A Boy's Fate by Link This poem doesn't rhyme, but oh well. So sue me. The Kokiri Forest held a race of children Each had their own fairy Except one: his name was Link The guardian of the Kokiri, the Deku Tree Sent thy fairy Navi to the child She was to guard Link at all times Link found the Kokiri Sword and a shield Mido let him pass The Deku Tree told Link to step into him and break the desert man's curse Link stepped into the Deku Tree Emerging victorious, he received the Kokiri's Emerald "Thou must seek out the Princess of Destiny: Zelda "Thou art courageous, Link" The Deku Tree withered And Mido blamed Link for his death In the Lost Woods, Link gained the Fairy Ocarina of Saria Link found Zelda and took on her quest Again he met Saria And found Saria's Song He went to the Gorons and received the Goron's Ruby From Lon Lon Ranch he received Epona's Song and Lon Lon Milk Then he obtained the Zora's Sapphire In the moat Zelda threw a treasure: the Ocarina of Time She taught Link the Song of Time telepathically Link opened the Door of Time and pulled the Master Sword out of the Pedestal of Time A blinding light surrounded Link To be continued...