I wanna first say thank you to all who

have helped me make the list a

success. What a great job you all are doing!

In this lesson, we will learn how to make SCROLLING and MUSICAL stationery. Please make sure that the image you are using, the template, and the music you have chosen all go into your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery folder!! Please join along as we take what we have learned from lesson one and plug it into lesson two.

Your template will be located in our FILES section as with lesson 1.. Please go there to download this template for your new tutorial!!!

Take your template and open it from your stationery folder and view your script. If you still are confused on this, please let me know.

This is your script:


body {
background-color: #F2D8B7; /*
This sets the Background Colour for your stationery */
background-repeat: repeat-y; /*
Left Border - Image repeats down the left side of the screen */
margin-left: 250; /* Left Margin -
Sets the margin in from the left side of the screen */
font-family: "Script MT Bold"; /*
Default Font - Sets the default font for the stationery */
font-size: 18pt; /* Default Font -
Sets the size of the font */
color: #004080; /* Default Font -
Sets the colour of the font */
text here


<body BACKGROUND="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\babyframe.jpg"> <!--
this is where you will plug your graphic-->
<BGSOUND src="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\hands.mid" volume=-200 loop="-1"> <!--
this is where you will plug your music-->

Do not change anything below this line on the

script please


<!--This is the Majik's scroll script-->
<DIV id=imageholder
style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; Z-INDEX: -1">
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>

for temp=0 to max
document.write "<img id=pics"&temp&" src><br>"

DIM newarray
for temp=0 to max

document.body.background=" "
window.status="Click the image to Stop or Restart the scroll"

sub scroll()
if nail=1 then
exit sub
end if
if placement < pics0.height then
setTimeout "move", 1
setTimeout "move", 1
end if
end sub

sub move()
setTimeout "scroll", 1
end sub

sub imageholder_onclick()
if nail=0 then
elseif nail=1 then
end if
end sub




After you have plugged in your image and music and whatever else, go to your script and go to FILE> SAVE...not SAVE AS, and x out the script.Then go back to your template go to refresh and VOILA...your stationery. To use your stationery, click the small arrow next to your NEW MAIL button in OE 5 and SELECT STATIONERY, find the one you just made and it should be moving and musical AFTER being sent. If you should have any problems, please let me know. EMAIL the list.

Thanks again to Majik's site for all his wonderful scripts.


lesson3 lesson4 lesson8
lesson5 lesson6 lesson7 lesson9
