A Captain’s Epilogue

It’s been just over four weeks that I’ve been home, and I’m finally starting to feel much better. Finally. The first week or so I didn’t think I’d even live. I couldn’t sleep, eat, think; I was drenched to the bone and my head was so thick with pain I was sure it would explode right there on my neck. I was a complete mess, to put it mildly, but just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, that’s when Lance would come by. He would just sit next to me and recite random poems from some book he’d found in the castle library (I think it was one that I was reading from before I left). I don’t think I heard a word of it, but just the sound of his voice helped me to get through the worst moments. I think it was then, through all of that pain and agony, I realized that Lance was truly my brother.

‘When all else has forsaken thee, your family there still will be.’ I can’t remember where exactly I heard that, but it came to me often in those times. I think that when this is all over, I won’t be able to see him quite the same way as I did before. Underneath all that sarcasm and rebellion, there lies an older soul than even my own. This is hard for me to talk about, so I’m going to stop here.

My visitors had been Lance and Doctor Gorma (and his damn antidote injections) until a few days ago. I don’t think I have to mention that I was more than happy to see Pidge and Hunk when they came for a surprise visit. They didn’t stay long (I got the impression that they weren’t even supposed to be there), but I was glad that they came anyway. I’ve had enough time over the last few weeks to worry about how the rest of the team was going to react to me.

At first there was some uncomfortable silence, but soon enough, we were making idle chit-chat as Pidge told us both about the new mouse plane he’d built for Chitter and the gang. No one mentioned anything beyond that of a frivolous nature, for which I was glad, but I could see the questions in both their eyes. I think that only time will be able to quiet their doubts about me. Sometimes there just aren’t any easy answers. After many years of believing otherwise, I’m finally learning that.

Pidge hugged me before he left. Hunk hit me on the arm. “Get better, Cap,” he said.

“I’m getting there.”

“Good, because when you’re back to normal, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“Great. Looking forward to it,” was my reply. I’d like to think Hunk was kidding, but I don’t think he was.

Coran came to see me yesterday. He was not so happy to be in my presence. He threw a generous stack of papers in front of me and said, “Sign these.” I did and quickly. The entire time, I could feel the immense weight of his heavy stare on the back of my head.

I’m not intimidated by many men, but to be honest, Coran can make me feel about a foot tall with a simple look. I’m not quite sure why he has that effect on me. Perhaps because I know that for all intended purposes, he is the one who holds the key to my and Allura’s future. That’s what I’d like to think anyway, but I don’t really think that’s the main reason. Maybe it’s because in all my life, Coran is the closest I’ve ever had to a father figure. I’ve always put a great deal of stock in his opinion, and I’ve found that his approval usually means more to me than any other’s.

I could barely bring myself to look him in the eye yesterday, and he wore his disappointment like it was a shroud. I think that the damage done between Coran and I will be the most difficult to repair. It will be a very long time before he’ll be able to trust me again, but I’ll try not to take any of it too personally because I know it has more to do with Allura than it does with me.

Allura. My third night in solitary detoxification, a folded piece of paper was slid under the door. In Allura’s handwriting (in red ink) was scripted, ‘Don’t forget to keep the faith, because sometimes, that is all we have.’ Wise words. I’ve kept it in my pocket ever since.

I finally was able to see her last night. Nanny and Coran would literally kill Lance if they ever knew she was in here, so I hesitate to even write it down.

She looked well, considering. She said that her injuries were healing nicely, but I could see that she was walking with a slight limp. Beyond her feeling “fine,” she said she really didn’t want to talk about it. About what happened that night between us, I mean. She said she’d rather keep the conversation on the superficial side of things until we both felt better. Probably a good idea. I already know that she lost our baby in the fall; I can feel it. The pregnancy was just hours old, and nature will take care of that which we lost without Allura ever even knowing. And she never will know. Only I will carry this burden until the day I die. I’m sorry; I’m afraid we’ll have to leave this topic as well.

She said she would be back this evening if she could get away. I’m pretty excited right now as you can imagine.

As far as castle business or anything of a “political” nature, I’ve been told very little. I have, however, heard Voltron in action more than once since I’ve been in here. I never realized how nerve-wracking it is to be in the castle when it’s under attack. The walls and floors shake like it’s sitting on an active fault. I’d much rather be where the action is than sitting down here like a duck with a “Shoot Me” sign stapled to my forehead. Have you noticed my sense of humor? It’s not humor, actually; I call it “solitary insanity.” It keeps me from talking to myself too much. Have I mentioned that I would like to get out of here soon?

I’ve asked what actions Zarkon has taken since my “return” several times, but every time I ask, I just get a dirty look. I guess they don’t want me thinking about that right now.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand why all this happened. The memories I have of being on Doom are hazy at best. For the most part, I can only remember the last few days and wondering what in the hell I was doing there. However, I can’t claim not to know what Zarkon wanted because I think I do. I think that in his lunatic mind, he finally realized that he would never defeat Voltron. Because he could never destroy him, he wanted to have him. His greedy little mind came up with the notion that he could probably accomplish quite a bit with Voltron on his side. I guess I just never could believe that I would be the weak link in getting him closer to his goal than anyone could have imagined. Take me out of the equation, and you can take Allura out of the picture as well. Then both Arus and Voltron fall without even a losing a battleship. The only thing that I’ll never be able to figure is how Zarkon knew about Allura and I, that which existed between us. He knew that she was my Achilles. Was it that obvious to the entire galaxy even before we realized it? I have to stop talking about this now. It gives me a headache. I really hope that no one ever reads these. I’m just writing to give myself something to do. I just had a thought. Maybe I should break out of here? No; that’s not a great way to win back trust.

I’m feeling the need to do some push-ups - preparation for my big battle with Hunk. Or maybe I’ll break out of here…I haven’t decided yet.

Keith signed his name and saved the file under “Classified File No. 30” (the number indicating his thirtieth day of solitary detoxification). He entered his password, “luckySOB.” Lance told him he was one every time he came to visit, and Keith agreed.

No sooner had he pushed up from his chair did he hear the faint tap-tap-tapping of the metal door. Unconsciously, he raked a hand through his overgrown hair.


The door opened as she peeked around the corner to mimic that some sort of wrong-doing was going on, and she came in, laughing at her own silliness. He couldn’t help but smile.

“Your Highness,” he bowed stiffly.

“Hello, Addict Boy. How are you today?”

“Addict Boy?”

“That’s what Lance calls you.”

Keith rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but chuckle.

They stood motionless for a moment before she shrugged and walked over to give him his second much-needed hug in two days. After more than a minute, they broke.

“How long can you stay?”

“As long as I want.”

Keith cocked a curious eyebrow. “I’m not too sure how well it would go over with Coran if he knew you were in here.”

“He knows,” she replied.


She began fishing for something in her pocket. She pulled out a small device and held it up to speak. “Coran, I’m giving him back his com link now.” With a warm smile, she handed it over to a startled Keith.

A quiet voice then emerged from the other end of the link. “Commander, I’m sure you’ll see to it that the Princess does not stay up too late this evening.”

“Yes, sir,” he managed to say.

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast, son.”

Stunned, all Keith could find to say was, “Sure.” He closed the com channel.

“Breakfast?” He asked.

She began going through her pockets again. “That’s what I came to tell you. You are being “released” tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning?”

She had to bite back an enormous smile at the look that had come over his face. “Yes, but don’t get too excited. You’re not going back to work yet, and you already know that you’ll be watched like a hawk.”

Keith nodded absently, his thoughts now coming in droves. “Allura, do you think that things will ever be back to the way they were?”

Her smile fell as she contemplated the brevity of the question. “I don’t think it should be the way it was.” She reached out and took his hand. “Not everything that happens in life is for the better, but there is always something good we can get from it. Do you know what I mean? It’s like when my father was killed. It hurt more than anything in my life, but I lived through it, and I’m a stronger person now for it.” She let go of his hand and continued fumbling through her pockets. “Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve never believed that everything happens for a reason. After the terrible things I’ve seen in my life, I refuse to believe that there could be reason in cold, bloody tragedy. But I do know one thing; you can always get something good out of something bad.” She smiled. “I’m sorry. I’m getting a little ‘out there’ as Lance would say, but I just refuse to let Zarkon get us with this one. We’ve come so far and accomplished so much, I won’t let him destroy whatever happiness I have left in life.”

She pulled out what looked to be a deck of cards. “I was told to keep the faith, and that’s what I plan on doing. Zarkon tried and failed - end of story.”

She sat down on the floor and began shuffling. Keith wanted so much to say something, but nothing worthy enough presented itself. So much wisdom in one little woman.

“Well, are you going to teach me how to play poker or not?”

Keith sat down. “Why this desire to learn to play cards all of a sudden?”

She passed the deck over for him to deal. “One of the castle guards said that if I learned how to play, I could come to one of those poker games you have every week.”

He couldn’t help but give her a strange look. “What poker game?”

“The poker games that you play with the castle guards.” She regarded the odd expression on his face. “You don’t play poker with them?”

Keith shook his head. “No. Did you happen to catch the name of that guard?”

Allura sat back and thought for a moment. “Zachary, I think was his name. Yes, it was Zachary M-something. Montgomery! That was his name, Zachary Montgomery. Actually, he’s the one who told me to ‘Keep the faith.’ Do you know him?”

Allura watched every bit of color drain out of his face.

“Keith, are you alright?”

After a long minute, he smiled and slowly began dealing out the cards. “I’m fine, Allura.”

“Well, do you know him?”

“Yes, I know him.”

“Is he a friend of yours?”

“Yes, he is. I just haven’t played poker for a while. I forgot, I guess.”

Allura shrugged off the strange behavior and examined her cards pensively. “What do I get if I win?”

He looked up to find her favoring him with a bright grin.

“Anything you want, my love. Anything at all.”

- The End -

**Final Notes: Again, thanks to Claire for usage of the name “Zachary Montgomery.” (That’s Keith’s father’s name for those of you out there in fanfic land, if you didn’t catch that.) And much thanks to my fabulous pre-reader, Megan. She pre-read most of the center section of this fic, helping me to get over a touch of writer’s block I’d been suffering from. She kept me from making quite a few huge mistakes. Thanks, Megan. Really, you are an awesome pre-reader. Other than that, I’m sorry that it took so long to finish this. Somewhere back, I hit a serious road block, and it took me a while to get past it. I’m still not sure I’m happy with this ending. It leaves so many unanswered questions. But yet, as Keith said, sometimes there are no easy answers. Bad things in life happen, and we must do the best we can in getting past it. That was really the whole point of this fic. It was never intended to be strictly K&A. I hope you enjoyed “The Dark Offer.” It certainly had it’s way with me. I can’t believe that this is the 2nd ending I’ve written for this thing already. There just comes a point when you have to write something to put it to bed, and this was it. See you soon. ~RJ
