressing? I'm Sao--" "Wait! Where are my manners? It's customary to give one's own name first! Fine! I am upperclassman Kunou. Junior. Group E. Captain of the Kendo club. Undefeated new starof the High School fencing world. But my peers call me..." (strikes a dramatic pose) "The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" A crash of thunder and lightning lit up the school yard. Ranma and Akane both looked nervously at the sky. Ranma heard Nabiki murmur, "Blue Thunder? That's new..." before he replied, "I am Saotome Ranma of the Saotome school of Anything-Goes Martial Arts!" He turned to Akane. "Hold my bag for a s--" He stared as Akane buried her fist in Kunou's mouth and ran to the school entrance. "Come on Ranchan! It's going to rain!" He glanced at Kunou's prone figure. Ranma grinned and ran after his fiancée, getting inside just before the rain fell. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ They got to school just in time but got so bombarded with questions, since everyone had been watching the 'fight', that they didn't get inside their classroom until it was too late. And of course were soon seen holding buckets in the hall, hardly a punishment for two strong martial artist unless you were two strong aquatransexual martial artists. Akane eyed the contents of her bucket nervously. She hated being this close to cold water. She glanced at Ranma sideways. He didn't seem to be in a very good mood. "What's wrong Ranma-kun?" He snorted and turned his head away from her. "Whatever happened to 'as far as I'm conserned this engagment never happened'? Make up your mind Akane." "Hey! The guy was crawling all over me! I had to do something!" "And what if that something messed with someones fee-- mind? One minute we're friends, the next fiancée's, the next neither, and then fiancée's again--" "Are you saying were not friends anymore?" She couldn't believe it. She felt tears stocking up in her throat and she swallowed them as best she could. Ranma saw Akane's eyes start to glisten. "No! That's not what I meant! It's just that--" "Sao-to-ME! You vile miscreant!" The two friends jumped out of the way just in time to avoid getting drenched by Kunou's bucket of water. "Whatcha want Kunou?" Ranma asked, lapsing into his I'm-so-cool style of talking. "Defiler of women! Thou purposely bathed together with the fair Tendou Akane, defiling her purity!" "WHAAAAT?!" shouted Ranma and Akane... and the two dozen pupils in their class who'd been eavesdropping. "Way ta go Saotome! How far d'ya go?!" "I can't believe you took a bath with a boy!!" "How about you show us some action huh? Huh?" "How romantic!" *sigh* "Just a kiss then? C'mon, the least you can to is show us a kiss!" "Romantic? You've got a warped mind Yura." "It's nothing like that!" They both yelled. Kunou, feeling a little left out, attacked Ranma again. "Stand still miscreant, so that I can shower thee with rightous blows!" "Follow me Kunou!" Ranma started to run down the hall. "To the ends of the Earth if I must*!" Kunou roared and followed. *(How romantic... =P) "Ranma!" Akane started after him. What is he going to do now? The whole class followed her, stampeding through the school halls. "C'mon Kunou! We'll take this outside!" Ranma shouted and jumped out a window. Kunou strained to think of something poetic to say to that. "Right!" he answered pathetically and jumped out after his enemy. "You crazy?! This is the third floor!" someone shouted. "No prob!" laughed Ranma. "I'm a--" he looked down. "Lucky the swimming pool's there," commented a boy calmly. "Lucky he says!" growled Ranma, trying to crawl up thin air. Akane buried her face in her hands. "Baka..." *SPLASH* Onna-Ranma swam desperately. Gottagetaway! Gottagetaway! Then, glancing up, she noticed Kunou lying face down in the water unconsious. Can't leave him there, she sighed inwardly and started to tow Kunou towards the edge of the pool. All the others saw was Kunou suddenly shouting, "I fight on!" followed by a strangely highpitched yell from Ranma, "PERVERT!" as he slammed Kunou onto the ground, proppeling himself over the fence. "That's strange though," mused a student. "Didn't Ranma look... I don't know... smaller? Rounder?" "Yeah," said another. "And his hair seemed the wrong colour..." "Must be our imagination." No one noticed Akane sneaking off. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane found Ranma sitting up a tree, half-naked and muttering to herself. "Got you some hot water." She held the kettle up high. "Thanks Akane-chan." Onna-Ranma sqeezed the last drops from her trousers. "Throw it up will'ya?" Akane hesitated. "Did you mean it?" "Mean what?" "That part about us not being friends anymore--" "I never said that!" Onna-Ranma jumped down. "All I said was that I wish you'd make up your mind about this fiancée thing." She pulled her trousers on and poured the kettle on herself. "Our parents are gonna find out about today and they're gonna think we'll go along with this whole marriage thing. Am I right in that you don't want that?" "Yes..." Akane looked at her feet. Ranma's stomach felt like a pit of fire. He wanted to marry her, but he wasn't about to force into something she didn't want. "Then we've got to tell them before Nabiki does. Come on." He started back home. "What about school?!" Akane shouted. She watched his retreating back and hurried after him. He only wants us to be friends... They missed Kunou by seconds. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Tendou Nabiki." Nabiki looked up. "I hope you're not here to spout poetry at me again Kunou. I'm still not going out with you." "Actually I wish to know about a certain person and you are the best source of information at Furinkan. I hear you've started up your own Yakuza, my innocent and beautiful--" "Flattery will get you nowhere. Yen on the other hand..." She took a sip from her fruit juice. "What do you want to know?" "Who is the beautious and fiery-haired pigtailed girl?" *sprt* Kunou slowly brought his hand up to wipe the fruit juice off his face. "Look what you made me do," Nabiki accused him. "I made you do? Do you have what I want or not, my lovely peachblossom of spring." Nabiki winced. "Tell you what Kunou. I'll let you have these..." Nabiki threw two sets of five photographs on her desk. "...if you never ever try and seduce, kiss, hug, spout poetry at, give pet names or ask me out again. NEVER EVER. Get it? If you agree to that, I'll let you have these for" [dramatic pause] "free." "REALLY!?" Kunou was sweating while looking through the pictures of Akane and onna-Ranma in various poses. "No." Massive facefault. "But I'll give you discount!" ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma and Akane were sitting on the sundeck when Nabiki came home. "So this is where the two lovebirds have been! Ah ah!" she interupted before the two could say anything. She handed them a letter. "Kunou wanted me to give you this." "'To the Fiery-Haired Water Sprite and Tendou Akane'," Ranma read. "What the..--" "He doesn't know you and your female form are the same person." Akane was muttering to herself. "He get's a eloquent title, while I'm just plain Tendou Akane..." "He doesn't?! Wasn't it fairly obvious? I dive in to the water, a girl comes out?" Ranma read the note, scratching his head. "It is fairly unbelievable Ranma, your water curse I mean, and besides, Kunou is the biggest idiot in Furinkan." "Hey Akane!" Ranma turned to his still-muttering childhood friend. "He challenged us! You and my girl-side that is." "Grumble, grumble..." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ That Sunday, onna-Ranma and Akane stood on one of the fields of Furinkan High, waiting for Kunou to show up. They were dressed identically, onna-Ranma in an oversized chinese top with no sleeves and a pair of trousers to match, and Akane in the same yet a much better fit. "Is he coming or not?" muttered Ranma. "I hate getting up this early, especially if it's for nothing." "Don't worry, Water Sprite," Akane answered acidly. "Ahh, Akane! You're not still mad about that are you? He knew your name already and--" "So!" a voice behind them interupted. "You came." They turned to face Kunou, who stood there in his samurai garb. But something was missing. "Where's your stick, bokken-boy?" asked Akane rudely. "I have no need for it." "Mighty confident aren't ya?" Onna-Ranma crossed her arms. "Confident enough to give you both... THIS!" Something flew at them and they both snatched it from the air. A boquet of roses each. They stared at Kunou, shocked. "I love you," he said, with a blush to his cheeks, then he turned and walked away. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Blech..." "You've said that a hundred times already! It won't change anything so please stop it!" "I've only said it 68 times actually, and ya gotta see it from my side here! A guy, a GUY, told me he" [shudders] "loved me. And it's Kunou. Blech." "Let's just get to Tofou-sensei's and change you back ok?" Ranma just muttered something that sounded like, "Blech." Akane rolled her eyes. Like she hadn't just heard the same thing! She'd never had a guy like her before. After all, she had always gone to an all boys school (whenever she did go to school), and whenever she did come out 'of the closet' so to speak, and show she was undoubtably female, all advances were firmly rejected with her trusty wooden mallet. She liked that mallet. She wondered where it went to... Suddenly she found that they were in fornt of Dr. Tofou's office. She remembered this place... ***********flashback*********** "... There! That's should patch you up this time!" Tofou ruffled Akane's hair. "Arigato Tofou-san! See you next time!" "Imoutosan*!" Akane turned to see her big sister Kasumi behind her with a frown on her face. Even at nine she was the picture of sweetness... and properity. "Have you been in a fight again?" Kasumi turned to Tofou. "I'm sorry. She really shouldn't disturb you. I hear you have become an apprentice to Yasaki-sensei." "O-oh, it's alright Kasumi-san. It's good practise after all." Akane looked from Tofou's foggy glasses to Kasumi's apologetic (and oblivious) smile. It was almost unnoticable, she was only nine, but 15 year old Tofou had noticed Kasumi's growing beauty and charm and was already falling. Falling hard. "Sayonara Tofou-san." Kasumi took Akane's hand and dragged (though gently) homewards. "Really Akane-chan, if you keep on getting in to fights and acting like a boy Tofou-san might stop liking you." If I grow my hair out like Kasumi's... will Tofou-san like me more? *(For those who don't know, 'imouto' means little sister.) ***********end flashback*********** I had a crush on him... thought Akane. It's because of him I started to grow my hair. She touched a lock of her hair. "Hey Akane!?" "What?" Akane snapped out of her reverie of the past to find Ranma giving her a worried look. "Are you alright Acchan? I lost ya there for a sec. We going in or what?" "Ranma, cut out the macho act and talk properly. It's me remember?" Onna-Ranma flushed. Thank god Akane hadn't realized what Ranma had just now. He was trying to impress her. Trying to show that even though he was currently a she, she was still a man. Onna-Ranma should have known that stuff never worked on Akane. They entered the clinic. "Moshi moshi? Tofou-sensei?" Tofou's head popped out of a doorway, together with Betty, and Akane inadvertably blushed. He was cute... "Oh! If it isn't the Jusenkyou couple. What are you doing here so early in the morning?" "Couple?" they deadpanned. They looked at eachother. At the moment they didn't look anything like a standard couple, unless Akane had had the inclination to, um... swing that way. Which she didn't. "Well you are engaged aren't you? I really can't believe you're engaged Akane-san," turning to her. "I remember you always running to see me after being in a fight so I could adminster my healing hands." He wiggled Betty's fingers to make a point. Onna-Ranma glanced at Akane. She knew him? Akane was smiling. "It was a long time ago doctor. I'm afraid only remembered you when I was standing outside the clinic. Brought back a lot of memories. Things haven't changed though; I'll still need those healing hands of yours." [shy smile] "Ranma and I get into a lot of fights." Kami! thought onna-Ranma. Not only is she using her 'respect' voice, she's... flirting?! Ranma glared at the doctor. Tofou laughed. "I bet you do! Now, to return to my first question, what brings you here?" "We need some hot water for Ranma here," replied Akane, pointing at a glowering female Ranma. "She seems a bit upset." Tofou peered through his glasses. "Don't mind that, doctor. He received some bad news recently." Akane took Ranma by arm and dragged her after Tofou. "Why don't you wait here," he said, and left the two friends sitting on an examination bed. "So what's up with you and the doc?" onna-Ranma asked, trying to sound nonchalant. "Oh!" Akane blushed, making Ranma's internal tempature go up a few degrees. "His family was friends with ours, and he stayed behind when his parents moved to be aprenticed to Yasaki-sensei who used to run this clinic. He was always giving me first aid," she continued, a smile growing into a grin on her face. Ranma said nothing. He hated to admit it but the doc seemed ok. And who wouldn't fall in love with Akane? Onna-Ranma glanced at Akane, once again trying to etch every detail into his memory, in case she'd missed something. No need. He already knew every inch of her mind and body*. She quickly looked away when Tofou re-entered the room with a kettle. Ranma tried to keep her hostility down to a minimum when she thanked the doctor and took the kettle, since she had a feeling Tofou was a compitent martial artist, and reading auras was not unknown ability among doctors. *(Not in THAT way, hentai brains! This isn't one of those lemon-stories where Ranma and Akane's long friendship leads to 'experimenting'. This is JAPAN people! I draw the line at bathing together, because it's not really against the rules of social conduct.) Ranma was still glowering as he changed. Akane wouldn't have been suprised if, pouring cold water on him, he'd heat the water only with his aura. He must be really angry about Kunou. She turned to Tofou. "Thank you. Can I ask you to keep hot water around? We're regular cold-water magnets." "Of course Akane-san. And might I add you've turned into quite a fine young lady." "Arigato gozaimasu Tofou-sensei." Akane blushed again, but realized something. She only felt a little pride at the doctor's compliment, but nothing more. There had been no need to be so nervous, she didn't have any feelings for him anymore. After all, it had only been puppy love. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ They walked slowly home, Ranma with his hands buried in his pockets and balancing on the fence, Akane for once on the ground with a thoughtful expression on her face. "Did you know..." she started thoughtfully, breaking the silence. "Did you know I had a crush on Tofou-sensei?" Ranma saw red. He knew it! When he got his hands on that doctor he'd-- "Such a long time ago though." Akane's voice broke through his jealousy. "Huh?" "I said that that was such a long time ago." She took a deep breath, smiling curiously. "Ahhh... Life is a funny old thing isn't it? And love's even funnier..." Ranma jumped down behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey! You're sounding like a girl! Who are you and what have you done with the macho tomboy?" Akane took a playful swing at him. "What? The baka actually said something besides 'huh?' and 'wha--?'? I'm impressed." "Run for it! The tomboy is back!" "Watch it or I'll bring out my mallet!" They ran laughing, chasing eachother all the way home. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Meanwhile, up north... "Saotome Ranma and Aki! You shall pay!" ------------------------ Not all to pleased with this chapter. Now afterwards I realize I would have liked to have focused more on Akane's relationship with Dr. Tofou, but that would mean rewriting the whole chapter. BIG no-no. You might have noticed the change in timelines. When she get's her hair cut in the manga, Akane's flashback brings her back to when she was 9 to 12 years old. But I decided to let her get the urge to grow her hair when she was younger than that. Anyone accusing me of being a pedofile will be very much hurt. Tofou, 15, isn't in love with Kasumi, 9, yet. He just see's the fact that when she grows up she'll be very beautiful, and it's that thought that made him stutter a little. You might have noticed that Ranma uses the female denomitor about himself a lot when he thinks of himself and Akane uses the male, but when thinking or talking about eachother Ranma uses 'she' and Akane 'he'. This is because they are so acutely aware of their own curse, but tend to see past the other's curse, because to them the other is the height of manliness/femaleness. Romantic ne? ^.~ I hoped you liked it! Fionnuala 'Fio-chan' J. Cursed love - Chapter 3: It's a bird!......... Category: Anime » Ranma Censor: G Reviews: 1 Download/Print: 33KB Author: Fio-chan disclaimer: There is no place like home. Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... CHAPTER THREE: It's bird! It's a plane! No it's--!...Ryouga?! A weary and travelled* figure walked down the streets of the Nerima ward. Of course, he didn't know it was Nerima, but he'd find out soon enough. Now if only he'd steer his feet to Furinkan-- Well fancy that! He turned the right corner for once. * (And in desperate need for a bath! Pe-uw, he's a stinker!) Ryouga grabbed the first guy he could lay his hands on, holding him by the front of his school uniform. "Where's Furinkan High School?!" he demanded. The student was about to give an acid comment, but decided against it. He just pointed towards the sign: FURINKAN HIGH. Ryouga glanced at it, then turned back to the young man. "Where are the Saotomes?" "You looking for Ranma?" "And his brother, Aki." "Don't know about brother, but man, his fiancée Akane is so cute!" The guy waved his hand as if he'd burned himself. Ryouga gave him a look of blank comprihension, and was going to ask another question when he heard something that sorta grabbed his attention. Yep, you guess it. "RANMA! Come back here!" "Akane, ya know I'm not stupid enough to eat yer cooking!" Ranma bounced around, trying to avoid Akane's attacks, but she was faster than him. She jumped him and manhandled him to the ground. She took out what looked and smelled like a golfball dipped in tar, but was in fact a riceball. Ranma, realizing he was trapped, still couldn't stop thinking how cute she looked in that outfit. Despite the threat of cold water, she had put on one of her few that looked like it was made for a girl (Genma had made them share clothes to save money). It was a long pale yellow shirt with a chinese collar and fastening at the shoulder, almost long enough to be called a dress*, and slightly loose white leggings. It accentuated her curves very nicely. "Are you going to eat it, or am I going to have to make you?" A glowing mallet appeared in her other hand. Ranma cursed silently. He'd thought she'd lost it! "RANMA! PREPARE TO DIE!" *(In some red light districts it is a dress... Barely.) Akane was up in two third's of a second, allowing Ranma freedom to manuver himself clear of the attack. The riceball can wait, she thought, dumping it back into her and Ranma's shared bentou with a loud *clong*. Good chewing resistance on that one... Ranma rolled and swung his legs up, balancing on his finger, and was missed by half a centimeter by a umbrella striking so hard into the ground it created a crater. Holding it was a young man with a yellow and black bandanna. Insert customary "OooOoOoooo" from the crowd. O.o "You never change Ranma. You're still good at running a--" "Hibiki-san? RYOUGA!" He turned at the sound of his name. Smiling at him was a pretty girl his age. "Do I know you?" he asked. She seemed familiar somehow... Comprihension dawned on the girl's features, and she glanced down at her body. "Oh yeah... I know it's hard to believe but... I'm Aki remember? Saotome Aki." Ryouga barked a laughed. "Hah! I'm not stupid. Saotome Aki is a boy, a villain and an honourless cur, and he doesn't look a thing like a pretty girl like you." "But--" But Ryouga had turned from her. "Ranma!" Ranma was still trying to figure out why Ryouga wanted him dead, when he was under attack again. Avoiding a punch, he did a backflip over Ryouga's head, bent low and swept the legs out from under him. "Long time no see Ryouga! Watcha doin' here?" "Just answer me this Ranma," growled Ryouga as he stood up. "Why did you and your twin-brother run out on our fight?!" Murmurs spread across the yard. Ranma had a twinbrother? Was he as good in martial arts? And, more importantly, was he single? "Hey, we waited for as long as we could. Three days at the appointed place." "Yes, and when I came on the fourth day you'd both turned tail and run!" "Ryouga, tell me why it took you four days to walk 150 meters?" "Silence! Do you realize the hell I went through to get there!?" "Am I to take it you wanna continue our fight?" "NO!" Ryouga snapped open his umbrella, and narrowed his eyes with hate. "This is revenge." He threw the umbrella into the air, giving it a spin. Like a boomerang it returned, but not without first slicing through some shirts. He caught it with one hand. "Know this Ranma. Somehow, I will destroy the happiness of the Saotome brothers." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Tadaima!" Kasumi looked up. Ah. The children were home. She closed her school books as they entered the kitchen. "Ranma-san, I have some good news. Your mother called and said she'd be coming home in a few days. Her friend is sick but is getting better." Ranma's face lit up. "Really!? Did you tell her I was here?" Kasumi smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry. I was in such a hurry to get back to studying I completely forgot." "Oh." Ranma looked downcast. "Don't worry Kasumi-san. I'm just glad she's coming back." A thought seemed to occur to him. "Have you told my father yet?" "No. He's been out of the house all day." "Do me a favour and don't tell him. There's something fishy going on and I don't want him to have time to run away." "Saotome-san wouldn't do that," scoffed Kasumi gently. "Oh yes he would, oneechan," Akane said. "He would." The two grabbed an apple each and headed towards the dojo, leaving a thoughtful Kasumi behind them. After a few minutes she took out a notebook and started to writing. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "I can't believe he didn't see it was me!" "Stop beating yourself over the head about it, Akane-chan. Last time ya saw him, ya wore your hair like a boy, you had bound your chest so it'd look flat and you walked talked and acted like a guy." Ranma smiled and winked. "You're the greatest guy I know Akane-kun!" "Why you...!" She threw a lightning feint to his left side, missed him with her right fist, tripped him with a leg sweep and soon he was once again trapped underneath her. He was just glad she wasn't holding one of her toxic riceballs. "No fair!" he laughed. "You're faster than me as a girl!" "Oh yeah? You wanna change and find out?" She grinned. She let him up. She walked up to the slidedoor leading outside and leaned against the door frame. "About Ryouga... I was his best friend before that stupid bread duel thing--" "Hey, boys will be boys!" he answered, walking up behind her, stopping. "Don't interupt. What I'm saying is," she crossed her arms as she spoke, "He should have seen past my loose ponytail and my breasts. Besides that, today I looked exactly like I did when I was Aki!" "Akane," laughed Ranma. "You didn't look a thing like Aki today. Aki was a short, thin and aggressive boy with slightly bishonen looks. Today you were a cute girl with a sweet disposition and a figure to die for." As he spoke he leaned in behind her, putting his head only slightly behind hers. "Really Ranchan?" She smiled shyly. "I was cute?" If he sees that, maybe... Before he could stop himself, he murmured into her ear, "More than cute... beautiful..." He pulled back quickly, her scent lingering in his nose. He laughed and, to cover his slip-up, added, "That kawaikune tomboy was nowhere in sight! Wonder where she went to eh?" Akane glared without malice at Ranma. "It's kawaikunai Ranma, you illiterate bakabakashii*! Now come here so I can beat the crap out of you. Again." *(Another translation. Bakabakashii is pretty much 'superidiot' or close to it anyway.) After practise they studied together, ignoring Nabiki's attempted interigation about Hibiki Ryouga and his revenge, background, ancestry, marital status; little things like that. That night, like every night, Ranma followed Akane to her room, said an akward goodnight and left. Akane quietly shut the door behind her and smiled to herself. She knew she hadn't imagined it. Ranma had said she had been beautiful. Changed into her newly bought pyjamas, she lay her clothes on the bed. Akane ran her fingers softly over the silk shirt. She reminded herself to wear it more often. Soon Ranma. She put her clothes away and got into bed. Hugging her pillow to her, she repeated that thought. Soon Ranma, you'll like me back. I'm kinda new in the seduction buisness, but I'm getting the hang of it. Nothing's taking you away from me. With that in mind, Akane fell asleep. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Kasumi handed Ranma a letter the next morning. "This was in the mail for you today. Who is this Saotome Aki?" She pointed at the second name on the letter, a name which immediately gave away the sender. "Aki is the name Akane took sometimes when we where on the road," Ranma answered absently as he opened the letter. "What did she need another name for?" asked Soun, who was relaxing at the breakfast table with his newspaper and a pipe. Akane and Ranma both glared and the panda who was suddenly trying to look inconspicious. "Someone," Akane said, "someone thought it would be easier if me and Ranma went to the same school. But that same someone also wanted Ranma to go to an all boys school. Guess where that left me with a name like Akane." A pause followed, allowing for the three Tendous to put two and two together at their own pace. "SAOTOME! You let my little girl go to an all boys school!?" shrieked Soun's demon-head. Genma held up a sign: [WHO? ME?] while frantically looking for a way out. While Soun chased Genma around the house in samurai armour and assorted weapons, The Tendou sisters crowded over Ranma's shoulder, while also asking Akane questions. "A challenge huh? Whatcha going to do Akane? I guess you could go in your male form if we dye your hair." "Hardly Nabiki! I'm too tall in my male form!" "No you're not!" "Oh my! This Hibiki boy seems to be really mad at you! Oh look!" Kasumi pointed at the date on the letter. "The date for the challenge was yesterday!" "Don't worry oneechan," Akane said, stretching. "Ryouga has the worst sense of direction." "Why is he so mad at you?" asked Kasumi, taking her books and putting them into her school bag. "Well..." ***********flashback*********** *BRRRRIIIIIIING* "Hurry before they run out of curry bread!" The lunchlady held up the last piece of currybread with a pair of thongs. "All right! The last curry bread of the day! HEEE-YA!" She threw it into the fray of teenaged boys. Ryouga threw himself upwards, rising from the heap of boys like a... a... boy jumping up really fast. His fingers were inches away from the bread. It's mine! his mind sang gloriously. His hand closed in-- *Clonk* Ranma bounced of someone's head and caught the bread in his mouth. He turned to Akane. "Oo ont om?" "What?" Akane looked with distase at the display of machoism from the boys. Haven't they heard of sharing? "I said," Ranma took the bread from his mouth, "do you want some?" "Sure. Throw me some." "SAOTOME!" They both turned. "What?" they said. Ryouga glared at the Saotome brothers. So. Aki was also in on this. "I shall never forget this offense of the curry bread!" "Chill out Ryouga-kun!" Akane smiled, setting herself on 'guy-mode'. "It's only bread." "Silence! I shall never forgive you for this!" A bitter tear ran down his cheek as he turned away. "Eh..." He turned back. "You'll pick me up at my place tomorrow morning right?" +_+; *sweatdrop* +_+; ***********end flashback*********** "That's it? All this for some bread?" Nabiki could hardly believe it. "Well it was a boys school...lunchtime was always war," Akane said with disgust. "Of course I stayed out of it mostly, since I was afraid of someone getting too close, if you know what I mean." "Are you sure there wasn't anything else that make him that mad?" "Well..." Ranma glanced at Akane. "There was the chowmein bread..." "...and the croquette bread," added Akane. "The melon bread..." "...and the cutlet sandwich." As the two started to rattle off different types of bread, Nabiki shook her head. Strange things happened around those two. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ [Three days later] A crowd had gathered at Furinkan High's athletics field. There had been a constant flow of people the whole time Ranma had been waiting for Ryouga. Sometimes Akane had come disguised as Aki, bound chest and hair in a tight ponytail, recieving to her discomfort a sigh from the girls in the crowd. Now it was time for the fight and she was there again, standing slightly behind and to the side of Ranma, staring at the angry face of Ryouga. Nabiki, who was sitting in the crowd, registered the comments around in her. "I still don't think they look like twins really." "They don't have to be identical twins..." "He's such a hunk!" "Why doesn't he go to school with Ranma?" "Which one of them is a hunk?" "All of them..." *drool* Nabiki smiled unnoticably to herself. ¥_¥ "So... The Saotome-twins finally had the guts to show up," Ryouga said with sneer on his face. "Come on Ryouga-kun," Aki said. "We don't wanna fight so... take this!" *whhp* Ryouga caught a package with currybread. "What is this?!" he growled. They mock me? "This makes us even right?" said Ranma. "What?!" "This is a bread feud right?" asked Aki and threw some more packages of bread at him. "You think a bread-eating contest can avenge my honour? Die Saotomes!" He attacked with his umbrella. Ranma, evading with ease, said, "Huh? What's this about then?" He jumped as Ryouga attacked again. "Thanks to both of you I've seen HELL!" The vengeful boy jabbed with his umbrella but Ranma somersaulted over him and landed a few meters away. "Wait!" Akane ran between them. "What is this about Ryouga? Why are you so mad?" "You think," said Ryouga, unfolding his umbrella, "I can convey the depts of my sufferings with mere words?" He threw the umbrella spinning towards Akane and Ranma acted without thinking. "AKANE!!!!" He moved to throw her to the ground but the umbrella cut through her shirt before that, revealing her bound chest. The whole field grew quiet. Akane knelt on the ground and bowed her head in shame, but then threw her head up with her eyes burning. Ryouga, who's eyes were wide with shock, backed off as she stood up to face him proudly, holding her shirt together tightly. "Do you see now? I was Saotome Aki, but I'm really Tendou Akane, heir of the Tendou School of Anything-Goes Martial Arts, and Saotome Ranma's fiancée. Do you understand now?" "Yes..." Ryouga's head was down, but his battle aura was growing. "RANMA! DIE!" Ryouga grabbed one of his many bandannas off his head and threw it at Ranma. Ranma glided to the side and looked at him in shock. "Ryouga! Whatcha doin'? Didn't ya hear Akane?" "Not only did you destroy my life Ranma... you defiled this young lady and destroyed hers as well! She clearly must have acted everything under your orders... and you used her as your love-slave in school!" This elicted a murmur of disbelief from the crowd. Akane? A slave? More likely the other way around with the way Akane pushes Ranma around... "Are ya crazy?! I haven't touched her!" "Ryouga stop it! It's not Ranchan's fault!" Ryouga wouldn't listen. It was all Ranma's fault. Everything that had happened was Ranma's fault. He launched himself at Ranma where he stood behind Akane. "Stop hiding behind a girl!" Akane glanced back and saw Ranma tense up and the narrowing of his eyes. "Are you calling me a coward?" He jumped to meet him in mid air. At the same time, the thrown umbrella had settled on the grass not far from Nabiki who together with some of the boys went over to it. One of the boys tried to lift it unsuccessfully. "Wow! This thing weighs a ton!" Nabiki looked down at the ungoing fight below, her face calm, her insides in turmoil. "AKANE!" she shouted. "Stay away from him! He's got the strength of a monster!" Akane turned to to Ranma in alarm. His hand had been caught with one of Ryouga's bandannas and Ryouga's hand was speeding towards Ranma's head. "RANMA!" She watched as Ranma pulled his head away but got cut on the cheek by his opponent's nail. "Well well... time to get serious..." Ranma! Be careful... Before Ryouga could say a word, Ranma glided underneath him, hooked his feet onto Ryouga's shoulders and pulled him down to the ground, until Ranma was kneeling on Ryouga's back and Ryouga was kneeling on the ground. "You dare push me..." Ranma grunted in surprise as Ryouga lifted himself until he stood on one hand, with Ranma still on his back. "...TO MY KNEES!?" Ryouga launched himself into the air several meters with his arm, and soon they were falling through the air, a kick from Ryouga was a evaded by Ranma throwing himself forward. As he stopped his fall with his hand, Ranma gave Ryouga a thrust-kick with both legs in his chest, making Ryouga fly off and ripping the bandanna holding their hands together. "Incoming!" shouted a boy, and everyone scattered... ...except for Nabiki. She observed as the fanged bandanna boy landed close by and how her future brother-in-law flew towards him and aimed another kick at him, but missed by a hair as Ryouga rolled out of the way, grabbing his umberella on the way. Nabiki found herself faced with a young man staring up her skirt and she did something unexpected. "PERVERT!" she shrieked and punted a surprised Ryouga into the air with a well-aimed kick. Ranma didn't waste time with any shocked reaction. "Come on Akane!" he shouted and jumped after his opponent. Nabiki, fighting back a blush, watched as Akane followed before running after them. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ryouga, landing on the drinking fountain, cracking it slightly, felt slightly dazed. Who was that girl...? Bu he didn't dwell on that thought long since two legs were coming at him from two directions. He jumped into the air as Akane's and Ranma's kicks tore through the concrete of the drinking fountain. Water went everywhere, but Ryouga quickly snapped his umbrella open and shielded himself from it. That was close... Two figures suddenly speeded towards him through the air and he bent backwards to escape them. They landed facing him. A young redhaired girl with a pigtail and dressed like Ranma stood proudly and aggressively beside a young blond man with a torn shirt and dishelved hair in a loosened ponytail and a smiliar stance. Ryouga put two and two together. "Ra...Ranma? Aki-- I mean..." "That's right." Akane-kun and onna-Ranma turned to find Nabiki behind them. Her eyes were hot with anger as she continued, "They're cursed." She threw a thermos to them. "Here. Some hot water." Akane poured the water on herself, while onna-Ranma faced Ryouga. "Y'see?" she said. "We are cursed. Dontcha think that's enough to atone for whatever we did to ya?" "Hehehehe... you think it is a curse to have such an adorable figure?" Ryouga grabbed a handful of bandannas and spun them whirling towards the two. "Ranma! Quick, change!" Akane shoved the thermos into Ranma's hands and she quickly changed into a he. Unfortunately Akane didn't watch where she was running and tripped on a piece of rubble. Several bandannas missed her by inches as she struggled to her feet. "No!" Ranma ran to her. "An opening!" Ranma heard Ryouga shout and sensed several objects flying towards him. He turned and kicked the umbrella, grabbing it. Snapping it open, he grabbed Akane and launched himself into the air, blocking Ryouga's new bandannas with the umbrella. Nabiki grew slightly in amazement. Wasn't that umbrella incredibly heavy? ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma and Akane set down on the roof of the bicycle shed, arms still around eachother. They gave eachother a relieved hug. Ranma buried his nose in her hair, loving the feeling of her body so close. Akane luxuriated in the feel of his arms around her, his warmth. Before, a hug would have passed unnoticed by the two. Now, with the newly awakened feelings within them, they tensed up as they realised what they were doing and quickly moved away from eachother. Akane blushed, first with embarressment then with anger. "What were you thinking you were doing out there?" "What?" "You kept on trying to protect me! I know how to protect myself, you know!" "You would have been hurt!" Ranma shouted back. "Maybe, but that's my problem isn't it? If you had let me fend for myself I would have come out of it with minimum damage!" "Damn it! I don't want you getting hurt, minimum or not!" The argument continued, and they didn't notice as Ryouga, who had caught up, took off his belt and snapped it straight like a rod. He cut through one of the supporting poles of the shed with a calculating look. "Damn it!" Ranma and Akane swore together as they fell. Ranma immediately tried to catch Akane around the waist, but she pushed his arm away with an angry shrug. "Stop that! I can take care of myself!" "Well pardon me for caring! In the future I'll won't even lift a finger." They landed on the ground, both glaring angrily at eachother. "Good!" snapped Akane. "Then I won't bother with you either!" She turned on her heel and stalked off. "Akane! Wait! Acchan!" Ranma started to follow. "Stop and face me Ranma!" Ryouga struck with his belt-rod, but Ranma kicked his arm making him drop it. "Give it a rest Hibiki!" Ranma said, ducking a whirring bandanna. He turned an ran after his fiancée. "Acchan!" "Don't Ranma. Pet names won't help you this time, "she said as she whirled around. *wrrr* A bandanna went through the air... *sshh*...and cut through Akane's now-loose pony tail. Ranma stared in horror as Akane's hair fell to the ground. "What?" Akane said. She brought her hand up to her hair. "What is it?" "Your hair..." "What about my hair? It's not important. I was thinking of getting it cut anyway. Don't think you're getting away so easy Ranma!" "Akane!" The group of students had caught up with them and Nabiki stared at Akane's newly aquired hair-cut. "Whatever happened?" A murmur went through the female half of the group. "Oh you poor girl!" "I'm sure a pair of scissors will fix you right up." "Oh! It looks horrible..." It slowly dawned on Akane that to a girl hair was important. She reddened in the face of all the sympathetic and horrorfilled looks and tried to hide her hair with her hands. She turned to Ryouga. "You!" She stalked up to him and glared at him. "You did this to me!" He backed up. "Wha-? Wha-?" *KAPOW!* "Ouch..." Akane left Ryouga lying in a painful heap and Ranma staring after her holding her cut-off hair. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane quietly went up to her room, got a scissors and a small towel and went and knocked on her sister's door. "Come in!" said a pleasant voice. "Kasumi, could you--" She stopped dead in her tracks. Sitting at Kasumi's desk was a woman in a blue kimono holding a cup a tea. She was beautiful. And familiar in more ways than one. Lying on the desk was an oblong wrapped object. "Akane!" exclaimed Kasumi who had been sitting on her bed. "What happened to your hair?!" "Me and Ranma were fighting Ryouga and... well..." She shrugged and gestured to her hair, not taking her eyes of the woman. "A fight? And my son didn't try to protect you?" said the woman with a frown, confirming Akane's suspicions. "That was the problem! He wouldn't stop protecting me." She shook her head. "I wish he knew I could take care of myself by now." She blushed as she remembered her manners. "Oh! Hajimemashite Saotome-san. Watashi wa Tendou Akane to moushimasu. Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu*." She bowed respectfully. Mrs.Saotome smiled. "Despite your appearence you are quite the little lady. I see my husband didn't go back on our promise." Akane looked at Kasumi in alarm who shook her head slightly and gave her look that said "later". *(translation: "Pleased to meet you Mrs. Saotome. My name is Akane Tendou. Please treat me as you see fit." Or something like that... It is the most polite greeting I know. After all, the longer the better! ^_~;) Instead Kasumi filled Aunty Nodoka's cup again. "You want me to fix your hair Akane?" she asked. "Would you oneesan?" Akane said gratefully. "It was awful the way the girls were staring at me as if I'd been really hurt or something. Growing up with two men didn't do much good for me I guess." Kasumi froze in the act of pouring Akane a cup of tea. This wasn't going the way she wanted. But before she could change the subject, Nodoka interupted. "Didn't my husband help you with these things? Let you be around other women and such?" "Kami no!" laughed Akane, settling in a chair. "He was too embarressed to be bothered. Ranma was my greatest help. When my, um... time came" [blush] "he made me go to a doctor and get help and information. When we were in the all boys school he was the one who insisted I'd wear dresses and things after school and go do things girls did. He was always my 'date'." She smiled. Kasumi on the other hand had buried her face in her hands. Akane had had to mention the boys school. She glanced up to see a unreadable look on Nodoka's face. "You should be proud of him Saotome-san," continued Akane. "He is a good man." She sipped her tea, unknowing of what she had just said. Kasumi saw a light start to shine in the older woman's eyes. "Arigato Akane-chan." She quickly stood up and gently took the scissors from Kasumi's hands. "Would you mind if I cut your hair?" she adressed Akane. Akane smiled sunnily. "Of course I don't! Go ahead." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma walked the near-empty streets of Nerima holding the remainder of Akane's ponytail. When he reached a bridge, he leaned over the edge, gazing into the water. Then, glancing around him, he held Akane's hair to his nose. Her scent filled his head again. He felt like the world's biggest hentai, but he couldn't help himself. He should tell her. But how? "Oh by the way Akane, I just realized I've been in love with you for years." Hardly. He held up the bundle of hair, tied together with a short ribbon in an undecorative fashon, then gazed again into the water below and tried to picture her. He saw her as a a six year-old playing with him and that other boy, what was his name? Ukyou. And when she was ten and hid behind Ranma as he tried to stop his father to throw her into the pit of c-c-c-c... felines. He'd failed to protect her then, and he still blamed himself. When she was fourteen and had a crush on a guy in their class, made more impossible since she'd been Aki then. Ranma understood now his feelings then, why he'd tried everything to keep Akane to meet the boy, Yukinori, without her disguise. He saw her smiling at him and he now knew why he'd always felt his heart speed up and his insides go all warm at the sight of it. And it irked him that he knew her so well, knew her inside and out, but didn't know how she really felt about him, or how to tell her how he felt about her. He turned homewards with a sigh, hiding the hair inside his shirt, not noticing the fall of rain. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane was admiring her new hairstyle* in the mirror when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" Kasumi entered, looking nervous. "What is it oneesan?" asked Akane. "Something's wrong isn't it? What couldn't you tell me before?" *(you know the one...) Kasumi sat down on her sister's bed and told Akane what Nodoka had told her. "Seppeku?! No! She seemed so kind. And she really misses Ranma." "It was Mr. Saotome's idea, but she's determinded on holding him to his promise." Akane started pacing, a worried expression on her face. "Kasumi, if she finds out about the curses... the only reason I didn't tell her now was because I wanted Ranma to be here too." A familiar sound made her head spin towards the window. "And it's starting to rain." She sat down beside her sister and actually started to cry. "Oh Kasumi! Why does nothing good happened to us? I don't want Ranma to die, not now..." The rest was lost in heavy sobs. Kasumi gathered Akane in her arms, cradling her like a baby. She kissed her forehead and said, "We'll work things out little one. Everything will be fine." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma had meet his, or at the moment her, father on the way and they went home together, a giant panda walking beside a small teenaged girl. It was a tired and soaking Ranma who shouted a weary "Tadaima!" in the hall, removing her wet shoes. A voice from the livingroomdoor said, "Who's there?" and as onna-Ranma looked up with her wet red hair hanging in her tired eyes, a strange yet familiar woman entered the hall. The reaction from panda-Genma was immediate. [N-NODOKA?!] *dead faint* Ranma whispered faintly and unheard, "Mom?" "Who are you young lady? I thought it was my son who had come home." As soon as Akane had heard Ranma's shout, she raced down the stairs. Going down the stairs she couldn't see Nodoka where she stood, and ran directly to Ranma. "Ranma! You're mother is here but you've gotta go! She can't see you like this. Oji made a promise and--" "R-Ranma...?" Akane turned slowly to see Nodoka slide down onto the floor wide a wide-eyed expression. Oh no...! ---------------------- Don't you just hate it when I do that? *grin* This was a very "follow the script" deal in the fight with Ryouga, but I'm going to explain it as that in this alternative universe some things have to happen and can happen, while other stuff, like the meeting with his mother, can be entirely different. Minor note: Akane isn't as dead sure about her feelings for Ranma; still at the "I like him"-stage, not the "I love her"-stage Ranma is in. Hey! Don't blame me! Just happened! And one last thing: It'll take a while for the next part to come out, since I've pretty much dried myself out writing one episode after another at this pace (as you've probably noticed). So you'll have to wait. If you have any questions/comments/critique about anything, please e-mail me! (that is, if you want an answer, otherwise just do that review thingy...) You know, I said in the last chapter that it would take a few weeks before I wrote another chapter, but six hours later I'm sitting in front of my (crappy) computer, tinkering away at the keyboard, staring at the Pikachu sticker on my monitor for inspiration. I got it free with a purchase of Kalles Kaviar. Don't ask me why, sales pitch I guess. I don't see why they can't show ( the English version of) Ranma on TV over here instead of Pokémon and Sailor Moon dubbed in Swedish. You know how Russia is known for its excellent economy and healthcare? That's exactly how famous Sweden is for its voice actors. *extreme sarcasm* ._. For the love of god, Momoru sounds as if he'd rather jump of a building than talk to his girlfriend. Some people have no enthusiasm for their job... ;_; Pikachu's not working, moving on to my most recent picture of my two neices and my nephew. They're so cute! And the pic's handy for blackmail when Thomas hits his teens... *points at the barbie in Tom-Tom's hands* Mwuahahahaha!!! *evil laugh evil laugh* I'll shut up now. disclaimers: I never knew that you knew that I knew that you knew that I knew-- Um, never mind... Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... CHAPTER FOUR: A reunion and a parting Ranma had hardly registered Akane when she had run down the stairs, had only stared at his mother. Now he-- she turned to Akane. In a small part of her head a little thought registered how cute Akane was with her hair like that, but it was shouted down by bigger and frightening thoughts. What had Akane tried to say? She turned back to the one person she'd missed most through her whole life. Her mother's eyes was wide with surprise, amazement and disbelief. And something else was there, making Ranma's heart hurt. Soun wandered in with a kettle of warm water whistling tunelessly to himself. Pouring the kettle over the prostate form of panda-Genma he said, "Come on Saotome old friend, how about a game of shogi? Oh hello Nodoka-san. You want the rest of the water Ranma?" With that he handed the kettle to Akane and dragged Genma into the livingroom. Silence followed. Akane silently poured the remaining water on Ranma, watching him change, growing taller, broader. He looked like a real man; strong, kind and handsome. She put her hand reasuringly on his shoulder, mostly to reasure herself, but he moved away from her towards his mother, leaving her behind. Ranma walked slowly towards his mom. She looked exactly as he remembered, maybe a little wear and tear, but it was practically un-noticable. He realized that she looked a bit like his female form. "Okaasan? Okaasan..." He felt on the verge of tears but bit them back. She was staring at him, her tears clearly visible in her eyes. She raised her hand as if to touch him and without another thought Ranma bent down and scooped his mother into a huge bear-like hug. "Oh Mom!" His cheeks got wet as the dam within him burst, unable to hold it back. "Ranma... My little boy..." Akane suddenly realized how much Ranma had missed his mother. Yes, he'd had his father while she had been alone, but Genma's caring and fatherly side had seldom showed itself and he had refused to talk about Nodoka to a begging Ranma, who's memory of his mother was fading. Akane had at least had some contact with her family. During the ten years she'd been with Ranma and Oji she had sent her family three letters and recieved four. Pictures and words had made her feel connected with her family. Ranma had not had that with his mother. But Akane couldn't help feeling a little jealous. Nodoka's mind was trying to put all the information together. This was her son, but that girl who had come in was also Ranma, had turned into to Ranma. But this boy in her arms, this boy was strong, caring and good. A man. But that girl... She pulled back and looked into her son's blue eyes. The same blue eyes that had stared at her from under that red hair a few moments before. How could that be? Ranma saw the confusion in his mother's eyes and he didn't know what to say. That he turned into a girl on a regular basis? But she had already seen that. "Mom? Come. We'll have some tea and talk about it. Please?" Confusion still racked her brain. She should be taking out her katana, forcing her son, her son, to commit seppeku. She couldn't. Not yet. Not now... ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ They sat at the livingroom table; Ranma and Akane on one side, Nodoka and Kasumi on the other. Soun and Genma sat on one of the short sides and Nabiki had the other all to herself. Akane took Ranma's hand in hers secretly and squeezed it. "We're in it together," the act seemed to say to him. He squeezed back and for the first time in the last half-hour took a good look at her. He leaned in towards her, still holding her hand, and whispered, "You look great. You should have cut it a long time ago. Real cute." Nodoka watched as Akane's face went red to the roots and as her lips curled upwards in a shy smile. She smiled herself. It seemed as if her son had a way with words. Then he turned towards her. "Okaasan... Me and Akane need to tell you something that happened on our tri--" "No!" Everyone turned and stared with surprise at the person who'd shouted. Kasumi blushed. "You can't tell her Ranma, you don't know..." She trailed off. Akane leaned over the table and patted her hand. "It's alright oneechan. It'll be alright. Otoosan, you have a good grip on Ojisan?" Her father nooded. "Good. Don't want you running away now do we?" Genma gulped. "What is that I don't know Acchan?" "Before we left for the trip, do you remember signing a piece of paper?" "No I-- wait... yes I do... I don't know what it was but Oyaji wanted me to put my hand-mark on it. Why?" His voice started to show alarm. "What was on the paper?" When Akane didn't speak he took hold of both her shoulders and shook her. "What?!" "Your father's and your own promise to commit ritual suicide if you weren't a man amongst men when you returned and Akane a woman amongst women." Nodoka's voice was quiet. "That is what is on this paper." She held out a much-worn and inkblotted paper. Ranma took it with shaking hands. He read it: I, Saotome Genma and my son Ranma promise that if on our return, Ranma is not a man amongst men and his fiancée Tendou Akane is not a woman amongst women, we will both commit seppeku to keep our honour. Saotome Genma [tiny hand print] Ranma stared at the little hand print next to his father's name. He put his own hand over it to compare. So small... So tiny... But a promise none the less. "Akane..." He looked up at her. The look in his eyes, that lost and lonely look, made Akane's resolve waver. He looked like a little boy again. But she had to. "Nabiki. The cold water please." Nabiki handed her a jug of cold water, her normal calculating look replaced with something unreadable. Akane watched as Genma struggled under her father's grip as she poured a third of the water on him, changing him into a panda. Akane heard Nodoka gasp and prayed for strength to do this to her best friend, to the boy she l-lo-...liked. Ranma didn't struggle. He just locked eyes with his mother, not even blinking as he changed. This time Nodoka didn't gasp. Just stared in horror. And finally herself. Akane poured the remainding water on herself and felt the familiar and uncomfortable tingle as everything in her body decided to re-arrange itself. "Now," Akane-kun said, sitting down again. "I want you to listen to a story. There is a place in China..." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ As the blond boy in front of her, the boy who was also Akane, finished his story, Saotome Nodoka could only feel pain. Pain in heart and body, because she had actually seriously considered of going through with the promise, to allow her son, her only child, to commit seppeku. But there was only one person she wanted dead. "Ranma... I realize that despite your curse, you've turned into a good man, and you Akane, have turned into a lady. But I also realize that you've got yourselves to thank for that." She turned to her literally animal husband, her eyes blazing with unfamiliar anger. She reached underneath the table to grip the hilt of her kantana. "I can't believe I've allowed you to hold on to Saotome name for so long. You have truly dragged it through the dirt. If my father was alive to see this... If my father was alive this wouldn't have happened!" In one fluid motion she unsheated her kantana, her eyes still blazing but tears were running down her cheeks. "Bring out your tanto husband." "Okaasan! No!" She turned to see her son, and sadly also her daughter now, stand up. Onna-Ranma smiled sadly. "I know he has caused us both a lot of pain. But he is still my father." But don't you hate for what he's done?" He--She shook her head sweetly. "Iie. I can't. Please Mom..." Nodoka looked at the cowering form of the panda. She turned to Nabiki. "I understand Nabiki-chan, that hot water reverses this curse? Then would you please bring enough for three." Nabiki nodded and left the room to come back with a kettle of hot water. Now days there was always one ready. She silently handed it to Nodoka. She might have power over a lot of things and a lot of people, but Aunt Nodoka had power over her. First Nodoka poured the water over Akane and Ranma, carressing Ranma's cheek in passing. Then she turned to panda-Genma who was still cowering beside Soun. Nabiki noticed her father had a strangely icy look in his eyes. Nodoka poured the remainding water on Genma and as soon as he changed she put the edge of her katana against his chin. Your son has spoken for you. You will live. But I demand a divorce and I will not allow you to use my family name ever again. From now on you are once again Oyama Genma and you have no claim on anything or anyone that belong to the Saotome name. Now go." "Nodoka please!" Nabiki stated silently how good Genma was at groveling. "Soun! My old friend, please stand by me! You wouldn't leave an old friend to starve now would you?" Soun gave Genma the coldest look Nabiki had ever seen him give. "For ten years I have considered Nodoka-san to number among my good friends. And I thought of you in the same way. But after what I've heard today... Go." Soun pointed towards the door. "Take your things and go. We will be in touch about the divorce." As Akane watched as the man with whom she had spent the last ten years with practically crawled out of the room, she found herself only feeling pity. Glancing at Ranma she saw... nothing. His face was immobile as he watched his father walk out of his life forever. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Later, she found him on the roof staring into the late night sky. she sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm here Ranchan." His voice was wistful as he spoke. "Ya know Akane-chan... Despite of everything he did to me, to us... I still love the bastard." His face scrunged up as he tried not to cry. "I s-s-still l-love hi-hi-him..." With a cry he threw himself into her arms. She held him tightly as he cried, rocking slightly and stroking his hair. Tears flowed down her own cheeks, but her's was silent. She made soothing noises while Ranma clung to her as if she was the only thing that was keeping him from going under. She believed she was. All Ranma remembered after that was Akane gently leading him off the roof and into his bedroom. That suddenly he was standing only in his boxers and then lying underneath warm blankets. He thought he imagined a light kiss on his forehead and a soft voice saying, "Sleep now. Everything will look better in the morning." And he slept, dreaming about blackness. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane closed the door gently after her and went and knocked on Nodoka's door. A quiet "Come in" was heard and she opened the door quietly. Nodoka was sitting on the floor, a 12 by 8.5* box decorated with blue and gold silk paper in front of her. She looked up and when she saw Akane she gave a sort of half smile. "Come in dear. Sit here with me, I'd like to show you something." She patted a space beside her, and Akane knelt down. "Here." She smiled and handed a black-and-white photograph to Akane. "This is the picture taken when I was your age." Akane looked at the picture. Sure thing, there was a girl the splitting image of onna-Ranma, and beside her stood a girl who looked like Nabiki. Behind them stood two older boys who looked familiar. One wore a bandanna covering his head and the other had longish black hair. Akane laughed. "Father certainly hasn't changed since then except for a mustach and a few wrinkles! But..." She pointed at the other girl in the picture. "Is that really Okaasan?" "Yes it is. You'd be suprised to know she was as interested in making money as your sister, but she usually used her own muscle instead of hiring it." "Really? I remember her being very gentle and kind and-- well, like Kasumi." "That was after Soun-san got her to settle down. He loved Mariko very much." Again a sad smile crossed Nodoka's face. "Like I used to love Genma..." Akane said nothing. *(Inches. Yes I used inches. But I don't do it often since it usually involves complicated calculations on my part. Why can't y'all have the metric system? A whole lot easier...) Nodoka snapped out of her reviere and asked, "How is my son?" "He... He is sleeping quietly. He wore himself out cr--" Akane broke off. Nodoka laughed. "It's alright Akane-chan. I don't think it's unmanly to cry. It was stupid to get stuck on that. I lost so much on that promise," she sighed. "Obasan. I want to ask you a favour. Don't expect Ranma to hate Sao-- his father. He can't. It's hard to believe really, but Ranma doesn't hate anyone. Not even Kunou. He doesn't have the capacity it seems." "Has Kunou been bothering you too?" "Hai. He saw Ranma in his female form and is now smitten with both Ranma and me." The young girl laughed. "You'd think he'd learn after a few hits over the head but he's stubborn!" Nodoka laughed with her. "I'm guessing he's left Nabiki alone then." "Yeah. Appearently she struck a deal with him, but she won't tell me what." Akane picked up another photo from the box. It was a demure girl in a beautiful wedding kimono standing next to a nervous young man in similar splendour. "Is this your wedding picture?" Akane showed the older woman the picture. "Yes it is. Tell me Akane... What do you think of your engagement to Ranma?" Akane froze up. "Well... I... I think we are both too young to decide something like that now. Besides, I think he thinks of me a little like a sister." Except when I'm wearing those clothes I was wearing when Ryouga showed up, she added to herself with a hidden smile. Nodoka tactically avoided Akane's feelings for Ranma. She obviously wasn't ready to say anything on that subject yet. "Well, as long as you don't mind. If you don't mind me saying so Akane, I think you and Ranma would have a wonderful life together, if you did decide to marry." "You think so?" said the girl eagerly, forgetting her supposed neutrality on the subject. "Hai. Did you know that your mother left her wedding kimono in my care when she died? She wanted her daughters to wear it. Would you like to see it?" "Oh yes! Please!" Smiling at Akane's enthusiasm, Nodoka stood up and went to her wardrobe. Opening a drawer at the bottom, she carefully took out the neatly folded garment and the accessories. She gave the clothing to Akane, who ran her hand along it reverently., leaving it folded. It was a beautiful cream white kimono with a pale print of birds and clouds. "It's beautiful..." whispered Akane. Nodoka smiled again. "Tomorrow you can try it on, but I think you need your rest now." Akane's eyes grew wide. "Really? I can try it on? Arigato gozaimasu Obasan!" ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma slowly opened his eyes. Judging by the amount of light in the room it was late afternoon. He'd never slept in that much before. How come no one had woken him up? Oyaji always woke him up early to spar-- It hit him like a rock. That was right. Pop was never coming back. He'd been kicked out by Okaasan. Disowned. He bit back the tears. He looked around the room. His father's futon was gone, as was all his belongings. Not even a note to his son saying a private goodbye. He'd missed school. They had let him sleep. Slowly putting on his clothes, he tried to drag his mind out of the fog surrounding it. He opened the door to his room and heard giggling from down the hallway. He followed it to an open doorway. "Oo, you look lovely! Doesn't she Nabiki?" "Like a million dollars. And I should know." "Do I really? I don't know..." "Nabiki is right. If Ranma saw you he'd--" He pushed the door open. "I'd what? What's--" he started to say but broke off. Before him stood a angel in a wedding kimono. "Akane? You look... great..." He couldn't keep the wonder out of his voice. She flushed with pleasure, her checks growing pleasantly pink, and a happy smile graced her lips. "Do you really think so Ranma? It was my mother's. I was just trying it on." "Doesn't the sight just make you wanna put on a suit and drink some ceremonial sake?" said Nabiki and gave Ranma meaningful nudge with her elbow. Akane flushed again, but with embarrassement and anger this time. "Nabiki! Stop that!" Akane started to take the kimono off, a difficult job for one person. "Thank you for letting me try it on Auntie Nodoka, but I think I should wait until I intend to use it." "Of course dear. Let me help you with tha--" Nodoka stopped and turned to look at Ranma. "Ranma," she said, giving him a meaningful look. "What?" He looked confused. "It's no use Obasan," said Nabiki with a laugh. "These two don't know the meaning of the word modesty. Would you guess that we found them in the bath together?" "Nabiki!" Kasumi grew red. "I thought we said we wouldn't mention that again." Nodoka looked at all the blushing faces around her. In the bath together? How strange. She wondered what Mariko would have said. Then she also blushed when she realized what Mariko most definately would have said. "It's only because we're used to bathing together since we were kids!" Ranma was saying. "I don't see what's so taboo with seeing Akane naked." "There isn't really one with the kind of relationship you two appearently have dear," said Nodoka. "But nevertheless, for the look of it you should leave the room." With that she shooed her son out. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Later, in the dojo, Akane, dressed once again in Chinese clothing, found Ranma going through a kata Genma had helped him develope. "Do you want to talk about it?" "Not really. What's done is done." He finished the kata and turned to her with burning eyes. "Let's spar." "Ok." Nodoka stood hidden behind the the door, watching through a crack as they stood opposite eachother. They bowed. "AAAAH!" Akane jump-kicked at Ranma. He avoided her with ease and threw a punch that landed on her shoulder. Grunting a little, she spun out of the way. "Come one ya tomboy!" teased Ranma. "Can't you do better than that?" He rushed towards her, kicked at her head. She ducked, glided underneath him, and kicked from a squatting position his backside, making him land on his stomach. He rolled up quickly. "You're to talk baka." She punched at his stomach but was blocked. He punched back at her face but was also blocked. The fight started in earnest. Punch after punch was thrown and kick after kick was made, but each was blocked by the other. Faster it went until Nodoka couldn't see their moves, it was all a blur. Then they both punched out, Akane with her left, Ranma with her right. They met with a crack. Akane smiled. "Feel better now baka?" Ranma grinned back. "Sure do kawaikune." "Hentai." "Tomboy." They slowly dropped their fists, still grinning at eachother. Nodoka just shook her head. She'd never understand. She left quietly. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ As Akane was getting ready for bed, there was a knock on her door. When she opened it Ranma stood there. "Time to repay the debt Acchan. Could I sleep on your floor tonight? I'm not used to sleep without the old man." "Sure." He smiled with relief. "Great. I'll come by the roof later." He winked conspiratorally. "So as not to arouse suspicion." She laughed as she pushed him out. Then she hurried to get dressed into her pyjamas. Her room had changed quite a bit since the day she'd first arrived. Gone were most of the stuffed animals and dolls, though there were still quite a number left. On her desk the clown pencil holder had been replaced with a rather plain box and in the place of the lamp with the dolls printed on the shade was a official looking reading lamp. On one wall, hiding most of the clown wallpaper, was a huge poster of Evangelion. Also on the desk were three framed pictures. The first was the two friends at the age of 8 at the beach building a sandcastle together, laughing and having fun. The second was of her and Ranma four months ago, a few weeks before going to China. It was one of the few moments she'd worn a dress (on Ranma's insistence of course) and Ranma had his arm around her. They were both smiling. The third picture was recent, taken by Nabiki a week ago. They were both in their cursed forms, sitting next to eachother by the koipond. Again they were smiling. They were a few of her most prized possessions. She was startled from her gazing at the pictures by a knock on the window. She opened it. "This is later?" she said, grinning. She helped him bring in the futon. "It was easier than I thought," he answered flopping down on the futon. He quickly stripped down to his tank top and boxers. Akane frowned. "Haven't you bought a proper pyjamas yet?" "Why?" He struck a heroic pose. "Don't ya think I look sexy in this?" She laughed. "Sexy has nothing to do with it, goofball!" He grinned back. They both crawled under the covers, and Ranma leaned his elbow on his pillow and his head in his hand facing Akane's bed. "Thanks Akane." "For what?" she asked, burrowing herself deeper underneath her blanket. "For being here." She looked over at him curiously to see him gazing at her. "You're welcome," she answered. Then she hit him with her pillow. "Now go to sleep!" "At least this isn't a 'compromising position' if we're found tomorrow huh? I mean, I'm on the floor." "Damn! I forgot about that! Aw heck, I'm too tired to bother right now... G'night." "Oyasumi." Ranma lay down and slept peacefully. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ The next ten days were almost like usual; Ranma and Akane would race to school (ignoring dresscodes) ontop of fences and roofs, beat up Kunou a few times a day in various forms (Kunou had found out about Akane's cursed form and had decided that "Aki" was an vile sorceror who kept "the pig-tailed girl" under his spell. Ranma was just plain vile), avoiding Nabiki's expensive cameralens, having practise after school and helping eachother with homework. Ranma's room, as it was now called with Genma's absence, had undergone some changes too. The sliding door was gone, replaced by a relatively sturdy wall and a door. He and Akane had had fun repainting the whole room in his favorite colour red, half the paint ending up on themselves. A western bed stood in one corner, a desk facing the window, and a chest of drawers against one of the walls. One the walls there was a movie poster with Bruce Lee and a poster with 3x3 Eyes. As on Akane's desk, there was framed pictures on Ranma's desk too. One was Akane and him eating icecream after school (courtesy Nabiki Photo &C:o), both smiling at eachother. The second was Akane doing a kata, her face set in determination and her eyes showing a fierceness Ranma admired and loved. He'd taken it himself. In Akane's room there was a new feature. A futon, hidden under the bed. Ranma almost never slept in that new bed of his. He'd more often sneek into Akane's room and sleep there, having only nightmares in his own bed. He'd be gone in the morning before anyone found out, but Nodoka knew. She would constantly check on her son and found he was on Akane's floor, but she said nothing. For a while in the neighbourhood a panda was seen streaking around, but the sightings became fewer and further away from Nerima and Tokyo. That broke Ranma's heart more than anything, that his father showed so little interest in fighting for his son. Something that worried both Akane and Ranma, though they never admitted it to eachother, was the total lack of mention of the engagement. Soun had turned strangely silent, and Nodoka avoided the subject completely. it made the two very nervous. Ranma was afraid that the only romantic link he had to Akane would be severed, leaving him no chance whatsoever. And Akane was afraid that she wouldn't have enough time to find out exactly how she felt if the engagement was nullified. But they pretended everything was okay. And tried to forget about the man who'd played an important role in their lifes for ten years, dominating their days. Trying unsuccessfully. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma sat on the roof one evening, trying to make sense of everything. He had to tell her. But how without being either laughed at in the face or alienated. He wished he could talk to someone about this! His mother... well she wasn't saying anything about anything. And besides Akane, which frankly wasn't an option, she was the only other person he could talk to about stuff like this. But if he told her, she might have Akane pushed into an unwanted marriage because it was what her son wanted. But sometimes he'd get this feeling, this sense when Akane looked at him that she felt the same about him. Maybe-- "RANMA! Stand and fight!!" Damn. He'd hoped Ryouga had gotten lost permanently. He jumped, doing a backflip to avoid the umbrella that instead crashed into the roof, breaking a few tiles. "Well I'm glad to see you're not tryin' KILL me!" Ranma examined the damage. "Do you know how much repairs cost these days?" "Don't make light of this Ranma! Thanks to you I've seen hell!" Ranma avoided a kick calmly. "Yeah, ya said that already. I think I've been through worse than you Ryouga. I'm I do turn into a girl on a regular basis." Ryouga was standing at the edge of the roof, clenching his fist, eyes squeezed shut. "At least," he shouted, turning to Ranma with blazing eyes. "At least you're still HUMAN!" "Damn." Ranma stared at Ryouga with sympathy. "Don't tell me you fell into on of the springs in Jusenkyou?" Ryouga laughed bitterly. "So that's the name of the place. You see, I never found out after I got kicked into that spring by some panda." "Panda? Pop..." Ranma clenched his right fist. "C'mon Ryouga. We'll take this fight on the ground if you don't mind. You were about to make me pay?" He jumped off the roof. Ryouga followed puzzled, but he decided not to persue why the change of heart. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane heard a shout in the garden and ran out. "Fight BACK!" "Ryouga! What's going on?" Ryouga turned at her voice, and his angry face turned nervous and uncertain. "H-hello Akane-san. Ranma won't fight back for some reason! I want you to fight you bastard!" The last was directed to the figure kneeling on the ground, head bowed. "Ranma!" Akane ran to him and put her arms around him. "Ranchan, what's wrong?" "Ryouga followed us to Jusenkyou Akane." Ranma refused to look up, his voice was strangely dead. "A panda knocked him in. A panda Akane! As his son I am responsible. Now let Ryouga finish what he came for." "He's not your father anymore! Your mother threw him out, cut him off from the Saotome family name for good! He's not your responsibility." "He's still my father in my heart!" Ranma gave a heartwrenching cry. "How can I be expected to forget the man who raised me, who cared for me when I was sick, who trained me? Just because of all the horrible things he did, just because, he is in the eyes of my mother, no longer her husband, my father?" He was speaking in short gasps, trying to keep the tears from coming. Ryouga couldn't believe his eyes. The great Ranma, in tears? He didn't understand what was being said either. Mr. Saotome was no longer a Saotome? No longer Ranma's father? Was he dead... no he was thrown out. Why? He nervously looked up as he heard the beginnings of a rumbling. Akane grabbed hold of Ranma's shoulders and trying to catch his eyes. "I am here for you Ranma. I was there when he threw you to the c-c-c-things remember? He did it to me too. I was there when he sold us both for some fish. I was there when he tried to teach us to steal food. I was there when he made us work to give him money for food and sake. I was there when he decided to kick you into a cursed pool, knowing full well what would happen. I was there." She caught his hurt eyes and locked them with hers. "Nothing he ever did will ever be your responsibility. Nothing. Never." She hugged him close, feeling the first drops of rain fall. Damn! thought Ryouga, too late. I left the umbrella on the roof! He ran. A few minutes later when onna-Ranma and Akane-kun both looked up they both voiced their thoughts. "Where the hell is he NOW?" ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Nabiki walked home, or rather trudged. "Damn it!" I should have let Yuko walk me home with that umbrella of hers. I'm soaked to the bone! She paused. What was that sound? She looked down a nearby partly lit alley and saw a movement in the shadows. "Who's there?" She approached the opening to the alley, but stopped before entering it. She hadn't come this far in life to suddenly become stupid. A growl was heard, and a dog showed itself in the light. It was a grey-black wolfish dog and it was showing its teeth. Around its neck was a yellow bandanna. "A dog." She examined him without showing any fear. Ryouga growled a little louder. Still nothing. Instead she hunched down, water dripping from her hair. "Come here. Now." To his surprise, inu-Ryouga found himself obeying her. As he reached her, she grabbed his head and looked him in the eye. "You look intelligent enough. And dangerous. How about we become a team? You protect me and intimidate my... clients, and you get fed and a warm place to sleep. I thought so. C'mon." She started to walk away. Inu-Ryouga stared after her for a few seconds, feeling thoroughly soaked. He remembered the kick she'd given him almost two weeks ago, and the fact she knew Akane and Ranma... Against his better judgement, he followed. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Are you feeling better?" "Stop babyin' me! I'm fine. I'm wondering where Ryouga is though." Ranma and Akane were sitting in the livingroom, lying under the tableblanket watching TV. Akane gave her friend another worried look but dropped the subject. "Tadaima!" rang through the house. And a bark followed. "What's wrong? You don't like this house or something? Not up to your standards? Get in here! We had a deal!" Ranma and Akane gave eachother a look and immediately went into the hall. Nabiki was there, wet through and a dog. A big dog. A big angry looking dog. "What's that oneechan?" asked Akane. "Have you gone blind without me knowing? It's a dog!" Nabiki turned back to the animal. "Get in here now!" "Nabiki, how are ya gonna afford a dog?" said Ranma, scratching his stomach. The dog growled at him. "I'll find a way. Dollars, get in here now!" Ranma and Akane exchanged another look. "Dollars?" they asked simultaniously. Nabiki shrugged. "As good a name as any." She glared at her dog and it finally gave up and slunk in, giving Ranma an angry look for some reason. A thought struck her and she bent down and glanced under the dog. Akane was surprised to see a wild look in the dog's eyes and something like a blush on its nose. "A male," confirmed Nabiki as she stood up. "Figures. I'm going upstairs to change into some dry clothes. But first," she said with pleasure,"I'm taking a bath. Would you be so kind as to dry him for me? Thanks." And she disappeared. Akane shook her head, but went and took hold of the bandanna surrounding-- "Ranma!" "What?" Ranma looked bored. "Look at the bandanna! It looks exactly like Ryouga's!" Shit! The jig is up! thought Ryouga and he froze. He knew he shouldn't have come with that girl Nabiki. But how was he to have known she was Akane's sister? "C'mon Akane. A bit farfetched don't you say?" "Farfetched? Ranma, after Jusenkyou, is anything farfetched?" "Point. But look at it. He looks too smart to be Ryouga." That's it! Ryouga lunged at Ranma, jaws snapping. Akane grabbed his bandanna, janking him back with a yelp. "You still think it's not Ryouga?" she said with a raised eyebrow, doing everything to keep the dog from attacking again. "Um..." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ryouga sat opposite Ranma and Akane in the dojo, still steaming from the douse of hot water. "Would you care to explain?" "It starts in China..." ***********flashback*********** Ryouga trudged through the Chinese wilderness. Where the hell are they? he thought sourly. I've been looking for them for days. Typical for me to get lost again... "GET BACK HERE POP!!" "YAAAAAAH!" Ryouga was suddenly pushed from the narrow path by a... panda? Before he lost sight of the path as he tumbled down he saw two figures speeding after the big animal. He fell forever it seemed, but at last he came to a stop a few centimeters from a pool. That was close. I'd hate to be lost and wet... He slowly got to his feet and secured his backpack again. Looking into the pool of water he seemed to see a little black pig. It must have been his imagination. He looked around to find he was surrounded by little springs. He started walking, but not for long. Something tripped his foot and he found himself falling forward into a pool. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH-- UUUUUWWWW!!!!" The scream turned into a howl. ***********end flashback*********** "Wait a minute," said Ranma slowly. "Are you sayin', you fell in by yourself? How the hell are you pinning that on me?" "It's because of you I went to China! Did you know they eat dogs there?!" "You went to China because you were late to our fight. You fell into the spring because you tripped. You've got nothing to go on." "He's right Ryouga-kun," said Akane. "You only want someone else to blame. Besides, being a dog isn't so bad. Especially that half-wolf breed you've got there." "Yeah!" agreed Ranma. "I'd rather be a dog than a girl!" Akane glared at Ranma. "Am I to take that you have something against girls?" "Ehehehe... No! Of course not! Great fighters! Just at least I would've have stayed my own sex as a dog, y'know. Um..." Ryouga was feeling a little left out. "I'd like to ask you a favour." "You want to what?" The two gave him a surprised look. "Please?" I took all he had to say that to them. "I want you to keep quiet about this to Nabiki." "WHAT?!" "Look. She treated me like I was someone, despite of being a dog. Okay, she treated me like a dog, but a human dog if you understand what I'm saying." He caught their blank looks. "You don't understand what I'm saying." Shake of heads. Right. Ranma looked thoughtful for a moment. Maybe... "Akane. I think we should do it." "What?! Have you gone nuts!" "Think about it Akane. We won't always be there to look after Nabiki. And you know how weird things happen around us and to people connected to us. I'm worried for her safety." "You are? Why? She hasn't exactly been very nice to you." Because she's your sister. "Because she's like family." Akane raised an eyebrow at that but didn't interupt. "Ryouga is a good protector, as a dog and as a martial artist in his original form. Besides," he said with a smile, "wouldn't ya love to see Nabiki's face when she finally puts two and two together?" "Hmm... Interesting thought..." "Thanks you guys," said Ryouga sarcastically. "Setting me up to get slaughtered are you?" "Hey you're the one who wants this. Nabiki isn't dumb. She'll find out sooner or later. Just pray it's later. Oh and the conditions are that you don't do that 'RANMA DIE!' bit. It gets on my nerves. And you stick to her like glue, understand me? Getting lost is a no-no. This will mean," Ranma added nochalantly, "that you'll sleep in her room." "WHAT!!?" This came from both Akane and Ryouga. "Akane, you know how bad Ryouga's sense of direction is. You two were best friends remember? And Ryouga? If you get lost too often, I might just let it slip. Catch my drift? And if you take advantage of her, like peeping on her while she's changing..." He made a cutting motion along his throat. "Ranma...." Akane's voice had a touch of wonder in it. "I had no idea you were so... so... ruthless and buisness like." "Current events have changed me," he answered curtly. "Whatcha say Ryouga? Deal?" Ryouga simmered. Not get lost? That was like asking him not to breathe! But he had no choice. For some reason he had to stick to this girl. He had to. "Deal." He stuck out his hand. Ranma took it and they shook on it. "Deal." At that moment* Nabiki's voice was heard. "Akane? Ranma? Where are you guys?" It took two seconds for Akane to dump a bucket of cold water over Ryouga, making him yelp. Nabiki popped her head in, dressed in a loose blue shirt and very short shorts, making it almost look like she wasn't wearing anything under the shirt. She was drying her hair. "There you are! How come Dollars is still wet? I thought I asked for a dry dog." "He... he wouldn't let us near him! You know dogs." Nabiki gave Akane a strange look. "Whatever." *(Rumicverse timing. Dontcha just love it?) Inu-Ryouga couldn't help noticing what nice legs Nabiki had. He gulped. "Come on Dollars. We're going to bed, and I guess you'll be staying in my room tonight." Glancing back at Ranma and Akane as he followed Nabiki, he gulped again as he saw Ranma pull his finger once again slowly along his throat. Then he followed his new mistress to his faith. -------------------- Finished! *gives herself a hand of applause* This was depressive to write! And things didn't seem to match up and-- But I'm never satisfied with what I write. It's now 05:51 on a school night and I guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight either (if I go to sleep now, I'll never get up for school -_-zzzz). Well? Whatcha think? *fidgets nervously* Good? Bad? Needs to be scribbled over, torn up, burned up and have its ashes stamped on? Tell! Yes, you've guessed right. Ryouga won't be extracting revenge from Ranma in the near future. At least I don't think so. These chapters seem to take on a life of their own when I start to write them. All I can say is Ranma and Ryouga will have a hate-hate friendship thing going, Akane and Ryouga will be confidants (maybe), and I'm a definately an anti Akari-Ryouga person. Sorry, can't see it. Hence him turning into a dog instead of a pig. The only reason really, except he makes as good a dog as he does a pig. But don't think I'm fixing him up with Nabiki now. And remember, he's a wolfish sort of dog. And Akane seems to have lost her 'blindness', spotting the connection between the bandana and Ryouga and Jusenkyou. Ranma is... a very unhappy person. He appearently loves his father (why? As I said, life of their own... Can't control them it seems) and he misses him and wants him back. But he can't hate his mother for sending him away because he sees her side of it. Or something like that. I have no idea about the Japanese laws on divorce and family names. I gave Nodoka the Saotome family name because I thought it would be more interesting. If you know the laws and have lots of corrections for me, please DON'T send them in. We'll pretend that this universe has different laws oki? To tired to bother. I seem to be babbling on here but one last thing: This isn't the last of Genma. *the first notes from Beethoven's 5th playing in the background* Caught your attention? To bad. This time you will wait a while before the next chapter. Ciao! What is it with me?! I promised myself, "Fionnuala, you're taking a break now. Concentrate on school instead, go out and enjoy the freezing cold, sit and plan your measely budget and hope that 300 kr ($30) will get you through the month (<---heh, a little selfpity there, indulge me). Anything but write another CL-chapter." Well the first thing I did was ingore myself (multiple personalities are such a pain! ^_~), and the second thing was open my wordprocessor (WordPad. I need a new computer!!) and name the file "curse_l5". I'll never stop! Never I tell you! Never!!! Muwahahaha!! Muwahahahaha!!! MuwahahahaHAHAHAHA!!!! *evil laughter extreme* disclaimers: Life's a b*tch and then you marry one (ancient Irish saying =Þ) Oh, and all characters are owned by Takahashi Rumiko and I don't have any right to use them, so let's keep it hush-hush, shall we? I owe Nabiki enough money as it is... CHAPTER FIVE: Dollars and ribbons "You think he'll keep his word?" "Of course! He knows what I'll do to him if he doesn't." "Hasn't stopped him before." "It will this time." "You think we'll find them?" "Of course. Trust me."* *(Haha! You thought it was Akane and Ranma talking about Ryouga didn't ya? Didn't ya?! Ha! Guess who it really was. Go on. I dare ya! *prances off, glad she was able to fool her readers a little anyway*) ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma and Akane sneezed simultaniously. Someone must be talking about us... "You think he'll keep his word?" "Of course! He knows what I'll do to him if he doesn't." "I don't think that would stop him. He was ready to kill you there for a while." They were walking to the furo after their talk to Ryouga in the dojo. "He wouldn't do anything that would hurt Nabiki. He thinks girls are too fragile or somthin'." Akane swatted Ranma and smiled incredulously. "And you don't? Give me a break Ranchan. The only reason you don't tiptoe around me like I was glass is because I've beaten you up too many times." With that she stuck out her tongue. "Race ya!" "Hey!" He ran after her. They stripped quickly and scrubbed with lightning speed. They winced slightly as the cold water hit them and the familiar tingle of the change was felt all over. Then the two practically jumped into the furo. "Damn! A tie!" Ranma laughed. Akane pushed her short hair out of her eyes, laughing with him. He realised he was staring at her . But she did look good with her hair like that. It suited her better somehow. "With your hair like that you look even more like a tomboy than ever." "The cheek!" Akane grinned. "I seem to remember a certain boy telling me how great it looked? 'Real cute' I think were his exact," she splashed him, "words." Ranma made a show of wiping the water from his eyes. "Well that boy must have been dillusional or something..." Akane made a fist and her eyes narrowed. Why that... that... "'Cause you're beautiful." His face was serious. My god, he's serious! She leaned in towards him. "You mean that?" Her eyes were making him dizzy. His gaze wandered down to her mouth. He was going to do it. He moved in closer, tilting his head ever so slightly. Against his better judgement he was going to-- "Oh!" Damn! He turned to see who it was. And reddened. "Okaasan!" He jumped up, looked down, covered himself with as much water as possible while stuttering "Ah! Uh... Eh..." His eyes flickered between his mother standing in her bathrobe and Akane. Annoyingly, Akane looked perfectly calm. "Hello Obasan," she said. "Me and Ranma were just taking a bath, but I'm finished now. Are you finished Ranma or are you staying to keep your mother company?" All Ranma could do was stare. After a long pause he mangaged to say, "Uhh, I think I... I mean... ummm... I'm finished..." Nodoka almost didn't register her son's embarrassement. So they did take baths together. She'd almost not believed it. And was it her imagination or had Ranma been about to kiss Akane? She'd really have to bring this engagement thing up with Soun-san. This silence had gone on long enough. The two youngsters had gotten up; Ranma with some difficulty, trying to cover up everything at once and not succeeding; Akane without any embarrassment. "Thank you children. Good night." "Oyasumi nasai Nodoka-obasan," Akane said respectfully and dragged Ranma out after her. Nodoka stared after them, a little red on cheeks and confused in her mind. Those children... She shook her head and disrobed. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Ranma, now fully dressed but still blushing, was walking beside Akane up the stairs. Akane glanced at him sometimes, smiling at his shyness. She wondered if she was right, he was just about to kiss her. She'd give him one more chance when they parted for the night. "Stop fidgeting Ranma," she chided gently. "So your mother saw us? Big deal." Especially if what I want to happen will happen. "But-- I mean..." They stopped in front of her room. Ranma scratched the back of his hair in that adorable way. "I guess so... Oyasumi Akane-chan." He turned to leave. "Ranma wait!" "Huh? What?" "You never answered my question. Did you mean it?" Ranma started to sweat. He chickened out. "Nah. I was temporarily put under a spell from the vile and sorcerous Aki." He grinned. "But I'm better now." "Why you--!" Akane swatted for his head but he ducked and bounced off to his room laughing. That was close! Akane closed the door behind her as she went into her room, and leaned against it. To think a macho, tough, egocentric and knowingly charming guy like Ranma could chicken out like that! All she wanted was a kiss... A real kiss, not one of those quick kisses on the cheek and mouth that she'd had plenty of times from Ranma. Like she was his sister... Her heart sunk for a moment, but bounced back up. He was thinking of kissing her in the furo, he was. But it seemed she'd have to take matters into her own hands. She smiled, a mischevious sort of smile. Now to think of a way how... ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Inu-Ryouga was feeling not a little trapped. He whined quietly when he threw a look at the sleeping form in the bed. Ranma had told him to protect her. And in the heat of the moment, Ryouga had found himself obeying him. Hibiki Ryouga, obeying Ranma? He looked once again at Nabiki sleeping peacefully in her bed. When she'd gotten undressed he'd just laid down and squeezed his eyes shut. But she was pretty. But he was pretty sure she didn't like him in his human form. After all, he had, um... looked up her skirt. Accidently of course. What a name she'd given him! Dollars... He wondered why that name. He'd probably find out. He decided to stick with her. She was pretty defenseless. It wasn't because Ranma told him to. Absolutely not. He just didn't want her to be hurt that's all, having her on his concious and all. With that firmly in mind, he jumped lightly (as lightly as a 70 kg dog with wolf in his ancestery can) onto her bed and curled up at her feet. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Akane." Ranma approached her and she turned as he said her name. "Akane... I love you." Akane stared at him blankly, then barked an ugly laugh. "What? You love me? You must be joking." "No!" Ranma stepped up to her, stood right infront of her, keeping himself from touching her. "I've always loved you!" He leaned in, to kiss her. She pushed him away. "What are you doing?! You think I want to kiss you? It'd be like kissing my own brother!" She turned away. "Disgusting." "Akane... please..." he begged uselessly. "Please... At least don't hate me, don't shut me away." She spun to face him, uncharactaristic loathing on her face. "You think I want you even near me now? Who knows if you're trying to cop a feel or not? And the fact that you turn into a girl doesn't help much," she continued, looking him up and down. "But--" He recognised the higher pitch in his voice and look down himself. Herself. "But you turn into a guy!" "Not in your mind I don't." She poured a bucket of water over her head and nothing happened. She was still the glorious, beautiful and utterly wonderful Akane. And he was... She smiled maliciously. "Hmph. Go Ranma. I don't want to see your sexchanging hentai face again. Leave. Or I will." Ranma sank to her knees as Akane walked away from her forever. "Akane..." "Don't worry Ranma. I'll have you." Onna-Ranma turned to find herself face-to-face with Kunou. "What?" "Come with me, Ranma." Kunou stretched out his hand. "You are a girl, you can't expect Akane to like you*." Ranma shook her head, tears pouring down her cheeks. "No... No! NO!" *(Never heard of lesbians have you Kunou?) He fell out of bed, fetching a good crack on the side of his head. "Damn it. Not again..." He got back in bed, pulling the covers just to his waist. He put his hands under his head, wincing slightly as he touched the bump, and stared at the ceiling. Whenever he didn't sleep in Akane's room he had similar nightmares. Rejection, always rejection. Why did he dream one thing, and feel another? The signals he got from Akane were... scary. He couldn't read them. And Akane was the one person he'd always been able to read. He guessed everyone had their blindspot. He tried to go to sleep. He failed. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Soun hadn't made any comments about Nabiki's dog other than, "What's that?" and "Oh a mutt. You're paying for it." So Nabiki went to school the happy owner of a big nastylooking wolf-dog. He was very effective. Akane and Ranma raced ahead of Nabiki to get rid off the early rush: Kunou. After a double-kick in the face, they ran into the school. Nabiki found Kunou still knocked out on the ground. "Kunou-baby...tch-tch-tch." She snapped her fingers at Dollars and pointed at Kunou. The dog growled slightly at the derogitory order, but took a sturdy hold of Kunou's collar with his teeth and started to drag him towards the Nurse's office. Of course, no one stopped him. He was Nabiki's dog. Said owner strolled after him, wishing a few choice select people good morning. Despite literally having his mouthful of Kunou, Ryouga kept his dogears pricked and his eyes keen. People respected Nabiki, or feared her. But she couldn't fight! So what did she use? "Here we are Dollars," she said, opening the door for him. "Drag him in will you, and dump him somewhere. We'll be back later." She gave a chilly smile. "I have some buisness to attend to." Inu-Ryouga did what he was told (it took all he had not to get lost on the way out again; but since there was only one open door...), and then he padded after her down the corridor. A boy around his age was talking to some friends of his but when he saw Nabiki coming he froze. "Oh Keiichi-kun!" sang Nabiki. "Come over here a sec will you?" She beckoned him sweetly with a finger. Ah! thought Ryouga. A romance perhaps? 'Keiichi-kun' said a nervous "Bye!" to his friends and joined Nabiki in a relatively dark corner of the corridor. "Eh... Hi Tendou-sempai." *gulp* "How's it going?" Maybe not a romance... "Everything's going fine Keiichi-kun. Except for that money you owe me, remember?" The last word came out harsh and threatening. "Three weeks ago, 22 days to be exact, you borrowed 10 000 yen at 5% interest per day. Now, that has now accumilated to," she pulled out a large calculator, "approximately 29 855 yen." She smiled. "Let's even it out to a even 29 900 shall we? I want that money Shibata. Now." Ryouga couldn't believe it! This girl was putting the fear of death into this boy who was much stronger than she was. Because of money. "Well... y'see Nabiki-san.... I don't--" "Ah! Not the word I want. You see this dog here?" Nabiki pointed to Ryouga. "He attacks at one sign from me. And he doesn't like the word 'don't' either." Nabiki gave him a look and inu-Ryouga was growling before he realised what he was doing. Intimidating a defenseless person! Nabiki was loving it. She knew he had money. She'd gotten that info from a girl who owed her favours; appearently he had been saving up to take his girlfriend out for a fancy dinner and hopefully something... else(not that his girlfriend minded). He should have thought about that before getting involved with Tendou Nabiki. Dollars was working out well. He could growl on demand. "The money Shibata-san. I know you have it." "Look Tendou-sempai... I only have 23 500 on me. Honest!" he shouted when Dollars advanced slightly, showing fangs. Nabiki made a show of considering, then put her hand forward, palm up. "Okay then..." Keiishi made a releaved sound and dug out the money from his pocket. "...for now," continued Nabiki, as the yen notes was crammed into her hand. "This means you still owe me 6 400 yen. And tell you what? I'll only put a 2% interest on it. Sayonara Keiichi-kun!" Nabiki wiggled her fingers over her shoulder, Dollars padding beside her. She made sure Kunou was okay (since he'd stopped chasing her she'd felt somehow protective of him), then went to class where she encountered a minor problem. "Sensei, what is the matter?" "Animals are not allowed in the school. You know that Tendou-san," said her teacher nervously. "Ogiwara-sensei."She put a hand on his arm. "Need I remind you of that little piece of information I have? And the pictures? The reason Maeda Sakura-san left school and checked into the maturnity ward?" She smiled that special way she had perfected; reassuring yet extremely frightening. "I don't think the schoolboard would like to find that one of their teachers has some very dirty skeletons in his closet. Hm? Do you? The dog stays." She went her seat. Ryouga followed her, his sheer size making people stand aside. Maybe Ranma and Akane-san were right. Being a dog wasn't so bad. Especially a wolfish sort of dog like himself. Wonder what Checkers would say if she could see him now... He glanced up at Nabiki. A loan shark and a blackmailer. He wondered what else she was. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane liked lunch at Furinkan. One, people didn't declare war on the lunchladies if the currybread didn't have enough curry, or sometimes when the currybread didn't have enough bread. She unpacked the bentou she and Ranma shared. They were in the cafeteria because of the overcrowding in the schoolyard on account of the heatwave. She noticed Ranma sneaking apprehensive looks at the covered lunches. "Don't worry Ranchan, I didn't make it. Kasumi did." She sighed. "What? Oh, why do ya think I was thinking that?" Ranma laughed nervously. "Hello siblings!" They both looked up to see Nabiki standing a few meters away. Inu-Ryouga, his shoulders and back reaching her waist, stood beside her protectively. But seeing the two friends made him give a yelp and he bounded towards Akane. "Hey Ry-- I mean Dollars!" She grabbed an ear and whispered, "I see you've kept yourself from getting lost." She scratched his ears a little, making his tail wag. "Akane stop that!" "What Ranma? He likes it, don't you Dollars?" She scratched the side of his neck too. Ranma's mind boiled a little. Stupid Ryouga! Nabiki sat down next to him and opened her bentou. She carefully unfolded everything and Ranma saw that there was more in there than she usually brought. "Don't tell me you brought food for that mutt?!" Ryouga brought his head up and growled at Ranma. "Why not?" Nabiki asked calmly, indicating to Dollars that he was to come to her. Ryouga slunk from Akane's grip, glared and bared his teeth at Ranma, then sat down by Nabiki with dignity. She tore the food into litte pieces and handed them to inu-Ryouga, who daintily snapped them up without even touching Nabiki's fingers. Ranma glowered. Typical of that mongrel to become the favorite. He felt a hand on his arm. He turned to Akane to find her smiling at him. His heart made an involuntary jump. "Here Ranchan, open wide!" She popped a little riceball in his mouth and giggled. "Do you feel better now? You're also being handfed!" He smiled. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ After school as Akane and Ranma were going home, a group of girls suddenly ran up to them. "Akane-san! Akane-san!" "Hi! My god, what happened to you?" The girls were covered with bandages and were sporting nastylooking bruises. "You've got to help us Akane-san!" begged one of the girls, Masumi. "We're members in Furinkan High Rythmic Gymnastic team, and we were suposed to go up against S:t Bacchus next week, but we were ambushed!" "Yeah!" agreed the others. "By that Black Rose girl." "Black Rose?" asked Akane. "Yes, she calls herself Kodachi the Black Rose. Please Akane-kun, can you fight instead of us? We can't fight in this condition." Akane blushed at being called that, not knowing if she should get angry or not. "Sure. I'll help you. I'll fight-- Fight? This is gymnastics isn't it?" "Martial Arts gymnastics." "Ah. Figures. I promise I will." She smiled at the thank you's she recieved. "You're welcome. C'mon Ranma." The girls stared after her. "To only be her. That she dares go against school rules like that and wear what she wants! Even if she only wears guys' clothes." "And that fiancé of hers..." *sigh* "He's so cute!" They started to walk home. They didn't notice a dark shadow spying on them in the tree above. The shadow snickered slightly and started to climb down. Well, tried anyway. "Ouch! Ahh! Eeeek! Ow!" When the figure reached the bottom of the tree with a *tunk*, it stood up unsteadily and laughed manically before running off... falling over a few times. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "Tendou Akane do you say?" "Yes Kodachi-san. She's appearently a very good martial artist." Kodachi glared at her henchgirl. "Did I ask you? I guess I'll be paying a visit to the Tendou household tonight," she mused. "Hehe... Her fiancé Saotome is a hunk! He stays at her house." The fat girl drooled. Kodachi gave her a look of distaste. "Remind me why I put up with you Atsuko, you dispicable piece of scum?" "Um, because I'm the only one in S:t Bacchus who wants to be the crazy girl's underling?" Kodachi sighed. "Oh yes. They don't seem to realise I'm not crazy, I have visions! Visions where I rule everything!" Kodachi started to laugh and Atsuko joined in. Kodachi glared at her. "Did I say you could laugh? Don't. Only sane people should laugh. HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!" ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane was not used to fighting with only weapons. "C'mon Ryouga-kun, it was only a little kick!" "Yes. A little kick in my face!" Ryouga rubbed his mouth. "Now Akane-san, it's not that hard. You just make the weapons extensions of your own body. Like this." He grabbed a ribbon and, moving his arm seniously, he snagged a club. Doing a strange snapping motion,the club flew into his free hand and he promptly boinked Ranma on the head. "Hey! I'm not the one in training here!" Ranma glared at Ryouga, rubbing his head. "Just making a point," Ryouga said piously, doing everything short of whistling and weighing on his feet. He did twiddle his thumbs though. "Then make your point somewhere else dogboy!" "Stop calling me that... girly!" "STOP!" Akane ran between them before all out war started. "Please? Ranma, Ryouga needs to teach me this weaponless stuff. Leave him alone. And," she turned to Ryouga, "you are supposed humiliate me... like any good sensei would." She grinned. Both of them glared at eachother, then gave her a sheepish look. "Gomen..." they said simultaniously. Another glare. "I wish you two could get along," she sighed. "Maybe we would, if Ranma hadn't told me to spend my days threatening defenseless people so Nabiki can press them for money!" "Hey! Don't talk about neechan that way!" Shocked silence. "What," said Akane said slowly, "Did you just call Nabiki?" Ranma started to feel a little trapped. "Um... 'neechan'?" "Why? She is my sister." "I've started to think of her as my sister ok? And Kasumi too. Ryouga," he said in a desperate way to change the subject, "Nabiki does that ta help pay the dojo's bills! I admit, she enjoys it too, but it's her way of helpin' out." "How strange you suddenly know everything about Nabiki," Akane said in a dangerously curious voice. "And if you think of my sisters as sisters... what do you think of me?" Silence. "Hey you guys?" Ranma breathed a sigh of relief. Nabiki to the rescue. The aspiring buisness woman strolled into the dojo, glancing around as if looking for something while also taking in the faces of the people already in there. Noticing Ryouga, she said, "Oh. Hello Hibiki-san." She raised an eyebrow. Ryouga started to fidget nervously. "Um... Hello Nabiki-san... Nice weather we're having." A crash of thunder was heard outside. Duh! Ryouga mentally kicked himself. Nabiki only raised the other eyebrow and gave a half-smile. "Right," she said sceptically. She then turned to the other two. "Have you guys seen Dollars anywhere? He seems to have vanished." Ryouga froze. Damn. Akane's mind raced as she tried to figure out a plausible answer. "Um..." "He probably went outside to take a p--" "Ranma!" "Gomen Acchan... He'll probably be back soon anyway." Akane felt her face heat up as Nabiki gave a short laugh and winked at Akane over her shoulder as she left the room. And Ryouga was not happy. "Did you have to be so crude?!" "What do you care? You think Nabiki-san's crude with the way she make's money, dontcha?" Ranma accused him. Then his expression changed, from angry to amused. "That is strange actually. You were actin' real nervous when she came in for a guy who says he doesn't like her." He started to crowd the other martial artist. "What's up man? Huh? Huh?" "Leave me alone!" Ryouga shouted and pushed Ranma away. "Will both of you stop it?!" Akane put an hand each on their chests, standing between them at arms lenght. She glared at them both. "I'm going to take a bath now. And I want you two to get along. Ryouga-kun, we'll continue training tomorrow instead." If you're still in the country with that sense of direction, she added silently. "Good night both of you." She left. The two boys sat down with their backs to eachother, arms crossed. At last Ranma broke the silence. "Well? Was I right or not? You've got the hots for Nabiki haven't ya?" Ryouga growled out, "You've got the mannerisms of a cur Ranma!" over his shoulder. "Well, you would know, wouldntcha... dog?" Ryouga spun around, crouching like a dog, and Ranma wasn't far after, also crouching but more like a c-c-c-... feline. They faced eachother challengingly. "You wanna fight me?" Ryouga barked. "Anytime!" hissed Ranma. "What's going on here children?" a disaproving voice said. "Mom!" Ranma turned to face his mother standing in the dojo's door, and blushed. "Okaasan, I was just going to... to spar with Ryou--" "Well if it isn't little Ryouga-chan!" Nodoka ran past her openmouthed son and gave a red Ryouga a hug. "Or maybe I shouldn't call you that now. You grown into quite a man!" "H-hello Obasan..." said Ryouga bashfully, kicking with his foot. "Ranma dear, if you don't close your mouth you'll start catching flies. Why didn't you tell me you knew Ryouga? His mother and I were very good friends. Still are when she can find her way here!" Nodoka laughed. "How is she?" "I haven't seen her for a while, Obasan," Ryouga replied sadly. "The closest I've gotten to her in three months was in Madrid when I saw her in a crowd, but I lost her. It was the Pride Parade," explained Ryouga. "The what?" asked Nodoka, her brow furrowing questioningly. "The--" he broke off. "Eh... Never mind. Let's just say everyone was very... happy*." *sweatdrop* +_+; "Oh! Well, I'm sorry that you didn't get to see your mother, but all those happy people must have made you feel better." "They tried," Ryouga said, blushing. "They certainly tried. What are you laughing at!?" he growled at Ranma. "Hehehe... Oh nothing... loverboy. Hahahaha!" Ranma started to roll around on the floor laughing while Ryouga fumed, clenching his fists. *(Happy being synonym to...? =Þ) "Ranma!" Nodoka chided. "Whatever are you doing?" "Aw Mom, just having a bit of fun with dog-boy here!" Ranma stood up and grinded his fist in Ryouga's hair. Another growl was heard from the bandanna clad youth. "Us being good friends, eh Ryouga?" Damn! Trapped. "Yeah..." Ryouga said unenthusiastically, a horrible taste in his mouth. "Real good friends..." Nodoka beemed. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Akane dragged her feet into her room, yawning. What a day. She'd been so busy she hadn't had time to think about how to trap Ranma into kissing her. Oh well. She threw herself on the bed, turning over onto her back, sighing. *poit* ¤_¤; "Excuse me?" asked Akane slowly. "But what are you doing hanging off my ceiling?" "Prepare yourself Tendou Akane!!" The strange girl in the leotard dropped off the ceiling wielding a large mallet, a mallet aimed directly at Akane... Akane jumped sidewise from her reclined position, evading the intended blow easily. She landed on her feet facing the stranger, taking a relaxed stance. To anyone else it looked like she hadn't a care in the world, but every inch of her was prepared for attack. "Who are you?" she demanded. The girl jumped down onto the floor, mallet still in hand. "I am from S:t Bacchus's school for girls. Kodachi the Black Rose!" She swung at Akane who again evaded, simply 'moonwalking' (^,^;) out of the way. "I shall be your opponent next week!" "Then why attack me now?! Eep!" Akane jumped up as Kodachi tried to slam her mallet down on Akane's feet, gracefully turning over in the air despite the cramped room. "I simply believe in fighting in all fairness before the fight!" Kodachi turned to face Akane. "You're the one who's been ambushing everyone huh?" Kodachi clushed her chest. "Ambush? Such a nasty word... let's just say I was giving them a chance to back down. If they lost they never should have considered competing!" Kodachi started to laugh. "HOHOHOHOHO--" *SMASH* "Ouch..." "Akane! Guess what? Ryouga knows Mom!" Ranma heard a groan behind the door. "Oops..." He pulled at the door, and a girl slumped down from behind it. "Ranma, meet Kodachi," Akane said with a flippant wave of her hand. "Oh! That Black Petunia chick right?" *sweatdrop* ^_^; "Black... Petunia chick?!!" Kodachi dragged herself up from the floor to see eye to eye with this... this-- absolutely gorgeous guy!! "Are you alright?" asked the dreamboat*. "Absolutely..." *sigh* "...wonderful..." *(What an yucky term, 'dreamboat'. I'd NEVER call any guy a dreamboat. Kodachi's weird. *ignores the fact that SHE'S the one writing this...*) Ranma gulped. He did not like the way this girl was looking at him. "Well... um... that's good... I'll just leave you and Akane now..." He turned and ignored the evil look Akane gave him. He couldn't ignore the mallet connecting with his head so easy though. "You're just gonna leave me here with this lunatic?!!" Akane stood over him with the 'death-look' in her eyes. "Ehehehe... I just thought you guys could use some privacy--" Oops. Wrong choice of words. "RANMA!! YOU ID--" *crash* "Oh are you alright sir?" said Kodachi after kicking Akane's face into the floor, putting his head in her lap. "I'm fine..." He was sweating profusely. Probably because he was so close to such beauty*. He hurriedly sat up. "Please... the name's Saotome Ranma, not 'sir'. Eh... could you let me--" "Ranma-sama..." She sunk into his arms. Saotome Ranma? Atsuko said that Tendou's fiancé's name was Saotome... Kodachi hand became a fist. That that little nobody should have such a gorgeous hunk of man... I will not permit it! I will not-- "Excuse me... who's a nobody?" Akane stood behind her with her discarded mallet. Eep! I said that out loud? "Yes and that too. Did I ever tell you that I got A+ in the 'How to use a mallet' class?" The Tendou girl had a nasty smile on her face. *(Kodachi is as delusional as her brother... the Kunou's sure have great selfesteem! *sigh*) *BOOM* "Crazy girl..." muttered Akane as Kodachi flew out the window and into the night air. Then she turned to Ranma who was still on the floor. "And you! How could you just let her hang all over--" She stopped. Ranma was frozen. "Ranma? Are you alright?" "Uhh..." Akane saw red. "Don't tell me you actually like that wierdo?!" Ranma was sweating and blushing. No girl had thrown herself at him like that. An irrational thought popped up saying, How come Akane never threw herself into my arms like that? But the answer was that Akane wasn't that kind of girl of course. Oyaji had brought her up not to be. "Of course not! I'm just not used to having girls um... in that proximity..." Her face darkened even more. "What am I? Chopped liver?" "Oh boy..." Ranma started to feel the shock leave his system and stood up a bit wobbly. "Akane I-- you're anything but chopped liver." Akane smiled. He admits it! Now to make my move... "I'm just not used to having girls throw themselves at me like that," continued Ranma. "You mean... like this?" Akane flew into his arms, relaxing against his chest. Ranma froze. What was she doing?! But she felt so good... and warm... He allowed his arms to start to encircle her. "Hey lovebirds!" "WAAAAH!" Both of them jumped away from eachother as Nabiki poked her head through the door. "Just thought I'd tell you Dollars is back. I didn't... interupt... did I?" She gave a lewd wink and ducked a flying pillow. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Kodachi stood on a nearby rooftop looking down at the Tendou residence. Her cloak fluttered dramatically in the wind and she had a black rose in her teeth. The effect was destroyed a little of the fact that her hair was a mess of leaves and sticks. It hadn't been a soft landing. She remembered to take the rose out of her mouth before saying in a low voice, "I will have revenge for this idignity Tendou Akane! And I will rescue Ranma-sama from your clutches! HOHOHOHOHO!" She twirled the rose and a whirlwind of black rose petals swirled, obscuring her until only her laugh was heard. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ "ACHOO!" Akane sniffled. "Either I'm more popular than I thought I was or I'm getting a cold. A-a-ACHOO!" *sniff* "Probably a cold..." ~~~~~~§§§§~~~~~~ Three figures approached a crossroads in the Japanese countryside. "Are you sure they are in Japan?" "Of course! The signs clearly state it." "You mean that one?" One of the figures pointed at a wanted poster stating 'Have you seen this panda?' with a crude illustration of a panda over the words. "No need for sarcasm old goul."*boink* "Ouch... No need to worry beloved!" This last was directed to the third in the group. "We will find that awful Ranma!" *boink* "Shut up Mousse! Shampoo want to find darling Akane more than Shampoo want to find stupid Ranma!" "But darling!" "Shut up!" *crash bang dong CRACK* "That hurt..." "Ah but you have to kill Ranma. For your honour." "Yes Great-grandmother..." "Now, if I could just figure out why they gave your future husband a girl's name..." "Shampoo no care!" *sigh* "Shampoo think Akane very manly name!" "Granddaughter?" "Hai Obaasan?" "Keep on practising that Japanese of yours..." "Hai Obaasan..." -------------------- Done! Sorta... I'm actually thinking of calling this a draft. I had from the beginning wanted to put in the Rythmic Gymnastics fight in this chapter but it just didn't work out somehow... Bet you didn't guess it was our favorite Chinese trio in the beginning eh? Eh? *looks around at the allknowing faces of her readers* Right... If you're wondering about Akane's moonwalking, don't you remember when Ranma was fighting Kunou that first time and he moved backwards real fast? Moonwalking! ^_^; *sweatdrop* A useless peice of trivia: Kodachi's henchgirl's name was decided definetely when I tried to find the meaning of 'Atsuko' in my lousy dictionary. Appearently Atsui means (among other things) thick. Like in thick book and things. And I thought that even if her name doesn't really mean that, it'd be nice to think it did. So her name is Atsuko, which in my mind now means 'thick girl'. Anyone know what it really means? Don't tell me. It'd spoil the way I look at Atsuko. She is a bit thick in the head after all. P.S: I have no idea if there is a Pride Parade in Madrid. I just saw a documentary on the telly about homosexuals in Madrid and how open they were with their sexual preferences, and I thought they'd have to have a Parade then! Yeah well... just so you don't mail me a ton of complaints...