Dickens Village

(A Storybook filled world)

Dickens is the first Department 56 village that i had. I got started the first year the pieces were out but i didn't know the value of the pieces at the time. I've learned the value over the years. i have about 40 pieces for this village. I don't buy all the pieces to this village though...there are just too many!!

Here are a bunch of different pictures of my village as it is set up year round. yep i keep this one up all year because it got to be too much putting it up and taking it down every year. the pieces are now in glassed in cabinets.

I try to make each shelf its own little individual scene and to bring the world to life.


I take a lot of pride in my village and I rearrange the pieces occasionally to give them more variety.

I finally bought this piece (below) after a lot of nagging by my kids. they both loved the "train station" so i got it.

I hope that you liked the glimpse into this village now go visit my others!!


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