




Student Task Descriptions

Teacher’s Notes



Extra Links


  In conclusion, I found this way of Learning Geography was FUN, informative, detailed, interesting, and most importantly, that all the data obtained was current! Thanks for participating in this initial WebQuest at Charlotte Middle School in Charlotte, Tenessee (Dickson County). Best Regards............Cheri A. Ramseur! 





I have come to the conclusion, using a WebQuest is the most efficient

way for students to conduct research.  With this method, students can

concentrate their efforts on simply collecting the data, and then organizing

it to make sense.  Time spent conducting the research is virtually cut in

half, allowing students to use additional technology to enhance their

research.  In our case, students used PowerPoint slides and Streaming

Video clips to assist them in presenting their findings to the class.   

Students actually spent more time fine tuning their presentation method

rather than on the actual research process.  Each day students would make

comments such as, “This is so much fun”. 


As you can see, conducting research can be “fun”!
         Thank you.



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