The Eve within you will awaken!
Welcome to my Parasite Eve page. Here, I will critique this RPG from a scientific view point for the "Reel" Life Project. It's time to find out if your mitochondria really are evolving...
Parasite Eve is the Cinematic RPG released by Squaresoft. It has a unique battling system, which is really fun to use once you get the hang of it. It has a very interesting plot, that can sometimes become confusing, but the FMVs are definatly worth it. There isn't much plot development, and only a little character development, but one can nonetheless become obsessed with the game. Originally, it was a science fiction novel written by Hideaki Sena. It then became a video game in Japan and was eventually brought over to the States. Apparently, Madonna has recently bought the rights to Parasite Eve.
Game Overview- the storyline, from beginning to almost end. spoilers galore.
Character Profiles- who's who. some spoilers.
Scene Description- the scene I choose to base my critique on. some spoilers.
Science Behind the Scenes- the research paper. no spoilers.
Science Critique- my critique as to whether science is accuratly depicted. no spoilers.
Bibliography/Links- the sources for my research.
Parasite Eve 2- a sequal is coming out! this has nothing to do with my project, but I thought you all would like to read about it anyways.