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Pictorial walk-through
The Cathedral of St. Luke is divided into three parts, the Narthex, the Nave and the Sanctuary or Holy of Holies.  In the Narthex, Christians meet the officers of the community's Governing Council, light their candles and kiss the icons of Christ, the Mother of God, St. Luke and St.  Andrew.


In the Nave we have the pews, the pulpit to the left and the Bishop's throne and the Cantor's seats and stands to the right.  The Nave is separated from the Sanctuary by means of an Iconostasi.


These three parts and the liturgical ceremonies that are conducted between them help the worshippers to enter the spiritual realities of the eternal Gospel of Christianity.  So do the icons, some of which (those on the icon screen) date from the foundation of the community and were painted by its first Priest in Charge, Rev. Christodoulos Aronis.

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