
If you believe the Dallas Cowboys are "America's Team," this is definitely not the site for you. This is for people who think the Dallas Cowboys are a bunch of over-rated convicts, Jerry Jones is the antichrist, and the average Cowboy fan has an IQ smaller than their shoe size. The humor and membership submissions are up so check them out.

While you're here, check out our Humor archive. If you've heard a great anti-Dallas joke lately, take a moment to submit it. I strongly encourage everyone to join the ADFC while you're here. Basic membership is free and you'll get a cool membership certificate you can print out (It's taking me a while to get them out, so be patient.) Leave your comments in the ADFC chat room so you can let the whole world know your feelings about the Cowboys. Finally, check out the Links section for information on other great anti-Dallas sites. I've taken the time to review and rate each site, and I think it's the best collection of links on the web. Let me know of any sites I've failed to include.

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