The branches touch her
Like the loving fingers of a mother
Caressing her newborn child
The wind whispering
In her ear
Thoughts of love
Struggling through her head
Trying to make an impact
On her mind
Her body
Her soul

The source of inspiration
For the wind
Comes from an onlooker
No more than a foot away
He professes his love obsessively
But his words are lost
On the tongue of the wind

"The Wind" --Ian Drake

Tower chambers:
(subject to change at my whim, so vist often)

The Archive Profiles of friends and family members whom know the elusive Valheru who created this Tower. Updated: 9/18/99

Wolves den A few wolf pictures gathered from variuos places.

Adopted Friends This is where the young adopted animal friends are kept and cared for.

Galleries An art gallery, a collection of various amature fantasy and sci-fi artists.

Library Various writings collected here, stories, poems, and riddles, from Zephır's endless journeys through the realms.

Portals Gateways to various places of Fantasy, Adventure, and other realms of intrest.

Travel the realm of Caelemar . (A message board available for role playing or comments.)

Guestbook by GuestWorld

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