"Sincerity is the key. If you can fake that, you've got it made." -George Burns Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people. -Giordano Bruno "God does not play at dice with the universe." Einstein Bohr's response: "Quit telling God what to do!" "Those who speak do not know; those who know do not speak." Lao-Tse "Too quick to understand is too quick to misunderstand." "the masses consists mostly of fellows whom it hurts to think." Houseman "information = the negative of the probability that you can predict the "signal" in advance." (If you can predict it, it ain't information.) Shannon's "Mathematical Theory of Communication." "Puritanism: the haunting fear that somebody, somewhere, might be having a good time." --H.L. Mencken "Since I know nothing for sure, nothing seems really unthinkable." Robert Anthon Wilson The Playboy models look like they very much want to make love with you. The Penthouse models look like that they'd rather make love to themselves. The gals in Hustler look like they're submitting to a gyncecological examination. Robert Anthon Wilson From a Darwinian perspective, Radical Feminism represents the withdrawal of certain females from the breeding population. This means they will play no role in the future gene pool of humanity. Considering the types who have taken this path e.g. Steinem, Dworkin etc. this appears to be a quite desirable eugenic choice. Robert Anthon Wilson I don't believe anything I write or say. I regard belief as a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity, the atrophy of imagination. I have opinions but no Belief System(B.S.)Robert Anthon Wilson "if you carry around a pad and make a note every time you see or hear something outstandingly stupid, you will have about 40 notes at the end of an ordinary day." George Carlin "Three major types of public nuisances are the stupid, the crazy and those just plain full of shit." Worse, it is often hard to tell the stupid, the fucking crazy and the full of shit apart, especially since they collectively make up the majority in any nation. George Carlin "You know how dumb the average guy is? Well, mathematically, by definition, half of them are even dumber than that." J.R. "Bob" Dobbs "He is wisest who knows he does not know" - Socrates "Vote for insanity, you know it makes sense."- Screamin' Lord Sutch Resistance is futile. Have a nice day. Anon "To live effectively is to live with adequate information. Norbert Weiner Mundus vult decipi (the world wants to be deceived) it may look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy. There must be measurement in your excess and excess in your measurement! "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." "He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice." -Albert Einstein X-Nosey-Bastard: if you can read this, you're too close :o) "how to walk the 'net without kicking yourself later?" damn much required reading... ----Lots of people talkin'. None listenin'... "getting an education is a bit like a communicable sexual disease. it make you unsuitable for lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." "don't believe to things with Style, try to see beyond it. Cat's have Style, eh? and what mice think about that?" Knowledge is there to be spread. Not to be sold retail. Nor immitated. In "Animals" by Pink Floyd, 1977, Roger Waters divides the society into 3 groups: pigs, sheep and dogs Democracy: 1. The process where two wolves and one lamb vote on what's for dinner. 2. The process where the citizens vote to raid the public treasury on the backs of others. "Admit Nothing, Blame Everyone, Be Bitter." Organization: Sorry, I'm not very organised Give yourself a label and stick with it Stop fighting stereotypes and start advertising yours. When you're certain you know exactly what box everyone else fits into, you're less likely to ever get out of your own. "I've learned not to put things in my mouth that are bad for me." -- Jenny Craig spokeswoman Monica Lewinsky on CNN's "Larry King Live" discussing her impressive weight loss. there is nothing more dangerous than ignorance Hmmmmm: I know why I am here but I sure as hell don't know why you are. Have a nice day unless you have other plans. You know, I'm an educated chap from a high-technology culture, yet I haven't got the faintest idea, when it comes down to it, of how anything actually works. --Douglas Adams All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think, even if you start from a position of thinking it's pretty damn complicated in the first place. Douglas Adams in your universe you move freely in three dimensions that you call space. You move in a straight line in a fourth, which you call time, and stay rooted to one place in a fifth, which is the first fundamental of probability. After that it gets a hit complicated, and there's all sorts of stuff going on in dimensions 13 to 22 that you really wouldn't want to know about. Douglas Adams A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools --Douglas Adams There is an awful lot of stuff you don't know anything about, but you are not alone in this. --Douglas Adams never mind the deeper existential problems of trying to function as a coherent consciousness in an epistemologically ambiguous physical universe. Douglas Adams The chances of a neutrino actually hitting something as it travels are roughly comparable to that of dropping a ball bearing at random from a cruising 747 and hitting, say, an egg sandwich. Douglas Adams A neutrino is not a big thing to be hit by. --Douglas Adams homines, dum docent, discunt. "The notion that how things work is a big secret is simply wrong." conference on The WELL There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T. -- Consolidated We neither advocate, condone nor participate in any sort of illicit behavior. But we will sit back and watch. --Phrack mag Ignorance is just another form of complacency. Jesus isn't coming, Big brother is! And lil Sis. ANON "Censorship is ultimately the greater evil than that which it seeks to conceal" ANON "The whole aim of practical Politics is too keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken Newspaper Columnist knowledge does exist, ignorance does not; heat and light does exist, but darkness and cold does not this is a "know-it-all" free zone "Tell me something i don't know, sell me something i can't use, push the button, connect the goddamned dots, give it a rest, you're lying through your teeth!" Ministry Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts" proverb Kaa's Law: In any sufficiently large group of people most are idiots. Ignorance is bliss and stupidity is contagious. proverb "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." Occam's Razor "You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from stupidity." "Logic of Empire" Robert A. Heinlein "An educated fool is more foolish than an ignorant one." Moliere (1622-73) Advertising: Space is available in this header. For current rates contact me at my e-mail address. "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe." Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking glass "Begin at the beggining," the King said, "and go till you come to the end: then stop" Lewis Carroll "If everybody minded their own business," the Duchess said, "the world would go around a deal faster than it does" Lewis Carroll It's a very unconvenient habit of kittens, that whatever you say to them they always purr. Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking glass "Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?" Lewis Carroll "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking glass "To answer the door?" he said "What's it been asking of?" Alice through the looking glass "Nurse! Do let's pretend that I'm a hungry hyaena, and you're a bone!" Alice in Wonderland "Make a remark," said the Red Queen, "it's ridiculous to leave all the conversation to the pudding!" Alice through the looking glass The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Proverbs 22:7 People, my god; people. Nature gave them tongues, technology gave them loudspeakers, and they all believe that because they can use both, whatever they say is important. Pat Cadigan cyberpunk writer X-Virus: Ich bin ein signature Virus. Mach' mit und kopiere mich in Deine signature. "Big Brother is watching you. Learn to become Invisible." -Grand Morrison
If Big Brother is always watching that would mean Big Brother is a voyeur!!!
Damn.....I ALWAYS knew he was a perv....
"I am Diogenes the Dog. I nuzzle the kind, bark at the greedy and bite scoundrels." Diogenes of Sinope (c. 408-323 B.C.) "When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in confederacy against him." --Jonathan Swift "That fellow seems to me to possess but one idea, and that is a wrong one." Samuel Johnson (1709-84) "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." Mark Twain "There are well-dressed foolish ideas, just as there are well-dressed fools. "Nicolas Chamfort (c. 1740-94) "Wenn du kommst, kommst du mit light, du kommst strahlend" EunstuerzEnde Neubauten Zwei Dinge sind unendlich: Die Dummheit und dass All...EustuerzEnde Neubaten "They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction." Janet Reno, US Attorney General, 02-27-98 "The most dangerous bullsh*t is colorless and odorless." Willam Gibson, the father of cyberpunk movement Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.- A.J. Liebling "Learn from the mistakes of others before you learn from your own." - Emperor Ramses Either a man does something, or he just talks about doing it. Do you think the Web is any more of a circus than real life? Tim Breners-Lee Entropy requires no maintanance. That which is forbidden is NOT allowed. War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength "What people don't understand, they fear" Emmanuel Goldstein, 2600 "I have NO wish to live in anyone's perfect world but my own." Marcus De Sade "Authority and submition. That's civilization for you. Man is a mad animal." Marcus De Sade 'The Capitalists will sell us the rope we will use to hang them' Karl Marx "There's no way to rule innocent men. Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." William Shakespeare "It takes 2 to speak the truth, one to speak it, and another to hear it." Thoreau "Government is not reason, nor eloquence, it is force. And like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men," Rand "All is flux and nothing stands still" The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws." -- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged" The peace of the world, we are told, revolves shakily on a "balance of terror" between the armed might of the Soviet Union and the United States. "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible." --George Orwell. Repression and atrocities "can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness." --George Orwell. "A policeman's job is only easy in a police state." --Orson Welles "There'll be no shelter here. The front lines are everywhere!" - Rage Against the Machine "Who can control his fate?" William Shakspear, Othello "A person with a watch knows what time it is; a person with two watches is never sure" Proverb "Your public servants serve you right." Adlai Stevenson "I have made this letter longer than usual, because i lack the time to make it short." Blaise Pascal "If they are running and they dont look where they are going, I have to come out from somewhere and catch them." J. D. Salinger "I dissaprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it" Voltair "Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades" ---Thomas B Aldrich 1903 "Amid all this confusion we lose sight of the real enemy, into submition, into the ground, into delusion we all segragate" --Front Line Assembly "I can only assume a "Do Not File" document is filed in a "Do Not File" file." U.S. Senator Frank Church, 1975 "A government is NOT legimate just because it exists." ---Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, june 17 1985 "I read part of it all the way through." Samuel Goldwyn "The wheel is come a full circle." William Shakspeare, King Lear "This method is to define as the number of a class the class of all classes to the given class." Bertrand Russell "We don't really have any choice. We voluntarily have to comply." Ted Turner describing the nature of the V-chip affair: "I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him." Booker T. Washington "Capitalism would only achieve harmony with the environment when it became profitable to do so." R. Buckminster Fuller "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." --Voltaire "This is not a dress rehearsal for the Apocalypse...this is the real thing folks." Terence McKenna "Every single day, every move you make, every step you take, every game you play, everything you say, I'll be watching you. Can't you see that you belong to me?" The Police "Help the police! Turn yourself in!" ANON "In crisis, the most daring way is often the safest." Henry Kissinger "The question is NOT whether you are paranoid, but whether you are paranoid ENOUGH." ---from the movie "Strange Days" "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get you..." -- Unknown "The road to tyranny we must never forget is the destruction of truth." --Bill Clinton, speech, October 1995 "The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it." -- John Perry Barlow "Why should you care if you have nothing to hide?"-- J. Edgar Hoover "I love my country but fear my government" -- Anonymous "Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." -- George Bernard Shaw "The best defense against logic is ignorance." -- anon "Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?" "Who will watch the watchmen?" -- Juvenal, circa 128 AD "Furem fur cognoscit et lupum lupus. " "A thief recognises a thief and a wolf a wolf." -- Anon "Some lies are so well designed to resemble truth that we should be poor judges of truth NOT to believe them." -- Unknown "As far as we are concerned, there is no difference between an encrypted file and a locked suitcase" -- UK Customs and Excise official, August 98. 'Apart from the fact you can force a locked suitcase open :-)' what happens when you establish a monetary system that does not depend on government and that does not lend itself easily to government tracking and supervision? there is no shortage of faschists willing to tell me where _MY_ responsibility lies rather than shoulder their own burdom of freedom and let me live as I wish. You know Hans Christian Andersen wanted to pull his fairy tales but the public kept telling him that his invisible clothing looked wonderful;) "Just as two points draw a line, the past and present draw the future." Emperor Ramses Pubic-Announcement: We now return you to the Microsoft program you were previously having problems with. A lot of things wrong with society today are directly attributable to the fact that the people who make the laws are sexually maladjusted. Frank Zappa In following the Dao, each day something is let go of. Let go and again let it go. Until there is nothing left to do. Not-doing, nothing is left undone. You can possess the world by never manipulating it. No matter how much you manipulate You can never possess the world. Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know. In short, the task of making sense of the universe -- a task that, on some level or other, is one that each of us must face -- is very much like a decoding problem. We have to figure out what is true or meaningful based on the inherently limited and untrustworthy evidence that the real world provides. "The task of making sense of the universe is the only worthly job we will ever have" ' "I respectfully decline to answer, on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me." Persiflage - 'Just now', invoking the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..." The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution "The freedom of speech and of the press guaranteed by the Constitution embraces at the least the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully all matters of public concern without previous restraint or fear of subsequent punishment." -- Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957) "...domestic intelligence activities [that] threaten to undermine our democratic society and fundamentally alter its nature." -- Senate Church Committee report, 1976 "the debate over national cryptography policy can be carried out in a reasonable manner on an unclassified basis." -- A Congress requested National Research Council report "Cryptography's role in securing the information society", 1996 "on balance, the advantages of more widespread use of cryptography outweigh the disadvantages." -- ibid "The FBI, on the other hand, stretched the truth and distorted the fact. It seems fair to conclude that the government has not made its case regarding encryption." -- Diffie in "Privacy on the line", 1998 - explaining how intelligence agencies (mis)use wiretap statistics. "In total, therefore, the U.S. economy will lose between $35.16 and $95.92 billion over the next five years, as a consequence of current administration policy [on crypto]." -- Economic Strategy Institute report "Finding the Key", 1998 "The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom." -- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas 1952, Public Utilities Commission v Pollak "The right to be left alone - the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by civilized men." -- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis "There is no assurance, without scrutiny, that all keying material introduced during the chip programming is not already available to the NSA...... As long as the programming devices are controlled by the NSA, there is no way to prevent the NSA from routinely monitoring all SKIPJACK encrypted traffic. Moreover, compromise of the NSA keys, such as in the Walker case, could compromise the entire EES system." -- NASA comments on EES, 1993. ok - branches of the government don't trust the NSA, but we should? "In some countries, strong encryption has been banned or the keys have to be escrowed for government officials. With invisibility readily available to anyone with moderate programming skills, it is obvious that any such measures are ineffective. Restrictions on encryption cannot stop criminals from using, but may hurt law-abiding businesses and individuals who could greatly benefit from mass application of cryptographic techniques." -- Counterintelligence News and Developments, National Counterintelligence Center, Volume 2 - June 1998 "All data is illegal - all you need is the appropriate one time pad." -- AMAN, 25 September 1998 "The disk scrambler is of course like any other entity which can be put to good, or bad use (I could perhaps strangle someone with a stethoscope for example....)" -- AMAN, 6 July 1998 "The law does not allow me to testify on any aspect of the National Security Agency, even to the Senate Intelligence Committee." -- General Allen, Director of the NSA, 1975 "You bastards!" -- guy@panix.com in response to the above General Allen quote :-) "There can be no greater good than the quest for peace, and no finer purpose than the preservation of freedom." -- U.S. President Ronald Reagan "I know something about trust. I got my trust the old-fashioned way. I earned it." --Bill Clinton, in Federal News Service, 28 October 1992. Hehehehe. "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure." -- Albert Einstein "If all the personal computers in the world - ~260 million computers - were put to work on a single PGP-encrypted message, it would still take an estimated 12 million times the age of the universe, on average, to break a single message." -- William Crowell, Deputy Director of the National Security Agency, March 1997 "Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind." -- U.S. General William Westmoreland "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." -- Thomas Jefferson "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive." -- Thomas Jefferson "My comment was that the FBI is either incompetent or lying, or both....." -- Bruce Schneier on FBI claims that they don't have specialised machines that can break DES "But I'd also ask American business not to make a campaign out of just trying to bust through export controls as though somehow there was a God-given, inherent right to send the strongest encryption to anybody in the world, no matter who they are. I don't agree with that. I will never agree with that." -- Deputy Secretary of Defense John J. Hamre, 21 July, 1998. 'But who said there is a god given right that the DoD can read my messages?' "You can torture me all you want, I don't know anything." "torture you... that's a good idea." -- Resevoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino) "The NSA response was, 'Well, that was interesting, but there aren't any ciphers like that.'" -- Gus Simmons - "The History of Subliminal Channels" "A secret between two is a secret of God; a secret among three is everybody's secret." -- French proverb (about clipper / key-escrow systems? :-) ) "Can you say 'cryptographic filesystem'? Can you say 'custom filesystem'?" -- James MacDonald posting to sci.crypt, August 14, 1998. Sarcastic comment - made unwittingly to the author of ScramDisk :-) "The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers." -- Bill Gates from The Road Ahead, p265 'Run that one by me again, pleeeeeeeezzee!' "Cryptography is like literacy in the Dark Ages. Infinitely potent, for good and ill... yet basically an intellectual construct, an idea, which by its nature will resist efforts to restrict it to bureaucrats and others who deem only themselves worthy of such Privilege." -- A Thinking Man's Creed for Crypto "There is a secret message embedded in the phosphor of this period." -- David Honig [honig@sprynet.com] .sig "It's the dungheap of History. If you look really, really closely at the tippy top, you can see Louis Freeh holding a Clipper chip." -- Xcott Craver posting to sci.crypt 20 August 1998. Describing the 'pyramid thing' on the cover of AC2 :-) "You shouldn't overestimate the I.Q. of crooks." -- NYT: Stuart A. Baker, General Counsel for the NSA, explained why crooks and terrorists who are smart enough to use data encryption would be stupid enough to choose the U.S. Government's compromised data encryption standard. "An essential element of freedom is the right to privacy, a right that cannot be expected to stand against an unremitting technological attack." -- Whitfield Diffie, Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems "It must always be remembered that crime statistics are highly inflammatory---an explosive fuel that powers the nation's debate over a large number of important social issues---and that FBI Director Louis Freeh today is the leading official shoveling the fuel into the blazing firebox." -- David Burnham "...Finally, face it; PGP, albeit useful for some niche applications, is a little pissant pimple on the body of cryptographic usage." -- David Sternlight posting to comp.security.pgp.discuss, June 25, 1997. 'Click here for more :-)' "The irony of the Information Age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion." --John Lawton, as previously quoted in D.Sternlights .sig 'But was it written about him? :-) ' "Where the hell is your great contribution to the field that I worked in?????" -- Robert Gifford posting to comp.security.pgp.discuss, Aug 25, 1999 to David Sternlight :-). "I have not got any father than just a few variables past one round. I tried to search for real info on the 3.5 rounds that some one reverseved engineered but could not find it." The literate David A. Scott posting to sci.crypt , June 26, 1998. RE his analysis of IDEA :-) I have developed an encryption software package that I can best describe as a ONE-TIME-PAD GENERATOR." -- Anthony Stephen Szopa posting to sci.crypt, August 8, 1997 "Is it time for another one of these already? Oh, bother." -- Bruce Schneier posting to sci.crypt, August 8, 1997 - in response to the Szopa quote :-) "Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin." -- John Von Neumann, 1951 "Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random." -- Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2 - Seminumerical Algorthms "Key escrow to rule them all; key escrow to find them. Key escrow to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of surveillance where Big Brother lies." -- Peter Gutmann "When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl." -- Kevin McCurleys Thought for the day, June 24, 1997 "Mary had a little key (It's all she could export), and all the email that she sent was opened at the Fort." -- Ron Rivest "Mary had a crypto key, she kept it in escrow, and everything that Mary said, the Feds were sure to know." -- Sam Simpson, July 9, 1998 "There is a group at Fort Meade who fear that which they can't read so they fight with their friends (God knows to what ends!) In attempts to get more than they need." -- Jim Bidzos, CEO of RSA Data Security "Feistel and Coppersmith rule. Sixteen rounds and one hell of an avalanche." -- Stephan Eisvogel in de.comp.security, Jan 1998 "The NSA regularly lies to people who ask it for advice on export control. They have no reason not to; accomplishing their goal by any legal means is fine by them. Lying by government employees is legal." -- John Gilmore (gnu@toad.com) "In God we trust. Everybody else we verify using PGP!" -- Tim Newsome "BTW, I learned a lovely new acronym today: "Law Enforcement Agency Key" - LEAK." -- Charles H. Lindsey (chl@clw.cs.man.ac.uk) "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt, British Prime Minister, November 18, 1783 "This method, seemingly very clever, actually played into our hands! And so it often happens that an apparently ingenious idea is in fact a weakness which the scientific cryptographer seizes on for his solution." -- Herbert Yardley, The American Black Chamber, p282, referring to a Japanese method of transposing the sections of a code message to hide the beginning and end. "I applied ROT13 to this, but that didn't make it any more intelligible!" -- Roger Schlafly posting to sci.crypt, 21st June 98 in response to a message posted in German :-)